Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Kills all tweens that have this target as a reference
 /// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
 /// and returns the total number of tweens killed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="complete">If TRUE completes the tween before killing it</param>
 public static int DOKill(this AudioMixer target, bool complete = false)
     return(DOTween.Kill(target, complete));
 public override void DOKill()
     tween = null;
 // Token: 0x06000160 RID: 352 RVA: 0x000082C2 File Offset: 0x000066C2
 public override void DOKill()
     DOTween.Kill(base.gameObject, false);
     this.tween = null;
Example #4
 public static int DOKill(this Outlinable.OutlineProperties target, bool complete = false)
     return(DOTween.Kill(target, complete));
Example #5
 public static int DOKill(this SerializedPass target, bool complete)
     return(DOTween.Kill(target, complete));
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Kills all tweens that have this target as a reference
 /// (meaning tweens that were started from this target, or that had this target added as an Id)
 /// and returns the total number of tweens killed.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="complete">If TRUE completes the tween before killing it</param>
 public static int DOKill(this AudioMixer target, bool complete = false)
     //            int tot = complete ? DOTween.CompleteAndReturnKilledTot(target) : 0;
     //            return tot + DOTween.Kill(target);
     return DOTween.Kill(target, complete);