private void BindData() { DataTable table = new Tables.T_Isuses().Open("", "[ID]=" + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), ""); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { this.tbIsuse.Text = table.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); this.tbStartTime.Text = _Convert.StrToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(), "0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); this.tbEndTime.Text = _Convert.StrToDateTime(table.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(), "0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (this.tbLotteryID.Text == "1") { table = new Tables.T_IsuseForSFC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 14)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { int num2 = i + 1; TextBox box = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + num2.ToString()); int num3 = i + 1; TextBox box2 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + num3.ToString() + "_1"); int num4 = i + 1; TextBox box3 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + num4.ToString() + "_2"); box.Text = table.Rows[i]["HostTeam"].ToString(); box2.Text = table.Rows[i]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); box3.Text = table.Rows[i]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (this.tbLotteryID.Text == "2") { table = new Tables.T_IsuseForJQC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 8)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int num6 = j + 1; TextBox box4 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbJQC" + num6.ToString()); int num7 = j + 1; TextBox box5 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbJQC" + num7.ToString() + "_2"); box4.Text = table.Rows[j]["Team"].ToString(); box5.Text = table.Rows[j]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (this.tbLotteryID.Text == "15") { table = new Tables.T_IsuseForLCBQC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 6)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { int num9 = k + 1; TextBox box6 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + num9.ToString()); int num10 = k + 1; TextBox box7 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + num10.ToString() + "_1"); int num11 = k + 1; TextBox box8 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + num11.ToString() + "_2"); box6.Text = table.Rows[k]["HostTeam"].ToString(); box7.Text = table.Rows[k]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); box8.Text = table.Rows[k]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (this.tbLotteryID.Text == "19") { table = new Tables.T_IsuseForLCDC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int m = 0; m < 1; m++) { int num13 = m + 1; TextBox box9 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + num13.ToString()); int num14 = m + 1; TextBox box10 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + num14.ToString() + "_1"); int num15 = m + 1; TextBox box11 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + num15.ToString() + "_2"); box9.Text = table.Rows[m]["HostTeam"].ToString(); box10.Text = table.Rows[m]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); box11.Text = table.Rows[m]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (this.tbLotteryID.Text == "45") { table = new Tables.T_IsuseForZCDC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((table == null) || (table.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } this.DataListZCDC.DataSource = table.DefaultView; this.DataListZCDC.DataBind(); } DataTable table2 = new Tables.T_TestNumber().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), ""); DataTable table3 = new Tables.T_TotalMoney().Open("", "IsuseID= " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), ""); if (table2 == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else if (table3 == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { if (table2.Rows.Count > 0) { this.tbTestNumber.Text = table2.Rows[0]["TestNumber"].ToString(); this.hidID.Value = table2.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } if (table3.Rows.Count > 0) { this.tbMoney.Text = table3.Rows[0]["TotalMoney"].ToString(); this.moneyID.Value = table3.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } } } }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = ""; try { name = Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuse.Text.Trim()); } catch { } if (name == "") { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "期号不能为空!"); } else { DataTable table = new Tables.T_Isuses().Open("[ID]", "[Name]='" + name + "' and LotteryID=" + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbLotteryID.Text) + " and [ID] <> " + Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(this.tbIsuseID.Text), ""); if (table == null) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "期号已经存在,请不要输入重名期号!"); } else { object obj2 = PF.ValidLotteryTime(this.tbStartTime.Text); if (obj2 == null) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "开始时间格式输入错误!"); } else { DateTime startTime = (DateTime)obj2; obj2 = PF.ValidLotteryTime(this.tbEndTime.Text); if (obj2 == null) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "截止时间格式输入错误!"); } else { DateTime endTime = (DateTime)obj2; if (endTime <= startTime) { JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "截止时间应该在开始时间之后!"); } else { string additionasXml = ""; if ((((((this.tbLotteryID.Text != "1") || (this.BuildAdditionasXmlForSFC(ref additionasXml) >= 0)) && ((this.tbLotteryID.Text != "2") || (this.BuildAdditionasXmlForJQC(ref additionasXml) >= 0))) && ((this.tbLotteryID.Text != "15") || (this.BuildAdditionasXmlForLCBQC(ref additionasXml) >= 0))) && ((this.tbLotteryID.Text != "19") || (this.BuildAdditionasXmlForLCDC(ref additionasXml) >= 0))) && ((this.tbLotteryID.Text != "45") || (this.BuildAdditionasXmlForZCDC(ref additionasXml) >= 0))) { long isuseID = long.Parse(this.tbIsuseID.Text); int returnValue = -1; string returnDescription = ""; if (Procedures.P_IsuseEdit(isuseID, name, startTime, endTime, additionasXml, ref returnValue, ref returnDescription) < 0) { PF.GoError(4, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else if (returnValue < 0) { PF.GoError(1, returnDescription, this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); } else { if (this.tbTestNumber.Text.Trim() != "") { Tables.T_TestNumber number = new Tables.T_TestNumber { TestNumber = { Value = this.tbTestNumber.Text.Trim() }, IsuseID = { Value = isuseID.ToString() } }; if (_Convert.StrToLong(this.hidID.Value, 0L) > 0L) { number.Update("ID=" + this.hidID.Value); } else { number.Insert(); } } if (this.tbMoney.Text.Trim() != "") { Tables.T_TotalMoney money = new Tables.T_TotalMoney { TotalMoney = { Value = this.tbMoney.Text.Trim() }, IsuseID = { Value = this.tbIsuseID.Text } }; if (_Convert.StrToLong(this.moneyID.Value, 0L) > 0L) { money.Update("ID=" + this.moneyID.Value); } else { money.Insert(); } } Shove._Web.Cache.ClearCache("LotteryCalendar"); Shove._Web.Cache.ClearCache(DataCache.IsusesInfo + this.tbLotteryID.Text.Trim()); base.Response.Redirect("Isuse.aspx?LotteryID=" + this.tbLotteryID.Text, true); } } } } } } } }
private string GetTestNumber(string IsuseID) { string str = ""; string key = "Home_Room_Buy_GetTestNumber_" + IsuseID; DataTable cacheAsDataTable = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(key); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { cacheAsDataTable = new Tables.T_TestNumber().Open("", "IsuseID=" + IsuseID, ""); if (cacheAsDataTable == null) { new Log("System").Write(base.GetType().FullName + "数据库繁忙,请重试(GetTestNumber)"); return ""; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(key, cacheAsDataTable, 120); } if (cacheAsDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { str = cacheAsDataTable.Rows[0]["TestNumber"].ToString(); } return str; }
/// <summary> /// 获取试机号 /// </summary> /// <param name="IsuseID"></param> /// <returns></returns> private string GetTestNumber(string IsuseID) { string TestNumber = ""; string Key = "Home_Room_Buy_GetTestNumber_" + IsuseID; DataTable dtTestNumber = Shove._Web.Cache.GetCacheAsDataTable(Key); if (dtTestNumber == null) { dtTestNumber = new DAL.Tables.T_TestNumber().Open("", "IsuseID=" + IsuseID, ""); if (dtTestNumber == null) { new Log("System").Write(this.GetType().FullName + "数据库繁忙,请重试(GetTestNumber)"); return ""; } Shove._Web.Cache.SetCache(Key, dtTestNumber, 120); } if (dtTestNumber.Rows.Count > 0) { TestNumber = dtTestNumber.Rows[0]["TestNumber"].ToString(); } return TestNumber; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { DataTable dtFc = BindNewWinNumber(6);//福彩3D if (dtFc.Rows.Count > 0 && dtFc != null) { lblFC3D.Text = dtFc.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spFCWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtFc.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; DataTable dtTestNumber = new DAL.Tables.T_TestNumber().Open("", "IsuseID=" + dtFc.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(), ""); if (dtTestNumber == null) { return; } if (dtTestNumber.Rows.Count > 0) { spFCTest.InnerHtml = dtTestNumber.Rows[0]["TestNumber"].ToString(); } } DataTable dtSSQ = BindNewWinNumber(5);//双色球 if (dtSSQ.Rows.Count > 0 && dtSSQ != null) { lbSSQ.Text = dtSSQ.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spSSQWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtSSQ.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtQLC = BindNewWinNumber(13);//七乐彩 if (dtQLC.Rows.Count > 0 && dtQLC != null) { lbQLC.Text = dtQLC.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spQLCWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtQLC.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtHNFC22X5 = BindNewWinNumber(69);//河南福彩22选5 if (dtHNFC22X5.Rows.Count > 0 && dtHNFC22X5 != null) { lbHNFC22X5.Text = dtHNFC22X5.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spHNFC22X5WinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtHNFC22X5.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtTCDTL = BindNewWinNumber(39);//超级大透乐 if (dtTCDTL.Rows.Count > 0 && dtTCDTL != null) { lbTCDTL.Text = dtTCDTL.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spTCDTLWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtTCDTL.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtPL3 = BindNewWinNumber(63);//排列3 if (dtPL3.Rows.Count > 0 && dtPL3 != null) { lbPl3.Text = dtPL3.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spPl3WinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtPL3.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtPL5 = BindNewWinNumber(64);//排列5 if (dtPL5.Rows.Count > 0 && dtPL5 != null) { lbPl5.Text = dtPL5.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spPl5WinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtPL5.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtQxC = BindNewWinNumber(3);//七星彩 if (dtQxC.Rows.Count > 0 && dtQxC != null) { lbQxC.Text = dtQxC.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spQxCWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtQxC.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtTC22_5 = BindNewWinNumber(9);//体彩22选5 if (dtTC22_5.Rows.Count > 0 && dtTC22_5 != null) { lbTC22_5.Text = dtTC22_5.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spTC22_5WinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtTC22_5.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtSFCRJ = BindNewWinNumber(74);//胜负彩(任九) if (dtSFCRJ.Rows.Count > 0 && dtSFCRJ != null) { lblSFCRJ.Text = dtSFCRJ.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spSFCRJWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtSFCRJ.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtLCBQC = BindNewWinNumber(15);//六场半全场 if (dtLCBQC.Rows.Count > 0 && dtLCBQC != null) { lblLCBQC.Text = dtLCBQC.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spLCBQCWinNumber.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtLCBQC.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } DataTable dtSCJQC = BindNewWinNumber(2);//四场进球彩 if (dtSCJQC.Rows.Count > 0 && dtSCJQC != null) { lblSCJQC.Text = dtSCJQC.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); spSCJQC.InnerHtml = "<font class='redfont'>" + dtSCJQC.Rows[0]["WinLotteryNumber"].ToString() + "</font>"; } } }
private void BindData() { DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses().Open("", "[ID]=" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), ""); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } tbIsuse.Text = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString(); tbStartTime.Text = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["StartTime"].ToString(), "0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); tbEndTime.Text = Shove._Convert.StrToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["EndTime"].ToString(), "0000-00-00 00:00:00").ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.SFC.sID || tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.ZCSFC.sID || tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.ZCRJC.sID) { dt = new DAL.Tables.T_IsuseForSFC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count != 14) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + (i + 1).ToString()); TextBox tb_1 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_1"); TextBox tb_2 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbSFC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_2"); tb.Text = dt.Rows[i]["HostTeam"].ToString(); tb_1.Text = dt.Rows[i]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); tb_2.Text = dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.JQC.sID) { dt = new DAL.Tables.T_IsuseForJQC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 8)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbJQC" + (i + 1).ToString()); TextBox tb_2 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbJQC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_2"); tb.Text = dt.Rows[i]["Team"].ToString(); tb_2.Text = dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.LCBQC.sID) { dt = new DAL.Tables.T_IsuseForLCBQC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 6)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + (i + 1).ToString()); TextBox tb_1 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_1"); TextBox tb_2 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCBQC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_2"); tb.Text = dt.Rows[i]["HostTeam"].ToString(); tb_1.Text = dt.Rows[i]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); tb_2.Text = dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } if (tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.LCDC.sID) { dt = new DAL.Tables.T_IsuseForLCDC().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), "[No]"); if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count < 1)) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + (i + 1).ToString()); TextBox tb_1 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_1"); TextBox tb_2 = (TextBox)this.FindControl("tbLCDC" + (i + 1).ToString() + "_2"); tb.Text = dt.Rows[i]["HostTeam"].ToString(); tb_1.Text = dt.Rows[i]["QuestTeam"].ToString(); tb_2.Text = dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"].ToString(); } } DataTable dtTestNumber = new DAL.Tables.T_TestNumber().Open("", "IsuseID = " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), ""); DataTable dtTotalMoney = new DAL.Tables.T_TotalMoney().Open("", "IsuseID= " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text) , ""); if (dtTestNumber == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (dtTotalMoney == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite,"数据库繁忙,请重试",this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (dtTestNumber.Rows.Count > 0) { tbTestNumber.Text = dtTestNumber.Rows[0]["TestNumber"].ToString(); hidID.Value = dtTestNumber.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } if (dtTotalMoney.Rows.Count > 0) { tbMoney.Text = dtTotalMoney.Rows[0]["TotalMoney"].ToString(); moneyID.Value = dtTotalMoney.Rows[0]["ID"].ToString(); } }
protected void btnEdit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string Isuse = ""; try { Isuse = Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuse.Text.Trim()); } catch { } if (Isuse == "") { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "期号不能为空!"); return; } DataTable dt = new DAL.Tables.T_Isuses().Open("[ID]", "[Name]='" + Isuse + "' and LotteryID=" + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbLotteryID.Text) + " and [ID] <> " + Shove._Web.Utility.FilteSqlInfusion(tbIsuseID.Text), ""); if (dt == null) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "期号已经存在,请不要输入重名期号!"); return; } System.DateTime StartTime, EndTime; object time = PF.ValidLotteryTime(tbStartTime.Text); if (time == null) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "开始时间格式输入错误!"); return; } StartTime = (DateTime)time; time = PF.ValidLotteryTime(tbEndTime.Text); if (time == null) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "截止时间格式输入错误!"); return; } EndTime = (DateTime)time; if (EndTime <= StartTime) { Shove._Web.JavaScript.Alert(this.Page, "截止时间应该在开始时间之后!"); return; } string AdditionasXml = ""; if ((tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.SFC.sID || tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.ZCSFC.sID || tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.ZCRJC.sID) && (BuildAdditionasXmlForSFC(ref AdditionasXml) < 0)) { return; } if ((tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.JQC.sID) && (BuildAdditionasXmlForJQC(ref AdditionasXml) < 0)) { return; } if ((tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.LCBQC.sID) && (BuildAdditionasXmlForLCBQC(ref AdditionasXml) < 0)) { return; } if ((tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.LCDC.sID) && (BuildAdditionasXmlForLCDC(ref AdditionasXml) < 0)) { return; } if ((tbLotteryID.Text == SLS.Lottery.ZCDC.sID) && (BuildAdditionasXmlForZCDC(ref AdditionasXml) < 0)) { return; } long IsuseID = long.Parse(tbIsuseID.Text); int ReturnValue = -1; string ReturnDescription = ""; int Result = DAL.Procedures.P_IsuseEdit(IsuseID, Isuse, StartTime, EndTime, AdditionasXml, ref ReturnValue, ref ReturnDescription); if (Result < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.DataReadWrite, "数据库繁忙,请重试", this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (ReturnValue < 0) { PF.GoError(ErrorNumber.Unknow, ReturnDescription, this.Page.GetType().BaseType.FullName); return; } if (tbTestNumber.Text.Trim() != "") { DAL.Tables.T_TestNumber t_TestNumber = new DAL.Tables.T_TestNumber(); t_TestNumber.TestNumber.Value = tbTestNumber.Text.Trim(); t_TestNumber.IsuseID.Value = IsuseID.ToString(); if (Shove._Convert.StrToLong(hidID.Value, 0) > 0) { t_TestNumber.Update("ID=" + hidID.Value); } else { t_TestNumber.Insert(); } } if (tbMoney.Text.Trim() != "") { DAL.Tables.T_TotalMoney t_TotalMoney = new DAL.Tables.T_TotalMoney(); t_TotalMoney.TotalMoney.Value = tbMoney.Text.Trim(); t_TotalMoney.IsuseID.Value = tbIsuseID.Text; if (Shove._Convert.StrToLong(moneyID.Value, 0) > 0) { t_TotalMoney.Update("ID=" + moneyID.Value); } else { t_TotalMoney.Insert(); } } Shove._Web.Cache.ClearCache(CacheKey.LotteryCalendar); Shove._Web.Cache.ClearCache(DataCache.IsusesInfo + tbLotteryID.Text.Trim()); this.Response.Redirect("Isuse.aspx?LotteryID=" + tbLotteryID.Text, true); }