public void StartEffect(string text, float duration) { _renderState = RenderState.Rendering; _sequense = null; _sequense = DOTween.Sequence(); _animation = _textUI.DOText(text, duration); _sequense.Append(_animation); _sequense.AppendCallback(new TweenCallback(FinishDisplay)); }
static int PrependCallback(IntPtr L) { try { int count = LuaDLL.lua_gettop(L); if (count == 2 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence), typeof(LuaInterface.LuaFunction))) { DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); LuaFunction arg1 = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.PrependCallback(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } else if (count == 3 && TypeChecker.CheckTypes(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence), typeof(LuaInterface.LuaFunction), typeof(object))) { DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); LuaFunction arg1 = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 2); object arg2 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.PrependCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } else { return(LuaDLL.luaL_throw(L, "invalid arguments to method: TweenUtils.PrependCallback")); } } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int InsertCallback(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg1 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.TweenCallback arg2 = null; LuaTypes funcType3 = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 3); if (funcType3 != LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION) { arg2 = (DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 3, typeof(DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)); } else { LuaFunction func = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaFunction(L, 3); arg2 = () => { func.Call(); }; } DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DG.Tweening.TweenSettingsExtensions.InsertCallback(arg0, arg1, arg2); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
internal static Sequence DoInsert(Sequence inSequence, Tween t, float atPosition) { TweenManager.AddActiveTweenToSequence(t); // If t has a delay add it as an interval atPosition += t.delay; inSequence.lastTweenInsertTime = atPosition; t.isSequenced = t.creationLocked = true; t.sequenceParent = inSequence; if (t.loops == -1) t.loops = 1; float tFullTime = t.duration * t.loops; t.autoKill = false; t.delay = t.elapsedDelay = 0; t.delayComplete = true; t.isSpeedBased = false; t.sequencedPosition = atPosition; t.sequencedEndPosition = atPosition + tFullTime; if (t.sequencedEndPosition > inSequence.duration) inSequence.duration = t.sequencedEndPosition; inSequence._sequencedObjs.Add(t); inSequence.sequencedTweens.Add(t); return inSequence; }
static int InsertCallback(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence obj = (ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence)); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.TweenCallback arg1 = null; LuaTypes funcType3 = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 3); if (funcType3 != LuaTypes.LUA_TFUNCTION) { arg1 = (DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 3, typeof(DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)); } else { LuaFunction func = ToLua.ToLuaFunction(L, 3); arg1 = DelegateFactory.CreateDelegate(typeof(DG.Tweening.TweenCallback), func) as DG.Tweening.TweenCallback; } DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.InsertCallback(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int Join(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); DG.Tweening.Tween arg1 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 2, typeof(DG.Tweening.Tween)); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DG.Tweening.TweenSettingsExtensions.Join(arg0, arg1); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
static int AppendInterval(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg1 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DG.Tweening.TweenSettingsExtensions.AppendInterval(arg0, arg1); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
static int AppendSeqCallback(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); LuaFunction arg1 = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaFunction(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DOTweenLuaUtils.AppendSeqCallback(arg0, arg1); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
static int Insert(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg1 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween arg2 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)LuaScriptMgr.GetNetObject(L, 3, typeof(DG.Tweening.Tween)); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DG.Tweening.TweenSettingsExtensions.Insert(arg0, arg1, arg2); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
private void RotateAngle(GameObject moveObject) { angleSequence = AppUtil.DOSequence( new DG.Tweening.Tween[] { AppUtil.Rotate(moveObject.transform, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 70f), 2f, "OutQuart"), AppUtil.Rotate(moveObject.transform, new Vector3(0f, 0f, -70f), 2f, "OutQuart") }, 0f, 0f, -1 ); }
internal static Sequence DoPrependInterval(Sequence inSequence, float interval) { inSequence.duration += interval; int len = inSequence._sequencedObjs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ABSSequentiable sequentiable = inSequence._sequencedObjs[i]; sequentiable.sequencedPosition += interval; sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition += interval; } return inSequence; }
protected override void OnStartMinigame() { actualSecondsPerPass = SecondsPerPass / StartInfo.SpeedFactor; var ease = Ease.InOutSine; Player.localPosition = Left.localPosition; sequence = DOTween.Sequence() .Append(Player.DOLocalMoveX(Right.localPosition.x, SecondsPerPass).SetEase(ease).OnStepComplete(FlipPlayerRight)) .Append(Player.DOLocalMoveX(Left.localPosition.x, SecondsPerPass).SetEase(ease).OnStepComplete(FlipPlayerLeft)) .SetLoops(-1); }
static int CreateSequence(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 0); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.CreateSequence(); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
internal static Sequence DoPrepend(Sequence inSequence, Tween t) { if (t.loops == -1) t.loops = 1; float tFullTime = t.delay + (t.duration * t.loops); inSequence.duration += tFullTime; int len = inSequence._sequencedObjs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { ABSSequentiable sequentiable = inSequence._sequencedObjs[i]; sequentiable.sequencedPosition += tFullTime; sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition += tFullTime; } return DoInsert(inSequence, t, 0); }
static int DOJumpAnchorPos(IntPtr L) { LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 6); RectTransform arg0 = (RectTransform)LuaScriptMgr.GetUnityObject(L, 1, typeof(RectTransform)); Vector2 arg1 = LuaScriptMgr.GetVector2(L, 2); float arg2 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 3); int arg3 = (int)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 4); float arg4 = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 5); bool arg5 = LuaScriptMgr.GetBoolean(L, 6); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = DG.Tweening.ShortcutExtensions46.DOJumpAnchorPos(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5); LuaScriptMgr.PushObject(L, o); return(1); }
private void AnimateGuardian() { animatedGuardian.SetActive(true); guardianSequence = DOTween.Sequence(); guardianSequence.Append(animatedGuardian.transform.DOMove(finalGuardian.position, guardianAnimationDuration).SetEase(guardianAnimationEase)); for (int i = 0; i < extraGuardians.Length; i++) { guardianSequence.Insert(extraAnimationsStartSecond, extraGuardians[i]. DOMoveY(finalGuardian.position.y, guardianAnimationDuration - extraAnimationsStartSecond). SetEase(extraGuardiansEase)); } guardianSequence.AppendCallback(OnGuardianAnimationComplete); }
static int AppendCallback(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); DG.Tweening.TweenCallback arg0 = (DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)ToLua.CheckDelegate <DG.Tweening.TweenCallback>(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.AppendCallback(arg0); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int AppendInterval(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.AppendInterval(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int Join(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); DG.Tweening.Tween arg1 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(DG.Tweening.Tween)); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.Join(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
private void SlidePos(GameObject moveObject) { moveObject = moveObject.transform.parent.gameObject; Vector3 originPos = moveObject.transform.position; Vector3 targetPos = new Vector3(originPos.x - 10f, originPos.y, originPos.z); angleSequence = AppUtil.DOSequence( new DG.Tweening.Tween[] { AppUtil.Move(moveObject.transform, moveObject.transform.position, targetPos, 3f), AppUtil.Move(moveObject.transform, moveObject.transform.position, originPos, 3f), }, 0f, 0f, -1 ); }
static int AppendInterval(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Sequence>(L, 1); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.AppendInterval(arg0); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int Prepend(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Sequence>(L, 1); DG.Tweening.Tween arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Tween>(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.Prepend(arg0); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int SetDelay(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween o = obj.SetDelay(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int SetTarget(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); object arg0 = ToLua.ToVarObject(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween o = obj.SetTarget(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int OnWaypointChange(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); DG.Tweening.TweenCallback <int> arg0 = (DG.Tweening.TweenCallback <int>)ToLua.CheckDelegate <DG.Tweening.TweenCallback <int> >(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween o = obj.OnWaypointChange(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int OnStart(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Sequence>(L, 1); DG.Tweening.TweenCallback arg0 = (DG.Tweening.TweenCallback)ToLua.CheckDelegate <DG.Tweening.TweenCallback>(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween o = obj.OnStart(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int PrependInterval(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence obj = (ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(ToLua_DG_Tweening_Sequence)); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.PrependInterval(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int QPYX_SetAlphaYoyo_YXQP(IntPtr L_YXQP) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L_YXQP, 3); UnityEngine.UI.Image QPYX_arg0_YXQP = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(L_YXQP, 1); float QPYX_arg1_YXQP = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L_YXQP, 2); float QPYX_arg2_YXQP = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L_YXQP, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence QPYX_o_YXQP = CustomerUtil.SetAlphaYoyo(QPYX_arg0_YXQP, QPYX_arg1_YXQP, QPYX_arg2_YXQP); ToLua.PushSealed(L_YXQP, QPYX_o_YXQP); return(1); } catch (Exception e_YXQP) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L_YXQP, e_YXQP)); } }
static int QPYX_DOGradientColor_YXQP(IntPtr L_YXQP) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L_YXQP, 3); UnityEngine.UI.Image QPYX_obj_YXQP = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(L_YXQP, 1); UnityEngine.Gradient QPYX_arg0_YXQP = (UnityEngine.Gradient)ToLua.CheckObject(L_YXQP, 2, typeof(UnityEngine.Gradient)); float QPYX_arg1_YXQP = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L_YXQP, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence QPYX_o_YXQP = QPYX_obj_YXQP.DOGradientColor(QPYX_arg0_YXQP, QPYX_arg1_YXQP); ToLua.PushSealed(L_YXQP, QPYX_o_YXQP); return(1); } catch (Exception e_YXQP) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L_YXQP, e_YXQP)); } }
static int QPYX_Insert_YXQP(IntPtr L_YXQP) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L_YXQP, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence QPYX_obj_YXQP = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L_YXQP, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float QPYX_arg0_YXQP = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L_YXQP, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween QPYX_arg1_YXQP = (DG.Tweening.Tween)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Tween>(L_YXQP, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence QPYX_o_YXQP = QPYX_obj_YXQP.Insert(QPYX_arg0_YXQP, QPYX_arg1_YXQP); ToLua.PushSealed(L_YXQP, QPYX_o_YXQP); return(1); } catch (Exception e_YXQP) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L_YXQP, e_YXQP)); } }
static int Append(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); DG.Tweening.Tween arg0 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 2, typeof(DG.Tweening.Tween)); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.Append(arg0); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int SetAlphaYoyo(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); UnityEngine.UI.Image arg0 = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(L, 1); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); float arg2 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = CustomerUtil.SetAlphaYoyo(arg0, arg1, arg2); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int _m_DOJumpAnchorPos(RealStatePtr L) { try { ObjectTranslator translator = ObjectTranslatorPool.Instance.Find(L); UnityEngine.RectTransform gen_to_be_invoked = (UnityEngine.RectTransform)translator.FastGetCSObj(L, 1); int gen_param_count = LuaAPI.lua_gettop(L); if (gen_param_count == 6 && translator.Assignable <UnityEngine.Vector2>(L, 2) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 3) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 4) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 5) && LuaTypes.LUA_TBOOLEAN == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 6)) { UnityEngine.Vector2 _endValue; translator.Get(L, 2, out _endValue); float _jumpPower = (float)LuaAPI.lua_tonumber(L, 3); int _numJumps = LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, 4); float _duration = (float)LuaAPI.lua_tonumber(L, 5); bool _snapping = LuaAPI.lua_toboolean(L, 6); DG.Tweening.Sequence gen_ret = gen_to_be_invoked.DOJumpAnchorPos(_endValue, _jumpPower, _numJumps, _duration, _snapping); translator.Push(L, gen_ret); return(1); } if (gen_param_count == 5 && translator.Assignable <UnityEngine.Vector2>(L, 2) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 3) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 4) && LuaTypes.LUA_TNUMBER == LuaAPI.lua_type(L, 5)) { UnityEngine.Vector2 _endValue; translator.Get(L, 2, out _endValue); float _jumpPower = (float)LuaAPI.lua_tonumber(L, 3); int _numJumps = LuaAPI.xlua_tointeger(L, 4); float _duration = (float)LuaAPI.lua_tonumber(L, 5); DG.Tweening.Sequence gen_ret = gen_to_be_invoked.DOJumpAnchorPos(_endValue, _jumpPower, _numJumps, _duration); translator.Push(L, gen_ret); return(1); } } catch (System.Exception gen_e) { return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "c# exception:" + gen_e)); } return(LuaAPI.luaL_error(L, "invalid arguments to UnityEngine.RectTransform.DOJumpAnchorPos!")); }
static int Insert(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence obj = (DG.Tweening.Sequence)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(DG.Tweening.Sequence)); float arg0 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); DG.Tweening.Tween arg1 = (DG.Tweening.Tween)ToLua.CheckObject <DG.Tweening.Tween>(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.Insert(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int DOGradientColor(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); UnityEngine.UI.Image obj = (UnityEngine.UI.Image)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.UI.Image>(L, 1); UnityEngine.Gradient arg0 = (UnityEngine.Gradient)ToLua.CheckObject <UnityEngine.Gradient>(L, 2); float arg1 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = obj.DOGradientColor(arg0, arg1); ToLua.PushSealed(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int DoJump(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 5); UnityEngine.Transform arg0 = (UnityEngine.Transform)ToLua.CheckUnityObject(L, 1, typeof(UnityEngine.Transform)); UnityEngine.Vector3 arg1 = ToLua.ToVector3(L, 2); float arg2 = (float)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 3); int arg3 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 4); int arg4 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 5); DG.Tweening.Sequence o = TweenUtils.DoJump(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); ToLua.PushObject(L, o); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
void Start() { _initialized = true; _isRadioButton = _toggleGroupid != ""; List<IHOtk2dBase> childrenSprites = null; bool hasChildrenToTween = false; bool hasTextMeshesToTween = false; if (_tweenChildren && _tweenColorOn != ButtonActionType.None) { Component[] children = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(IHOtk2dBase)); childrenSprites = new List<IHOtk2dBase>(); foreach (Component child in children) { if (child == sprite) continue; childrenSprites.Add(child as IHOtk2dBase); IHOtk2dTextMesh txtMesh = child as IHOtk2dTextMesh; if (txtMesh != null) _txtMeshesToUpdate.Add(txtMesh); } hasChildrenToTween = childrenSprites.Count > 0; hasTextMeshesToTween = _txtMeshesToUpdate.Count > 0; } // Hide eventual tooltip if (_tooltip != null) { _tooltip.SetActive(false); _showTooltip = true; } // Create tweens if (hasRollover) { _rolloutTween = DOTween.Sequence().SetUpdate(true).SetAutoKill(false) .OnKill(() =>_rolloutTween = null) .Pause(); if (hasTextMeshesToTween) _rolloutTween.OnUpdate(UpdateTextMeshes); if (_tweenScaleOn == ButtonActionType.OnRollover) _rolloutTween.Insert(0, trans.DOScale(trans.localScale * _tweenScaleMultiplier, _TweenDuration).From()); if (_tweenColorOn == ButtonActionType.OnRollover) { _rolloutTween.Insert(0, DOTween.To(() => sprite.color, x => sprite.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); if (hasChildrenToTween) { foreach (IHOtk2dBase childSprite in childrenSprites) { IHOtk2dBase s = childSprite; _rolloutTween.Insert(0, DOTween.To(() => s.color, x => s.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); } } } _rolloutTween.Complete(); } if (_tweenColorOn == ButtonActionType.OnPress || _tweenScaleOn == ButtonActionType.OnPress) { _unpressTween = DOTween.Sequence().SetUpdate(true).SetAutoKill(false) .OnKill(() => _unpressTween = null) .Pause(); if (hasTextMeshesToTween) _unpressTween.OnUpdate(UpdateTextMeshes); if (_tweenScaleOn == ButtonActionType.OnPress) _unpressTween.Insert(0, trans.DOScale(trans.localScale * _tweenScaleMultiplier, _TweenDuration).From()); if (_tweenColorOn == ButtonActionType.OnPress) { _unpressTween.Insert(0, DOTween.To(() => sprite.color, x => sprite.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); if (hasChildrenToTween) { foreach (IHOtk2dBase childSprite in childrenSprites) { IHOtk2dBase s = childSprite; _rolloutTween.Insert(0, DOTween.To(() => s.color, x => s.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); } } } _unpressTween.Complete(); } if (_tweenColorOn == ButtonActionType.OnClick || _tweenScaleOn == ButtonActionType.OnClick) { _unclickTween = DOTween.Sequence().SetUpdate(true).SetAutoKill(false) .OnKill(() => _unclickTween = null) .Pause(); if (hasTextMeshesToTween) _unclickTween.OnUpdate(UpdateTextMeshes); if (_tweenScaleOn == ButtonActionType.OnClick) _unclickTween.Insert(0.15f, trans.DOScale(trans.localScale * _tweenScaleMultiplier, _TweenDuration).From()); if (_tweenColorOn == ButtonActionType.OnClick) { _unclickTween.Insert(0.15f, DOTween.To(() => sprite.color, x => sprite.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); if (hasChildrenToTween) { foreach (IHOtk2dBase childSprite in childrenSprites) { IHOtk2dBase s = childSprite; _rolloutTween.Insert(0, DOTween.To(() => s.color, x => s.color = x, _tweenColor, _TweenDuration).From()); } } } _unclickTween.Complete(); } // Execute eventual cued actions if (_preinitActionsQueue != null) { foreach (PreinitActionType visualActionType in _preinitActionsQueue) { switch (visualActionType) { case PreinitActionType.ToggleOn: ToggleOn(); break; case PreinitActionType.ToggleOnWithoutEventDispatching: ToggleOn(false); break; case PreinitActionType.ToggleOff: ToggleOff(); break; case PreinitActionType.ToggleOffWithoutEventDispatching: ToggleOff(false); break; } } } }
private void InitLevelsAlarms() { var shieldFrequency = 0.3f; shieldGaugeBackgroundImageOriginalColor = shieldGaugeBackgroundImage.color.Copy(); shieldAlarmSequence = DOTween.Sequence(); shieldAlarmSequence.Append(shieldGaugeBackgroundImage.DOColor(new Color(1f, 0, 0, 1f), shieldFrequency)); shieldAlarmSequence.Append(shieldGaugeBackgroundImage.DOColor(shieldGaugeBackgroundImageOriginalColor, shieldFrequency)); shieldAlarmSequence.SetLoops(-1); shieldAlarmSequence.Pause(); var hullFrequency = 0.1f; hullGaugeBackgroundImageOriginalColor = hullGaugeBackgroundImage.color.Copy(); hullAlarmSequence = DOTween.Sequence(); hullAlarmSequence.Append(hullGaugeBackgroundImage.DOColor(new Color(1f, 0, 0, 1f), hullFrequency)); hullAlarmSequence.Append(hullGaugeBackgroundImage.DOColor(hullGaugeBackgroundImageOriginalColor, hullFrequency)); hullAlarmSequence.Insert(0, alarmLight.DOIntensity(alarmLightHighIntensity, hullFrequency)); hullAlarmSequence.Insert(hullFrequency, alarmLight.DOIntensity(alarmLightLowIntensity, hullFrequency)); hullAlarmSequence.SetLoops(-1); hullAlarmSequence.Pause(); }
void Update() { float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; if( sequenceLock.Tick(deltaTime) ) { mySequence = null; } RecomputeForward(); }
// Returns TRUE in case of success internal static bool DoStartup(Sequence s) { if (s.sequencedTweens.Count == 0 && s._sequencedObjs.Count == 0 && s.onComplete == null && s.onKill == null && s.onPause == null && s.onPlay == null && s.onRewind == null && s.onStart == null && s.onStepComplete == null && s.onUpdate == null ) return false; // Empty Sequence without any callback set s.startupDone = true; s.fullDuration = s.loops > -1 ? s.duration * s.loops : Mathf.Infinity; // Order sequencedObjs by start position s._sequencedObjs.Sort(SortSequencedObjs); // Set relative nested tweens if (s.isRelative) { for (int len = s.sequencedTweens.Count, i = 0; i < len; ++i) { Tween t = s.sequencedTweens[i]; if (!s.isBlendable) s.sequencedTweens[i].isRelative = true; } } return true; }
public void Rotate(float deltaTime, float horizontalAxis, float verticalAxis) { bool isTurn = false; if( Mathf.Abs(verticalAxis) > 0.01f) { AddPitch(deltaTime, verticalAxis); RecomputeForward(); } if( Mathf.Abs(horizontalAxis) > 0.8f) { isTurn = AddTurn(deltaTime, horizontalAxis); } if( isTurn ) { speed = 0f; Vector3 backwards =; if( this.transform.forward.z > 0f ) { backwards.z = -1f; } else { backwards.z = 1f; } float duration = 0.25f; sequenceLock = new BasicTimer(duration, false); mySequence = DOTween.Sequence(); mySequence.Append(transform.DOLookAt(thisTransform.position + backwards, duration, AxisConstraint.None)); } }
// Returns TRUE in case of success internal static bool DoStartup(Sequence s) { if (s.sequencedTweens.Count == 0 && s._sequencedObjs.Count == 0 && s.onComplete == null && s.onKill == null && s.onPause == null && s.onPlay == null && s.onRewind == null && s.onStart == null && s.onStepComplete == null && s.onUpdate == null ) return false; // Empty Sequence without any callback set s.startupDone = true; s.fullDuration = s.loops > -1 ? s.duration * s.loops : Mathf.Infinity; // Order sequencedObjs by start position s._sequencedObjs.Sort(SortSequencedObjs); return true; }
public override void Execute() { var sequence = DG.Tweening.DOTween.Sequence(); CreatedSequence = sequence; sequence.Pause(); }
// Applies the tween set by DoGoto. // Returns TRUE if the tween needs to be killed internal static bool DoApplyTween(Sequence s, float prevPosition, int prevCompletedLoops, int newCompletedSteps, bool useInversePosition, UpdateMode updateMode) { // Adapt to eventual ease position float prevPos = prevPosition; float newPos = s.position; if (s.easeType != Ease.Linear) { prevPos = s.duration * EaseManager.Evaluate(s.easeType, s.customEase, prevPos, s.duration, s.easeOvershootOrAmplitude, s.easePeriod); newPos = s.duration * EaseManager.Evaluate(s.easeType, s.customEase, newPos, s.duration, s.easeOvershootOrAmplitude, s.easePeriod); } float from, to = 0; // Determine if prevPos was inverse. // Used to calculate correct "from" value when applying internal cycle // and also in case of multiple loops within a single update bool prevPosIsInverse = s.loopType == LoopType.Yoyo && (prevPos < s.duration ? prevCompletedLoops % 2 != 0 : prevCompletedLoops % 2 == 0); if (s.isBackwards) prevPosIsInverse = !prevPosIsInverse; // Update multiple loop cycles within the same update if (newCompletedSteps > 0) { // Store expected completedLoops and position, in order to check them after the update cycles. int expectedCompletedLoops = s.completedLoops + newCompletedSteps; float expectedPosition = s.position; // int cycles = newCompletedSteps; int cyclesDone = 0; from = prevPos; if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update) { // Run all cycles elapsed since last update while (cyclesDone < cycles) { if (cyclesDone > 0) from = to; else if (prevPosIsInverse && !s.isBackwards) from = s.duration - from; to = prevPosIsInverse ? 0 : s.duration; if (ApplyInternalCycle(s, from, to, updateMode, useInversePosition, prevPosIsInverse, true)) return true; cyclesDone++; if (s.loopType == LoopType.Yoyo) prevPosIsInverse = !prevPosIsInverse; } } else { // Simply determine correct prevPosition after steps if (s.loopType == LoopType.Yoyo && newCompletedSteps % 2 != 0) { prevPosIsInverse = !prevPosIsInverse; prevPos = s.duration - prevPos; } newCompletedSteps = 0; } // If completedLoops or position were changed by some callback, exit here if (expectedCompletedLoops != s.completedLoops || Math.Abs(expectedPosition - s.position) > Single.Epsilon) return !; } // Run current cycle if (newCompletedSteps == 1 && s.isComplete) return false; // Skip update if complete because multicycle took care of it if (newCompletedSteps > 0 && !s.isComplete) { from = useInversePosition ? s.duration : 0; // In case of Restart loop rewind all tweens (keep "to > 0" or remove it?) if (s.loopType == LoopType.Restart && to > 0) ApplyInternalCycle(s, s.duration, 0, UpdateMode.Goto, false, false, false); } else from = useInversePosition ? s.duration - prevPos : prevPos; return ApplyInternalCycle(s, from, useInversePosition ? s.duration - newPos : newPos, updateMode, useInversePosition, prevPosIsInverse); }
// =================================================================================== // METHODS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns TRUE if the tween needs to be killed static bool ApplyInternalCycle(Sequence s, float fromPos, float toPos, UpdateMode updateMode, bool useInverse, bool prevPosIsInverse, bool multiCycleStep = false) { bool isBackwardsUpdate = toPos < fromPos; // Debug.Log(Time.frameCount + " " + + " " + (multiCycleStep ? "<color=#FFEC03>Multicycle</color> > " : "Cycle > ") + s.position + "/" + s.duration + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + " - UpdateMode: " + updateMode + ", isPlaying: " + s.isPlaying); if (isBackwardsUpdate) { int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count - 1; for (int i = len; i > -1; --i) { if (! return true; // Killed by some internal callback ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i]; if (sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < toPos || sequentiable.sequencedPosition > fromPos) continue; if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback) { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update && prevPosIsInverse) { // Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>BACKWARDS Callback > " + + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>"); OnTweenCallback(sequentiable.onStart); } } else { // Nested Tweener/Sequence float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition; if (gotoPos < 0) gotoPos = 0; Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable; if (!t.startupDone) continue; // since we're going backwards and this tween never started just ignore it t.isBackwards = true; if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode)) return true; // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence) { if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0) t.position = 0; else { bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1); if (t.isBackwards) toZero = !toZero; if (useInverse) toZero = !toZero; if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse) toZero = !toZero; t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration; } } } } } else { // Debug int len = s._sequencedObjs.Count; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (! return true; // Killed by some internal callback ABSSequentiable sequentiable = s._sequencedObjs[i]; if (sequentiable.sequencedPosition > toPos || sequentiable.sequencedEndPosition < fromPos) continue; if (sequentiable.tweenType == TweenType.Callback) { if (updateMode == UpdateMode.Update) { // Debug.Log("<color=#FFEC03>FORWARD Callback > " + + " - s.isBackwards: " + s.isBackwards + ", useInverse/prevInverse: " + useInverse + "/" + prevPosIsInverse + " - " + fromPos + " > " + toPos + "</color>"); bool fire = !s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse || s.isBackwards && useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse; if (fire) OnTweenCallback(sequentiable.onStart); } } else { // Nested Tweener/Sequence float gotoPos = toPos - sequentiable.sequencedPosition; if (gotoPos < 0) gotoPos = 0; Tween t = (Tween)sequentiable; t.isBackwards = false; if (TweenManager.Goto(t, gotoPos, false, updateMode)) return true; // Fixes nested callbacks not being called correctly if main sequence has loops and nested ones don't if (multiCycleStep && t.tweenType == TweenType.Sequence) { if (s.position <= 0 && s.completedLoops == 0) t.position = 0; else { bool toZero = s.completedLoops == 0 || !s.isBackwards && (s.completedLoops < s.loops || s.loops == -1); if (t.isBackwards) toZero = !toZero; if (useInverse) toZero = !toZero; if (s.isBackwards && !useInverse && !prevPosIsInverse) toZero = !toZero; t.position = toZero ? 0 : t.duration; } } } } } return false; }
internal static Sequence DoAppendInterval(Sequence inSequence, float interval) { inSequence.duration += interval; return inSequence; }
internal static Sequence DoInsertCallback(Sequence inSequence, TweenCallback callback, float atPosition) { SequenceCallback c = new SequenceCallback(atPosition, callback); c.sequencedPosition = c.sequencedEndPosition = atPosition; inSequence._sequencedObjs.Add(c); if (inSequence.duration < atPosition) inSequence.duration = atPosition; return inSequence; }
// Called by DOTween when spawning/creating a new Sequence. internal static void Setup(Sequence s) { s.autoKill = DOTween.defaultAutoKill; s.isRecyclable = DOTween.defaultRecyclable; s.isPlaying = DOTween.defaultAutoPlay == AutoPlay.All || DOTween.defaultAutoPlay == AutoPlay.AutoPlaySequences; s.loopType = DOTween.defaultLoopType; s.easeType = Ease.Linear; s.easeOvershootOrAmplitude = DOTween.defaultEaseOvershootOrAmplitude; s.easePeriod = DOTween.defaultEasePeriod; }