Example #1
        public ActionResult BetList(int seasonId, int? bettingType, int? moneyType)
            SeasonBets model = new SeasonBets();
            model.MBLVersionOneBets((AppStatic.Seasons)seasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);

            return View("~/Views/Sports/MLB/BetList.cshtml", model);
Example #2
        public ActionResult BetGameList(int seasonId, int? bettingType, int? moneyType)
            SeasonBets model = new SeasonBets();
            ListAccess la = new ListAccess();
            model.Bets = la.NBABets(seasonId);
            //if (bettingType != null)
            //    switch (bettingType)
            //    {
            //        case 1:
            //            model.Bets.SpreadBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //        case 2:
            //            model.Bets.MoneyLineBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //    }


            return View("~/Views/Sports/NBA/BetGameList.cshtml", model);
Example #3
        public ActionResult GameDetail(int gameId)
            GameDetails model = new GameDetails();
            model.game = new Game(gameId);

            //ListAccess la = new ListAccess();
            SeasonBets sBets = new SeasonBets();
            sBets.VersionThree((AppStatic.Seasons)model.game.SeasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);

            model.gameLinks = sBets.Bets.SelectMany(b => b.BetGames).Select(g => g.GameId).ToArray();

            return View("~/Views/Sports/NBA/GameDetail.cshtml", model);
Example #4
        public ActionResult Excel(int seasonId, int? bettingType, int? moneyType)
            ExcelModel model = new ExcelModel();
            model.BetList = new List<ExcelExport>();
            SeasonBets tempModel = new SeasonBets();
            //ListAccess la = new ListAccess();
            //model.Bets = la.NBABets(seasonId);

            tempModel.VersionThree((AppStatic.Seasons)seasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);
            //List<ExcelExport> eeList = new List<ExcelExport>();
            bool hasWon = false;

            //keeps track of amount of best after loss
            int indexLoss = 0;
            foreach (Bet bet in tempModel.Bets)
                hasWon = false;
                foreach (Game game in bet.BetGames)
                    if (hasWon)
                    { break; };

                    ExcelExport ee = new ExcelExport();
                    ee.BetId = bet.BetId;
                    ee.BetDate = game.GameDate;
                    ee.AwayTeam = game.AwayTeamName;
                    ee.HomeTeam = game.HomeTeamName;

                    switch (bet.BetGames.IndexOf(game))
                        case 0:
                            ee.Current = "A";
                        case 1:
                            ee.Current = "B";
                        case 2:
                            ee.Current = "C";
                        case 3:
                            ee.Current = "D";
                        case 4:
                            ee.Current = "Loss";
                            ee.Current = "OVER";

                    ee.RunningTotal = ee.RunningTotal - ee.BetAmount;

                    if (bet.WinA)
                        ee.Winning = "A";
                    if (bet.WinB)
                        ee.Winning = "B";
                    if (bet.WinC)
                        ee.Winning = "C";
                    if (bet.WinD)
                        ee.Winning = "D";
                    if (!bet.WinA && !bet.WinB && !bet.WinC && !bet.WinD)
                        ee.Winning = "Loss";


                    if (ee.Winning == ee.Current)
                        hasWon = true;

            model.BankRoll(16, 2000, 275, 578, 1214, 2275);

            model.ACount = model.BetList.Where(b => b.Winning == "A" && b.Current == "A").Count();
            model.BCount = model.BetList.Where(b => b.Winning == "B" && b.Current == "B").Count();
            model.CCount = model.BetList.Where(b => b.Winning == "C" && b.Current == "C").Count();
            model.DCount = model.BetList.Where(b => b.Winning == "D" && b.Current == "D").Count();
            model.Loss = model.BetList.Where(b => b.Winning == "Loss" && b.Current == "Loss").Count();
            model.TotalWins = model.ACount + model.BCount + model.CCount + model.DCount;
            model.TotalBets = model.BetList.Count();

            // model.VersionThree((AppStatic.Seasons)seasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);
            //model.Bets = model.Bets.SelectMany(b => b.BetGames).OrderBy(g => g.GameDate).ToList();
            //if (bettingType != null)
            //    switch (bettingType)
            //    {
            //        case 1:
            //            model.Bets.SpreadBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //        case 2:
            //            model.Bets.MoneyLineBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //    }


            return View("~/Views/Sports/NBA/Excel.cshtml", model);
Example #5
        public ActionResult ByDate(int seasonId, int? bettingType, int? moneyType)
            List<ByDate> model = new List<ByDate>();

            SeasonBets tempModel = new SeasonBets();
            List<DateTime> betDates = new List<DateTime>();

            tempModel.VersionThree((AppStatic.Seasons)seasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);
            betDates = tempModel.Bets.SelectMany(b => b.BetGames).GroupBy(g => g.GameDate).OrderBy(g => g.Key).Select(g => g.Key).ToList();

            foreach (DateTime gameDate in betDates)
                ByDate day = new ByDate();
                day.Date = gameDate;
                day.ACount = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.WinA && b.BetADate <= gameDate).Count();
                day.BCount = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.WinB && b.BetBDate <= gameDate).Count();
                day.CCount = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.WinC && b.BetCDate <= gameDate).Count();
                day.DCount = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.WinD && b.BetDDate <= gameDate).Count();
                day.Loss = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.Loss && b.LossDate <= gameDate).Count();
                //day.TotalBets = tempModel.Bets.Where(b => b.Loss && b.BetDDate <= gameDate).Count();

            return View("~/Views/Sports/NBA/ByDate.cshtml", model);
Example #6
        public ActionResult BetList(int seasonId, int? bettingType, int? moneyType)
            SeasonBets model = new SeasonBets();
            //ListAccess la = new ListAccess();
            //model.Bets = la.NBABets(seasonId);

            model.VersionThree((AppStatic.Seasons)seasonId, AppStatic.BettingSetup.MoneyLine);
            //model.Bets = model.Bets.SelectMany(b => b.BetGames).OrderBy(g => g.GameDate).ToList();
            //if (bettingType != null)
            //    switch (bettingType)
            //    {
            //        case 1:
            //            model.Bets.SpreadBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //        case 2:
            //            model.Bets.MoneyLineBetsAll();
            //            break;
            //    }


            return View("~/Views/Sports/NBA/BetList.cshtml", model);