Example #1
        public String AddCardWithPinLimit(String APIKEY, String CardId, String PublicKey, String Password, String FirstName, String LastName, String Address, String City, String Zip, String State, String Country, String Telephone, String DOB, String EmailAddress, String CardHolderName, String CardNumber, String ExpiryMonth, String ExpiryYear, String CVC2, String PIN, String CurrencyCode, Decimal Limit, Boolean Topup)
            Card.CardClient card = new Card.CardClient();

            // AddCardWithPINL(string CardId, string PublicKey, string Password, string PIN, string CurrencyCode, decimal Limit, bool Topup);

            // card.AddCardWithPINLimit()

Example #2
        public string SendBitcoins(String APIKEY, String FromCardId, String FromCardPublicAddress, String encryptedPrivateKey, String DestinationCardId, Decimal BitcoinAmount, Decimal FiatAmount, String Currency)

            //  using (DC.Data.DiamondCircle_dbEntities db = new DC.Data.DiamondCircle_dbEntities())
            //  {

            //  }

            // For the FromCardId, Obtain the password.
            String Password = "******";

            // Check that the FromCardPublicAddress = what is in the cards table for this cardID
            String DBCardPublicAddress = FromCardPublicAddress;

            Boolean AutoTopUp = true;

            // For the DesintationCardId, obtain the DestinationAddress from the Cards Table
            String DestinationAddress = "1QJQMFhgyoiLLUZXpr913T2TaEaX7pNFaF";

            if (DBCardPublicAddress == DestinationAddress)
                Card.CardClient card        = new Card.CardClient();
                ATM.AtmClient   atm         = new ATM.AtmClient();
                Decimal         CardBalance = atm.GetBalance(FromCardPublicAddress, 1);
                Decimal         MinersFee   = 0.0001M;
                if (CardBalance >= (BitcoinAmount + MinersFee))
                    String result = atm.SendBitcoins(encryptedPrivateKey, Password, DestinationAddress, BitcoinAmount);
                    if (AutoTopUp)
                        // Purchase more coins to cover the difference

                        Exchange.ExchangeClient ExchangeClient = new Exchange.ExchangeClient();
                        Exchange.Margin         margin         = ExchangeClient.GetMargin(Currency, 0);
                        Decimal PurchaseBitcoinsAmount         = FiatAmount * margin.Buy;

                        // PurchaseFiatAmount = PurchaseBitcoinsAmount;

                        PurchaseBitcoins(APIKEY, FromCardId, DestinationAddress, FiatAmount, Currency);

                        //  Empty the wallet
                        String result = atm.SendBitcoins(encryptedPrivateKey, Password, DestinationAddress, CardBalance);

                        return("Refer to DD/CC Issuer");
                return("Invalid Card - Public Address does not match entry in Database.  Card may have been tampered with");
Example #3
 public Boolean IsCardOnFile(String APIKEY, String CardId)
     Card.CardClient card = new Card.CardClient();