public educationgoal saveEducationGoals(educationgoal goals) { int status = 1; try { dbDataContext ct = new dbDataContext(); ct.educationgoals.InsertOnSubmit(goals); ct.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { status = 0; string str = e.Message; } if (status == 0) { goals = null; } return goals; }
private void populateEducationGoal(educationgoal educationGoal, assumption assmptn, EntitySet<countrycostofeducation> cced, string caseid) { double shortfallSurplus = 0; inflationRate.Text = "0"; maturityValue.Text = "0"; futureValue.Text = "0"; if(assmptn!=null && assmptn.percentage!=null) { inflationRate.Text = assmptn.percentage.ToString(); } int idCountrySel = 0; idCountrySel = cced[0].id; if (countryList != null && countryList.SelectedValue != null && countryList.SelectedValue!="") { string countrySel = countryList.SelectedValue; idCountrySel = Int16.Parse(countrySel); } countryList.DataSource = cced; countryList.DataValueField = "id"; countryList.DataTextField = "country"; countryList.DataBind(); countryList.SelectedValue = idCountrySel.ToString(); costEducation.Text = "0"; futureValue.Text = "0"; yrsToSave.Text = "0"; ageWhenFundsNeeded.Text = "0"; currentAge.Text = "0"; nameofChild.Text = ""; existingAssetsEducationGoals.Text = "0"; totalShortfallSurplus.Text = "0"; educationGoalNeeded2.Selected = true; if (educationGoal != null) { educationGoalNeeded.SelectedValue = educationGoal.educationGoalNeeded.ToString(); nameofChild.Text = educationGoal.nameofchild; if (educationGoal.currentage != null && educationGoal.currentage != "") { currentAge.Text = educationGoal.currentage; } if (educationGoal.agefundsneeded != null && educationGoal.agefundsneeded != "") { ageWhenFundsNeeded.Text = educationGoal.agefundsneeded; } if (educationGoal.noofyrstosave != null && educationGoal.noofyrstosave != "") { yrsToSave.Text = educationGoal.noofyrstosave; } if (educationGoal.presentcost == null || educationGoal.presentcost == "") { foreach (countrycostofeducation cc in cced) { if ( == idCountrySel) { if (cc.costofeducation != null && cc.costofeducation != "") { costEducation.Text = cc.costofeducation; } else { costEducation.Text = "0"; } break; } } } else { costEducation.Text = educationGoal.presentcost; } futureValue.Text = costEducation.Text; if (educationGoal.countryofstudyid != null) { countryList.SelectedValue = educationGoal.countryofstudyid.ToString(); } futureValue.Text = educationGoal.futurecost; if (educationGoal.maturityvalue != null && educationGoal.maturityvalue != "") { maturityValue.Text = educationGoal.maturityvalue; } assetList.DataSource = educationGoal.existingassetegs; assetList.DataBind(); if (educationGoal.inflationrate != null && educationGoal.inflationrate != "") { inflationRate.Text = educationGoal.inflationrate; } if (educationGoal.existingassetegs != null) { ViewState["noofassets"] = educationGoal.existingassetegs.Count; if (educationGoal.existingassetegs != null && educationGoal.existingassetegs.Count > 0) { existingAssetsEducationGoals.Text = educationGoal.existingassetstotal; } else { existingAssetsEducationGoals.Text = "0"; } } } string ExistingValuesplbl = (double.Parse(existingAssetsEducationGoals.Text) + double.Parse(maturityValue.Text)).ToString(); if (futureValue.Text == "") { futureValue.Text = "0"; } shortfallSurplus = double.Parse(ExistingValuesplbl) - double.Parse(futureValue.Text); totalShortfallSurplus.Text = Math.Abs(shortfallSurplus).ToString(); if (shortfallSurplus < 0) { ttlSS.Text = "Shortfall"; ttlSS.Style.Add("color", "red"); } else if (shortfallSurplus > 0) { ttlSS.Text = "Surplus"; ttlSS.Style.Add("color", "black"); } else { ttlSS.Text = "Shortfall / Surplus"; ttlSS.Style.Add("color", "black"); } activityId.Value = caseid; }
public educationgoal updateEducationGoals(educationgoal goals, int egid) { educationgoal retrievedGoal = null; try { dbDataContext ct = new dbDataContext(); //retrieve existing education goal var queryEducationGoals = from sg in ct.educationgoals where sg.caseid == goals.caseid && == egid select sg; foreach (educationgoal sgoals in queryEducationGoals) { retrievedGoal = sgoals; } //update education goal attributes retrievedGoal.agefundsneeded = goals.agefundsneeded; retrievedGoal.currentage = goals.currentage; retrievedGoal.maturityvalue = goals.maturityvalue; retrievedGoal.nameofchild = goals.nameofchild; retrievedGoal.noofyrstosave = goals.noofyrstosave; =; retrievedGoal.existingassetstotal = goals.existingassetstotal; retrievedGoal.futurecost = goals.futurecost; retrievedGoal.presentcost = goals.presentcost; retrievedGoal.inflationrate = goals.inflationrate; retrievedGoal.educationGoalNeeded = goals.educationGoalNeeded; retrievedGoal.countryofstudyid = goals.countryofstudyid; //delete existing assets for the education goal var queryExistingAssets = from easg in ct.existingassetegs where easg.educationgoalsid == select easg; foreach (existingasseteg easgoals in queryExistingAssets) { ct.existingassetegs.DeleteOnSubmit(easgoals); //ct.SubmitChanges(); } //update existing assets list for the education goal if (goals.existingassetegs != null && goals.existingassetegs.Count > 0) { EntitySet<existingasseteg> easgList = new EntitySet<existingasseteg>(); foreach (existingasseteg sgea in goals.existingassetegs) { easgList.Add(sgea); } retrievedGoal.existingassetegs = easgList; } if (retrievedGoal.educationGoalNeeded == 1 || retrievedGoal.educationGoalNeeded == 0) { var eduGoalRecords = from edug in ct.educationgoals where edug.caseid == goals.caseid select edug; int[] arrRecordIds = null; if (eduGoalRecords != null) { int size = eduGoalRecords.ToArray().Length; arrRecordIds = new int[size]; } int index = 0; foreach (educationgoal egl in eduGoalRecords) { arrRecordIds[index] =; index++; } var todelExistingAssets = from easg in ct.existingassetegs where arrRecordIds.Contains(easg.educationgoalsid) select easg; foreach (existingasseteg easgoals in todelExistingAssets) { ct.existingassetegs.DeleteOnSubmit(easgoals); } var toDelEducationGoals = from sg in ct.educationgoals where sg.caseid == goals.caseid && != egid select sg; foreach (educationgoal s in toDelEducationGoals) { ct.educationgoals.DeleteOnSubmit(s); } } ct.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { string str = e.Message; } return retrievedGoal; }
protected void submitEducationGoals(object sender, EventArgs e) { educationgoal goals = new educationgoal(); goals.educationGoalNeeded = Convert.ToInt16(educationGoalNeeded.SelectedValue); if (goals.educationGoalNeeded == 2) { goals.agefundsneeded = ageWhenFundsNeeded.Text; goals.currentage = currentAge.Text; goals.maturityvalue = maturityValue.Text; goals.nameofchild = nameofChild.Text; goals.noofyrstosave = yrsToSave.Text; if (totalShortfallSurplus.Text != null && totalShortfallSurplus.Text != "") { double ttl = double.Parse(totalShortfallSurplus.Text); if (ttl < 0) { totalShortfallSurplus.Text = Math.Abs(ttl).ToString(); } } = totalShortfallSurplus.Text; goals.existingassetstotal = existingAssetsEducationGoals.Text; goals.futurecost = futureValue.Text; goals.presentcost = costEducation.Text; goals.inflationrate = inflationRate.Text; } else if (goals.educationGoalNeeded == 1 || goals.educationGoalNeeded == 0) { goals.agefundsneeded = "0"; goals.currentage = "0"; goals.maturityvalue = "0"; goals.nameofchild = ""; goals.noofyrstosave = "0"; = "0"; goals.existingassetstotal = "0"; goals.futurecost = "0"; goals.presentcost = "0"; goals.inflationrate = "0"; } goals.deleted = false; string caseid = ""; if (ViewState["caseid"]!=null) { caseid = ViewState["caseid"].ToString(); goals.caseid = caseid; } goals.countryofstudyid = Int16.Parse(countryList.SelectedValue); int noofea = 0; if (goals.educationGoalNeeded == 2) { if (noofmembers.Value != "") { noofea = Int16.Parse(noofmembers.Value); } } EntitySet<existingasseteg> easgList = new EntitySet<existingasseteg>(); if (noofea > 0) { for (int i = 1; i <= noofea; i++) { existingasseteg easg = new existingasseteg(); easg.asset = Request.Form["pri-" + i]; easg.presentvalue = Request.Form["pri_" + i]; easg.percentpa = Request.Form["sec_" + i]; if ((Request.Form["pri-" + i] != null) && (Request.Form["pri_" + i] != null) && (Request.Form["sec_" + i] != null)) { easgList.Add(easg); } } goals.existingassetegs = easgList; } int egid = 0; if (ViewState["egid"] != null) { egid = Int32.Parse(ViewState["egid"].ToString()); } if (ViewState["casetype"] != null && ViewState["casetype"].ToString() == "new") { goals = educationGoalsDao.saveEducationGoals(goals); } else if (ViewState["casetype"] != null && ViewState["casetype"].ToString() == "update") { goals = educationGoalsDao.updateEducationGoals(goals, egid); } string actv = ""; if (ViewState["activity"] != null) { actv = ViewState["activity"].ToString(); } string status = activityStatusCheck.getEducationGoalStatus(caseid); activityStatusDao.saveOrUpdateActivityStatus(caseid, actv, status); markStatusOnTab(caseid); string caseStatus = activityStatusCheck.getZPlanStatus(caseid); /*if (st == 1) { lblStatusSubmitted.Visible = false; } else { lblStatusSubmissionFailed.Visible = true; }*/ if (goals != null) { lblEducationGoalSuccess.Visible = true; educationGoal = educationGoalsDao.getEducationGoal(caseid); educationgoal displaysg = null; if (educationGoal != null && educationGoal.Count > 0) { if (addandsave.Value == "1") { displaysg = educationGoal[educationGoal.Count-1]; } else { bool found = false; int count = 0; foreach (educationgoal sgl in educationGoal) { if (egid == { found = true; break; } count++; } if (found) { displaysg = educationGoal[count]; } else { displaysg = educationGoal[0]; } } educationgoalid.Value =; addandsave.Value = ""; } populateEducationGoal(displaysg, assmptn, cced, caseid); List<educationgoal> gridgoal = educationGoal; foreach (educationgoal s in gridgoal) { double damtfv = 0; double dmaturityval = 0; double deattl = 0; if (s.futurecost != null && s.futurecost != "") { damtfv = double.Parse(s.futurecost); } if (s.maturityvalue != null && s.maturityvalue != "") { dmaturityval = double.Parse(s.maturityvalue); } if (s.existingassetstotal != null && s.existingassetstotal != "") { deattl = double.Parse(s.existingassetstotal); } if (((dmaturityval + deattl) - damtfv) < 0) { = "-" +; } } //existingeggrid.DataSource = educationGoal; existingeggrid.DataSource = gridgoal; existingeggrid.DataBind(); //refreshEducationGoal(assmptn, cced); } else { lblEducationGoalFailed.Visible = true; } string url = Server.MapPath("~/_layouts/Zurich/Printpages/"); pdfData = activityStatusCheck.sendDataToSalesPortal(caseid, caseStatus, url, sendPdf); }
private void detach_educationgoals(educationgoal entity) { this.SendPropertyChanging(); entity.countrycostofeducation = null; }
partial void Deleteeducationgoal(educationgoal instance);
partial void Updateeducationgoal(educationgoal instance);
partial void Inserteducationgoal(educationgoal instance);