private void FillKeys(RegistryKeySnapshot snapshot, RegistryKey key)
            if (key.SubKeyCount != 0)
                RegistryKeySnapshotCollection children;

                children = new RegistryKeySnapshotCollection(snapshot);

                // ReSharper disable once LoopCanBePartlyConvertedToQuery
                foreach (string name in key.GetSubKeyNames())
                    // HACK: Although I thought key names were unique, clearly I was wrong as the scan used to crash on
                    // HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Yamaha APO which appears at least twice on my system, although RegEdit
                    // only shows a single copy

                    if (!children.Contains(this.GetShortName(name)))
                        RegistryKey subKey;

                        subKey = this.GetSubKey(key, name);

                        if (subKey != null)
                            RegistryKeySnapshot childSnapshot;

                            childSnapshot = this.TakeSnapshot(subKey);


                snapshot.SubKeys = children;
        private void CompareKeys(RegistryKeySnapshotCollection lhs, RegistryKeySnapshotCollection rhs,
                                 ICollection <ChangeResult> results)
            if (lhs != null && rhs != null)
                this.CompareKeys(lhs, rhs, ChangeType.Insertion, results);

                this.CompareKeys(rhs, lhs, ChangeType.Deletion, results);
        private void CompareKeys(RegistryKeySnapshotCollection lhs, RegistryKeySnapshotCollection rhs, ChangeType type,
                                 ICollection <ChangeResult> results)
            foreach (RegistryKeySnapshot key in lhs)
                string name;
                RegistryKeySnapshot compare;

                name = key.Name;

                if (rhs == null || !rhs.TryGetValue(name, out compare))
                    results.Add(new ChangeResult(type, key.FullPath));
                else if (type == ChangeType.Insertion)
                    this.CompareKeys(key, compare, results);