public bool SuppliesAdd(string location, string name, string model, string price, string quantity, string unit, string create_time, string status, string keeper, string remark)
            List <string> sqlList = new List <string>();
            string        sql     = @"insert into office_supplies_list
                    (location, name, model, price, quantity, unit, create_time, status, keeper, remark)
                    values('" + location + "','" + name + "','" + model + "','" + price + "','" + quantity + "','" + unit + "','" + create_time + "','" + status + "','" + keeper + "','" + remark + "')";


            string sql2 = @"insert into supplies_flow_doc(supplies_id, location, status, keeper, create_time)
                        values(SCOPE_IDENTITY(),'" + location + "','" + status + "','" + keeper + "','" + create_time + "')";


            return(mysqlconn.ExecuteSqlTran(sqlList) > 0 ? true : false);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品ε…₯εΊ“
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool StockIn(List <Mo_StockInOrderDetail> list)
            List <string> listSql    = new List <string>();
            string        StockOrder = @"insert into stock_in_order (order_no, stock_in_date, operator) 
                                values('" + list[0].orderNo + "', '" + list[0].stockInDate + "', '" + list[0].operators + "') ";

            foreach (Mo_StockInOrderDetail detail in list)
                string detailStr = @"insert into stock_in_order_detail(location_id, product_id, quantity, price, total_price, supplier_id, order_no)
                                    values ('" + detail.locationId + "','" + detail.productId + "','" + detail.quantity + "','" + detail.price + "','" + detail.totalPrice + "','" + detail.supplierId + "','" + detail.orderNo + "')";

                string updateStockInfo = @"insert into stock(order_no, product_id, location_id, supplier_id, quantity, price, total_price)
                                        values('" + detail.orderNo + "','" + detail.productId + "','" + detail.locationId + "', '" + detail.supplierId + "','" + detail.quantity + "','" + detail.price + "','" + detail.totalPrice + "')";
            return(mySqlconn.ExecuteSqlTran(listSql) > 0?true:false);
        public bool StockOut(List <Mo_StockOutOrderDetail> list)
            List <string> sqlList       = new List <string>();
            string        StockOutOrder = @"insert into stock_out_order (out_order_no, stock_out_date, operator)
                                    values('" + list [0].out_order_no + "', getdate(), '" + list[0].operators + "')";

            foreach (Mo_StockOutOrderDetail detail in list)
                decimal outStockTotalPrice  = Convert.ToInt32(detail.out_quantity) * Convert.ToDecimal(detail.price);
                string  StockOutOrderDetail = @"insert into stock_out_order_detail(product_id, quantity, price, total_price, out_order_no,supplier_id, project_no)
                                values('" + detail.product_id + "','" + detail.out_quantity + "','" + detail.price + "','" + outStockTotalPrice + "','" + detail.out_order_no + "','" + detail.supplier_id + "','" + detail.project_no + "')";

                string UpdateStock = @"update stock set quantity = quantity - " + Convert.ToInt32(detail.out_quantity) + @",total_price=total_price - " + outStockTotalPrice + @"
                            where order_no = '" + detail.order_no + "' and product_id = '" + detail.product_id + "' and location_id = '" + detail.location_id + "' and supplier_id='" + detail.supplier_id + "'";
            return(sqlconn.ExecuteSqlTran(sqlList) > 0?true:false);