internal static AlarmInfo Load(ConfigNode node) { Guid vesselID = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "vesselID"); string Name = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "Name", string.Empty); AlarmInfo info = new AlarmInfo(Name, vesselID); info.AlarmType = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmType", KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum.Raw); info.Notes = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "Notes", string.Empty); info.AlarmTime = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmTime", 0d); info.AlarmMargin = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmMargin", 0d); info.AlarmExecute = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmExecute", false); string frzkbllst = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "FrzKerbals", string.Empty); string thwkbllst = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "ThwKerbals", string.Empty); string[] frzStrings = frzkbllst.Split(','); if (frzStrings.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < frzStrings.Length; i++) { info.FrzKerbals.Add(frzStrings[i]); } } string[] thwStrings = thwkbllst.Split(','); if (thwStrings.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < thwStrings.Length; i++) { if (thwStrings[i].Length > 0) info.ThwKerbals.Add(thwStrings[i]); } } return info; }
internal static AlarmInfo Load(ConfigNode node) { Guid vesselID = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "vesselID"); string Name = ""; node.TryGetValue("Name", ref Name); AlarmInfo info = new AlarmInfo(Name, vesselID); info.AlarmType = Utilities.GetNodeValue(node, "AlarmType", KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum.Raw); node.TryGetValue("Notes", ref info.Notes); node.TryGetValue("AlarmTime", ref info.AlarmTime); node.TryGetValue("AlarmMargin", ref info.AlarmMargin); node.TryGetValue("AlarmExecute", ref info.AlarmExecute); string frzkbllst = ""; node.TryGetValue("FrzKerbals", ref frzkbllst); string thwkbllst = ""; node.TryGetValue("ThwKerbals", ref thwkbllst); string[] frzStrings = frzkbllst.Split(','); if (frzStrings.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < frzStrings.Length; i++) { info.FrzKerbals.Add(frzStrings[i]); } } string[] thwStrings = thwkbllst.Split(','); if (thwStrings.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < thwStrings.Length; i++) { if (thwStrings[i].Length > 0) { info.ThwKerbals.Add(thwStrings[i]); } } } return(info); }
private void CheckKACAlarmsUpdate() { var alarmstoDelete = new List<string>(); //iterate all the alarms looking for vessel.ID matches foreach (var entry in DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms) { Utilities.Log_Debug("knownKACAlarms id = " + entry.Key + " Name = " + entry.Value.Name); KACWrapper.KACAPI.KACAlarm alarm = KACWrapper.KAC.Alarms.FirstOrDefault(a => a.ID == entry.Key); if (alarm == null && entry.Value.AlarmExecute == false) //Alarm not known to KAC any more and not still executing so delete it. { Utilities.Log_Debug("Alarm not known to KAC any more so deleting"); alarmstoDelete.Add(entry.Key); continue; } // Check if Alarm has been modified and no longer has any DeepFreeze association, in which case we delete it. if ((entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Count == 0 && entry.Value.ThwKerbals.Count == 0) || !DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownVessels.ContainsKey(entry.Value.VesselID)) // No FREEZE or THAW events in the Notes and unknown vessel, so delete it. { Utilities.Log_Debug("Alarm has no THAW FREEZE any more so deleting"); alarmstoDelete.Add(entry.Key); continue; } // Check if alarm has occurred and still executing and try to execute it. if (entry.Value.AlarmExecute) { if (entry.Value.ThwKerbals.Count == 0 && entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Count == 0) { // we are all done. Delete the alarm. Do a message. Utilities.Log_Debug("Execution of alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " is complete"); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("DeepFreeze Alarm processing completed.", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); alarmstoDelete.Add(entry.Key); continue; } if (!DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownVessels.ContainsKey(entry.Value.VesselID)) // vessel doesn't exist any more, so just delete the executing alarm. { Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " deleted as vessel no longer exists"); alarmstoDelete.Add(entry.Key); continue; } if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) //If we aren't in flightmode we can't, so just do message and skip this logic section { Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " scene is not flight"); SwitchVslAlarmMsg(DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms[entry.Key].Name); continue; } if ( != DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms[entry.Key].VesselID) // We are in flight, but active vessel is not the one we want { Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " not the active vessel"); SwitchVslAlarmMsg(DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms[entry.Key].Name); continue; } // Ok , all that is out of the way, so no we really try to execute it. //THAW first Utilities.Log_Debug("Alarm is executing"); if (entry.Value.ThwKerbals.Count > 0) { foreach (string kerbnme in entry.Value.ThwKerbals) { Utilities.Log_Debug("Dump ThwKerbals list entry=" + kerbnme); } // First we find the ThwKerbal part and if they are still on-board frozen. // Then check the part isn't busy already and start the thaw process. bool Found = false; string thwkerbalname = entry.Value.ThwKerbals.FirstOrDefault(); Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " looking to thaw crewmember " + thwkerbalname + " finding the part"); foreach (DeepFreezer frzr in DpFrzrActVsl) { // Check if they are in the frozen list for this part or not? if (frzr.DFIStoredCrewList.FirstOrDefault(a => a.CrewName == thwkerbalname) != null) { //They are in this part. Found = true; if (frzr.DFIcrewXferFROMActive || frzr.DFIcrewXferTOActive || frzr.DFIIsFreezeActive || frzr.DFIIsThawActive) { //part is busy, so we wait. Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part, but it is busy, so we wait"); break; } //If we just switched to the vessel we have to wait for the vessel to load. if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 6f) { Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part, but < 4 secs since level loaded, so we wait"); break; } //If we get here, we have found the kerbal, and the part, and it isn't busy. So we THAW!!!!!! Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part and it isn't busy, so we THAW!!!"); frzr.beginThawKerbal(thwkerbalname); entry.Value.ThwKerbals.Remove(thwkerbalname); foreach (string kerbnme in entry.Value.ThwKerbals) { Utilities.Log_Debug("Dump ThwKerbals list entry=" + kerbnme); } ModifyKACAlarm(alarm, entry.Value.FrzKerbals, entry.Value.ThwKerbals); break; } } if (!Found) { //We didn't find them anywhere. Remove the thaw request. entry.Value.ThwKerbals.Remove(thwkerbalname); Utilities.Log_Debug("We didn't find the thaw kerbal " + thwkerbalname + " anywhere on the vessel so we deleted the request"); } } else { if (entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Count > 0) { foreach (string kerbnme in entry.Value.FrzKerbals) { Utilities.Log_Debug("Dump FrzKerbals list entry=" + kerbnme); } // First we find the FrzKerbal part and if they are still on-board // Then check the part isn't busy already and start the freeze process. bool Found = false; List<ProtoCrewMember> vslcrew = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetVesselCrew(); string frzkerbalname = entry.Value.FrzKerbals.FirstOrDefault(); ProtoCrewMember crewmember = vslcrew.FirstOrDefault(c => == frzkerbalname); if (crewmember == null) { //They aren't in the vessel any more. So delete this thaw and move on. Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " looking to freeze crewmember " + frzkerbalname + " but the aren't on-board so move on"); entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Remove(frzkerbalname); continue; } //ProtoCrewMember crewmember = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetVesselCrew().Find(a => == entry.Value.ThwKerbals[0]); Utilities.Log_Debug("Executing alarm for vessel " + entry.Value.Name + " looking to freeze crewmember " + frzkerbalname + " finding the part"); foreach (DeepFreezer frzr in DpFrzrActVsl) { if (frzr.part.protoModuleCrew.Contains(crewmember)) { //They are in this part. Found = true; if (frzr.DFIcrewXferFROMActive || frzr.DFIcrewXferTOActive || frzr.DFIIsFreezeActive || frzr.DFIIsThawActive) { //part is busy, so we wait. Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part, but it is busy, so we wait"); break; } //If we just switched to the vessel we have to wait for the vessel to load. if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad < 6f) { Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part, but < 4 secs since level loaded, so we wait"); break; } //If we get here, we have found the kerbal, and the part, and it isn't busy. So we FREEZE!!!!!! Utilities.Log_Debug("We found the crewmember and the part and it isn't busy, so we FREEZE!!!"); frzr.beginFreezeKerbal(crewmember); entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Remove(frzkerbalname); foreach (string kerbnme in entry.Value.FrzKerbals) { Utilities.Log_Debug("Dump FrzKerbals list entry=" + kerbnme); } ModifyKACAlarm(alarm, entry.Value.FrzKerbals, entry.Value.ThwKerbals); break; } } if (!Found) { //We didn't find them anywhere. Remove the freeze request. entry.Value.FrzKerbals.Remove(frzkerbalname); Utilities.Log_Debug("We didn't find the freeze kerbal " + frzkerbalname + " anywhere on the vessel so we deleted the request"); } } } } } alarmstoDelete.ForEach(id => DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms.Remove(id)); //loop through all the KAC alarms. If the alarm is NOT already in the KnownList and the Vessel has a Freezer association that we know of, we add it to the KnownList foreach (var entry in KACWrapper.KAC.Alarms) { if (!DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms.ContainsKey(entry.ID)) // So we don't already know about it { if (entry.VesselID != string.Empty && entry.AlarmType != KACWrapper.KACAPI.AlarmTypeEnum.Crew) { Guid tmpid = Guid.Empty; try { tmpid = new Guid(entry.VesselID); } catch (FormatException) { if (invalidKACGUIDItems < 10) { Debug.Log("DeepFreeze invalid KAC alarm GUID caught (" + entry.VesselID + ")"); invalidKACGUIDItems++; } } if (tmpid != Guid.Empty) { if (DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownVessels.ContainsKey(tmpid)) // So we do know that vessel does have a Freezer Assocation so we add it to the KnownList { AlarmInfo tempAlarmInfo = new AlarmInfo(entry.Name, tmpid); UpdateKACAlarmInfo(tempAlarmInfo, entry); DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms.Add(entry.ID, tempAlarmInfo); } } } } else //We do know about it, we update it's details { Guid tmpid = Guid.Empty; try { tmpid = new Guid(entry.VesselID); } catch (FormatException) { if (invalidKACGUIDItems < 10) { Debug.Log("DeepFreeze invalid KAC alarm GUID caught (" + entry.VesselID + ")"); invalidKACGUIDItems++; } } if (tmpid != Guid.Empty) { AlarmInfo tempAlarmInfo = new AlarmInfo(entry.Name, tmpid); UpdateKACAlarmInfo(tempAlarmInfo, entry); tempAlarmInfo.AlarmExecute = DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms[entry.ID].AlarmExecute; DeepFreeze.Instance.DFgameSettings.knownKACAlarms[entry.ID] = tempAlarmInfo; } } } }
internal void Load(ConfigNode node) { KnownFrozenKerbals.Clear(); knownVessels.Clear(); knownFreezerParts.Clear(); knownKACAlarms.Clear(); if (node.HasNode(configNodeName)) { ConfigNode DFsettingsNode = node.GetNode(configNodeName); DFsettingsNode.TryGetValue("Enabled", ref Enabled); KnownFrozenKerbals.Clear(); var kerbalNodes = DFsettingsNode.GetNodes(KerbalInfo.ConfigNodeName); foreach (ConfigNode kerbalNode in kerbalNodes) { if (kerbalNode.HasValue("kerbalName")) { string id = kerbalNode.GetValue("kerbalName"); Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings Loading kerbal = " + id); KerbalInfo kerbalInfo = KerbalInfo.Load(kerbalNode); KnownFrozenKerbals.Add(id, kerbalInfo); } } Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings finished loading FrozenKerbals"); knownVessels.Clear(); var vesselNodes = DFsettingsNode.GetNodes(VesselInfo.ConfigNodeName); foreach (ConfigNode vesselNode in vesselNodes) { if (vesselNode.HasValue("Guid")) { Guid id = new Guid(vesselNode.GetValue("Guid")); Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings Loading Guid = " + id); VesselInfo vesselInfo = VesselInfo.Load(vesselNode); knownVessels[id] = vesselInfo; } } Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings finished loading KnownVessels"); knownFreezerParts.Clear(); var partNodes = DFsettingsNode.GetNodes(PartInfo.ConfigNodeName); foreach (ConfigNode partNode in partNodes) { if (partNode.HasValue("flightID")) { uint id = uint.Parse(partNode.GetValue("flightID")); Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings Loading flightID = " + id); PartInfo partInfo = PartInfo.Load(partNode); knownFreezerParts[id] = partInfo; } } Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings finished loading KnownParts"); knownKACAlarms.Clear(); var KACAlarmNodes = DFsettingsNode.GetNodes(AlarmInfo.ConfigNodeName); foreach (ConfigNode alarmNode in KACAlarmNodes) { if (alarmNode.HasValue("alarmID")) { string alarmID = alarmNode.GetValue("alarmID"); Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings Loading alarmID = " + alarmID); AlarmInfo alarmInfo = AlarmInfo.Load(alarmNode); knownKACAlarms[alarmID] = alarmInfo; } } SyncDictionaries(); } Utilities.Log_Debug("DFGameSettings Loading Complete"); }
private void UpdateKACAlarmInfo(AlarmInfo alarmInfo, KACWrapper.KACAPI.KACAlarm alarm) { alarmInfo.AlarmType = alarm.AlarmType; alarmInfo.AlarmTime = alarm.AlarmTime; alarmInfo.AlarmMargin = alarm.AlarmMargin; alarmInfo.Notes = alarm.Notes; string tmpnotes = ParseKACNotes(alarm.Notes, out alarmInfo.FrzKerbals, out alarmInfo.ThwKerbals); }