Example #1
        public virtual object VisitAttribute(AttributeNode attribute, object data)
            attribute.Arguments.AcceptVisitor(this, data);

Example #2
        private void ParsePossibleAttributes(bool isGlobal)
            while (curtok.ID == TokenID.LBracket)
                // it is neccessary to save current typeparameter
                // because an attribute can be declared for a type parameter
                // so if we do not do that, the typeparameter will be considered
                // as the type parameter of his attribute declaration ...
                // i.e.: 
                // class cons <[GenPar] A, [GenPar] B>{}
                // without backup, A is considered as the type parameter of GenPar, 
                // and the parser will generate the wrong output:  class cons <[GenPar<A>]...

                List<TypeParameterNode> backupTypeParameters = curTypeParameters;
                curTypeParameters = new List<TypeParameterNode>();
                Dictionary<string, Constraint> backupConstraints = curTypeParameterConstraints;
                curTypeParameterConstraints = new Dictionary<string, Constraint>();

                Advance(); // advance over LBracket token

                if (curmods != Modifier.Empty)
                    ReportError("Internal compiler error: Modifiers unused!", curtok);

                Modifier curAttribMods = ParseAttributeModifiers();

                if (isGlobal && curAttribMods == Modifier.GlobalAttributeMods)
                    // nothing to check, globally positioned attributes can still apply to namespaces etc
                    if ((curAttribMods & ~Modifier.AttributeMods) != 0)
                        ReportError("Attribute contains illegal modifiers.");

                if (curAttribMods != Modifier.Empty)

                while (curtok.ID != TokenID.RBracket && curtok.ID != TokenID.Eof)
                    AttributeNode node = new AttributeNode(curtok);
                    node.Modifiers = curAttribMods;
                    node.Name = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(true, false, false);

                    if (curtok.ID == TokenID.LParen)
                        // named argument
                        //gtest-286, line 16
                        // [Test(typeof(C<string>))]
                        // public static void Foo()
                        // {
                        // }
                        // the attribute is applied to the type parameter, so we back up it.
                        NodeCollection<AttributeNode> backupAttributes = curAttributes;
                        curAttributes = new NodeCollection<AttributeNode>();

                        // has attribute arguments
                        Advance(); // over lparen

                        // positional args are just expr
                        bool hadAssign = false;
                        while (curtok.ID != TokenID.Eof && curtok.ID != TokenID.RParen)
                            AttributeArgumentNode aNode = new AttributeArgumentNode(curtok);
                            ExpressionNode expr = ParseExpression();
                            AssignmentExpression assignExpr = expr as AssignmentExpression;
                            if (assignExpr != null)
                                IdentifierExpression idExpr = assignExpr.Variable as IdentifierExpression;
                                if (idExpr == null)
                                    ReportError("Identifier expected", assignExpr.Variable.RelatedToken);
                                aNode.ArgumentName = idExpr;
                                aNode.Expression = assignExpr.RightSide;
                                hadAssign = true;
                                aNode.Expression = expr;

                            if (curtok.ID != TokenID.Comma)
                                goto endofattrargs;
                            Advance();  // over comma

                            if (curtok.ID == TokenID.RParen)
                                ReportError("Unexpected token ')'", curtok);

                            if (hadAssign) break;

                        // named args are ident = expr
                        while (curtok.ID == TokenID.Ident)
                            AttributeArgumentNode aNode = new AttributeArgumentNode(curtok);
                            aNode.ArgumentName = (IdentifierExpression)ParseIdentifierOrKeyword(false, false, false, false, false);
                            aNode.Expression = ParseExpression();

                            if (curtok.ID != TokenID.Comma) break;
                            Advance(); // over comma

                            if (curtok.ID == TokenID.RParen)
                                ReportError("Unexpected token ')'", curtok);
                        AssertAndAdvance(TokenID.RParen);  // over rparen

                        // restore the backup
                        curAttributes = backupAttributes;

                    if (curtok.ID != TokenID.Comma) break;
                    Advance(); // over comma
                AssertAndAdvance(TokenID.RBracket); // over rbracket

                curTypeParameters = backupTypeParameters;
                curTypeParameterConstraints = backupConstraints;
Example #3
		private void ParsePossibleAttributes(bool isGlobal)					
			while (curtok.ID == TokenID.LBracket)
                // is it neccessary to save current typeparameter
                // because an attribute can be declared for a type parameter
                // so if we do not do that, the typeparameter will be considered
                // as the type parameter of his attribute declaration ...
                // i.e. : 
                // class cons <[GenPar] A, [GenPar] B>{}
                // without backup, A is considered as the type parameter of GenPar, 
                // and the parser will generate the wrong outpu :  class cons <[GenPar<A>]...

                List<TypeParameterNode> backupTypeParameters = curTypeParameters;
                curTypeParameters = new List<TypeParameterNode>();
                Dictionary<string, Constraint> backupConstraints = curTypeParameterConstraints;
                curTypeParameterConstraints = new Dictionary<string, Constraint>();

				Advance(); // advance over LBracket token
				curmods = ParseAttributeModifiers();

				if (isGlobal && curmods == Modifier.GlobalAttributeMods)
					// nothing to check, globally positioned attributes can still apply to namespaces etc
					uint attribMask = ~(uint)Modifier.AttributeMods;
					if (((uint)curmods & attribMask) != (uint)Modifier.Empty)
						ReportError("Attribute contains illegal modifiers.");

                AttributeNode node = new AttributeNode(curtok);

				Modifier curAttribMods = curmods;
				curmods = Modifier.Empty;

				if (curAttribMods != Modifier.Empty)

				node.Modifiers = curAttribMods;

				while (curtok.ID != TokenID.RBracket && curtok.ID != TokenID.Eof)
                    node.Name = ParseQualifiedIdentifier(true, false, false);

					if (curtok.ID == TokenID.LParen)
                        // named argument
                        //gtest-286, line 16
                        // [Test(typeof(C<string>))]
                        // public static void Foo()
                        // {
                        // }
                        // the attribute is applied to the type parameter, so we back up it.
                        NodeCollection<AttributeNode> backupAttributes = curAttributes;
                        curAttributes = new NodeCollection<AttributeNode>();

						// has attribute arguments
						Advance(); // over lparen

						// named args are ident = expr
						// positional args are just expr
						while (curtok.ID != TokenID.RParen && curtok.ID != TokenID.Eof)
							AttributeArgumentNode aNode = new AttributeArgumentNode(curtok);

							if ( curTokNode != null 
                                    && curTokNode.Next != null && curTokNode.Next.Next != null &&
								curtok.ID == TokenID.Ident &&
								curTokNode.Value.ID == TokenID.Equal)
                                aNode.ArgumentName = (IdentifierExpression)ParseIdentifierOrKeyword(false, false, false, false);
								Advance(); // over '='
							aNode.Expression = ParseExpression();

							if (curtok.ID == TokenID.Comma)
								Advance(); // over comma
						AssertAndAdvance(TokenID.RParen);  // over rparen

                        // restore the backup
                        curAttributes = backupAttributes;

						if ( curTokNode != null && curTokNode.Next != null && curTokNode.Next.Next != null &&
							curtok.ID == TokenID.Comma &&
							curTokNode.Value.ID != TokenID.RBracket)
							Advance(); // over comma
							node = new AttributeNode(curtok);
							node.Modifiers = curAttribMods;
					if (curtok.ID == TokenID.Comma)
						// comma can hang a t end like enums
				AssertAndAdvance(TokenID.RBracket); // over rbracket

                curTypeParameters = backupTypeParameters;
                curTypeParameterConstraints = backupConstraints;
        public virtual object VisitAttribute(AttributeNode attribute, object data)
            attribute.Arguments.AcceptVisitor(this, data);

            return null;
