double loadCourseMap(int courseId) { double course_length = 0; SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(_db); string sql = @"select lat as `tpLatitude`, lng as `tpLongitude` from CourseRoute where courseId = {0} order by idx asc"; sql = string.Format(sql, courseId); cmd.CommandText = sql; SQLiteDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int rowCount = 0; double lat, lng, start_lat, start_lng, finish_lat, finish_lng, lat_min, lat_max, lng_min, lng_max, prev_lat, prev_lng; string js_coords = "", js_bounds = "", js_mile_markers = ""; lat_min = lat_max = lng_min = lng_max = -1; start_lat = start_lng = finish_lat = finish_lng = 0; prev_lat = 0; prev_lng = 0; if (rdr.HasRows) { while (rdr.Read()) { rowCount++; if (rowCount == 1) { start_lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); start_lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); prev_lat = start_lat; prev_lng = start_lng; } // update the last point coordinates finish_lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); finish_lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); // calculate the distance of this trackpoint from the previous one // incrementing route distance, and then update the previous trackpoint for // the next loop iterations if (lat != 0 && lng != 0) { course_length += GeoMath.Distance(prev_lat, prev_lng, lat, lng, GeoMath.MeasureUnits.Miles); prev_lat = lat; prev_lng = lng; } if (lat != 0 && lng != 0 && Math.Ceiling(lat) != 180 && Math.Ceiling(lng) != 180) { if (lat_min == -1) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat_max == -1) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng_min == -1) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng_max == -1) { lng_max = lng; } if (lat < lat_min) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat > lat_max) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng < lng_min) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng > lng_max) { lng_max = lng; } if (rowCount > 1) { js_coords += ","; } js_coords += "\r\nnew google.maps.LatLng(" + Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]).ToString() + "," + Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]).ToString() + ")"; } } js_mile_markers = "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + start_lat + "," + start_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Start'});" + "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + finish_lat + "," + finish_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Finish'});"; // create a bounding box for the map - so it can auto-zoom to the best level of detail js_bounds = @" var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_min + @"," + lng_min + @")); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_max + @"," + lng_max + @")); map.fitBounds(latlngbounds); " ; // build the route html string routeHTML = @" <html> <head> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no""> <meta charset=""utf-8""> <title>Cycle Route</title> <style> #map_canvas{ width:100%; height:100%; } </style> <script src=""""></script> <script type=""text/javascript"" language=""javascript""> var map; function initialize() { var mapOptions = { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions); var cycleRouteCoords = [ " + js_coords + @" ]; var cycleRoute = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: cycleRouteCoords, strokeColor: '#FF0000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 2 }); cycleRoute.setMap(map); " + js_mile_markers + @" " + js_bounds + @" } window.onresize = pageresize; function pageresize() { google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); " + js_bounds + @" } </script> </head> <body onload=""initialize()"" > <div id=""map_canvas""></div> </body> </html> " ; try{ if (System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\course_route.html")) { System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\course_route.html"); } FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Application.StartupPath + "\\course_route.html"); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs); writer.Write(routeHTML); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); fs.Dispose(); map.Navigate(Application.StartupPath + "\\course_route.html"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Map: Loading Failed. " + ex.Message, "Error loading map of route", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } return(course_length); }
void BtnSaveFitClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (saveFileDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { FileIdMesg fileIdMesg = new FileIdMesg(); fileIdMesg.SetManufacturer(Manufacturer.Dynastream); fileIdMesg.SetProduct(1000); fileIdMesg.SetSerialNumber(12345); FileStream fitDest = new FileStream(saveFileDlg.FileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.Read); // create file encode object Encode encode = new Encode(); // write out header encode.Open(fitDest); // encode each message, a definition message is automatically generated and output if necessary encode.Write(fileIdMesg); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(_db); string sql; // TODO: write FIT File Summary Information here, suspect that's why GarminConnect // is rejecting it because the summary data isn't there. sql = string.Format("select fs.*, f.fileActivityDateTime from FileSummary fs join File f on f.idFile = fs.idFile where fs.idFile = {0}", _file); cmd.CommandText = sql; SQLiteDataReader rdr_summary = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr_summary.HasRows) { rdr_summary.Read(); SessionMesg sess = new SessionMesg(); //"fsMaxHeartRate" INTEGER,"fsMaxCadence" INTEGER,"fsMaxSpeed" FLOAT, "fsAvgPower" FLOAT, "fsMaxPower" FLOAT) sess.SetTotalElapsedTime((float)Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsDuration"])); sess.SetTotalMovingTime((float)Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsMovingTime"])); sess.SetTotalTimerTime((float)Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsMovingTime"])); sess.SetTotalDistance((float)(Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsDistance"]) * 1609.344)); // convert miles back to metres sess.SetTotalCalories(Convert.ToUInt16(rdr_summary["fsCalories"])); sess.SetAvgHeartRate(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr_summary["fsAvgHeart"]))); sess.SetAvgCadence(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr_summary["fsAvgCadence"]))); sess.SetAvgSpeed((float)(Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsAvgSpeed"]) / 2.23693629)); sess.SetTotalAscent(Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsTotalAscent"]) / 3.2808399)); sess.SetTotalDescent(Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToDouble(rdr_summary["fsTotalDescent"]) / 3.2808399)); sess.SetMaxHeartRate(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr_summary["fsMaxHeartRate"]))); sess.SetMaxCadence(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr_summary["fsMaxCadence"]))); sess.SetMaxSpeed(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr_summary["fsMaxSpeed"]) / 2.23693629)); Dynastream.Fit.DateTime dt_start = new Dynastream.Fit.DateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(rdr_summary["fileActivityDateTime"])); sess.SetStartTime(dt_start); encode.Write(sess); } rdr_summary.Close(); // load and process the archived trackpoints for file sql = string.Format("select * from FileTrackpoints where idFile = {0}", _file); cmd.CommandText = sql; SQLiteDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { while (rdr.Read()) { // TODO: need to handle `0` lng/lat coordinates so that we're not mapped // as being in the middle of the atlantic ! :-) RecordMesg rec = new RecordMesg(); Dynastream.Fit.DateTime dt = new Dynastream.Fit.DateTime(System.DateTime.Parse((string)rdr["tpTime"])); rec.SetTimestamp(dt); rec.SetDistance((float)Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpDistance"])); rec.SetHeartRate(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["tpHeart"]))); rec.SetCadence(Convert.ToByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["tpCadence"]))); rec.SetTemperature(Convert.ToSByte(Convert.ToInt32(rdr["tpTemperature"]))); rec.SetAltitude((float)(Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpAltitude"]) / 3.2808399)); // converted back to metres from ft in db rec.SetPositionLong((int)GeoMath.degrees_to_semicircle(Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]))); rec.SetPositionLat((int)GeoMath.degrees_to_semicircle(Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]))); rec.SetSpeed((float)Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpSpeed"])); encode.Write(rec); } } encode.Close(); fitDest.Close(); MessageBox.Show("File Saved Successfully"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(saveFileDlg.FileName); } else { } }
public RideWithGpsActivitySummary retrieveWorkoutData(int wId, ref ZedGraph.ZedGraphControl zedActivityChart) { RideWithGpsActivitySummary summary = new RideWithGpsActivitySummary(); string wUrl = string.Format("{0}.json", wId); HttpWebRequest httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(wUrl); httpWebRequest.Proxy = null; httpWebRequest.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; httpWebRequest.CookieContainer = this._cookies; // get response HttpWebResponse httpWebResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); System.IO.Stream responseStream = httpWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); if (responseStream != null) { System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(responseStream); string text = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); dynamic jsonResult = JsonValue.Parse(text); PointPairList graphListHeart = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListAltitude = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListSpeed = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListCadence = new PointPairList(); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.YAxisList.Clear(); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Heart (bpm)"); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Cadence"); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Speed"); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Altitude (ft)"); zedActivityChart.GraphPane.Y2Axis.Scale.FontSpec.Size = 8; // set custom formatting for X-Axis in charts zedActivityChart.GraphPane.XAxis.ScaleFormatEvent += new Axis.ScaleFormatHandler(Axis_ScaleFormatEvent); // set the ride summary details summary.avgSpeed = "- mph"; summary.avgCadence = " - rpm"; summary.avgHeartRate = "- bpm"; summary.distance = "- miles"; summary.elevationGain = "- ft"; summary.durationTotal = "-"; summary.durationMoving = "-"; if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("speed")) { summary.avgSpeed = string.Format("{0:0.00} mph", (double)jsonResult.metrics.speed.avg * 0.621371); } if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("cad")) { summary.avgCadence = string.Format("{0:0} rpm", (double)jsonResult.metrics.cad.avg); } if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("hr")) { summary.avgHeartRate = string.Format("{0:0} bpm", (double); } if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("distance")) { summary.distance = string.Format("{0:0.00} miles", ((double)jsonResult.distance / 1000) * 0.621371); } if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("elevation_gain")) { summary.elevationGain = string.Format("{0:0.00} ft", (double)jsonResult.elevation_gain * 3.2808399); } = (string); if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("duration")) { TimeSpan tDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)jsonResult.metrics.duration); summary.durationTotal = string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tDuration.Hours, tDuration.Minutes, tDuration.Seconds); } if (jsonResult.metrics.ContainsKey("movingTime")) { TimeSpan tMoving = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)jsonResult.metrics.movingTime); summary.durationMoving = string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tMoving.Hours, tMoving.Minutes, tMoving.Seconds); } summary.notes = (string)jsonResult.description; summary.mileSplits = new List <RideWithGpsMileSplit>(); double firstTimestamp = (double)jsonResult.track_points[0].t; double distance = 0; double duration = 0; double speed = 0; int currentMileSearch = 1; double runningMileDistance = 0; double runningDuration = 0; // google map strings double lat_min = -1; double lat_max = -1; double lng_min = -1; double lng_max = -1; double lat = 0; double lng = 0; double start_lat = 0; double start_lng = 0; double finish_lat = 0; double finish_lng = 0; string js_coords = ""; string js_mile_markers = ""; string js_bounds = ""; //string js_centre = ""; for (int tp = 0; tp < jsonResult.track_points.Count; tp++) { if (tp == 0) { start_lat = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y; start_lng = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x; } // update the last point coordinates finish_lat = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y; finish_lng = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x; if (tp > 0) { js_coords += ","; duration = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp - 1].t; distance = GeoMath.Distance( (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp - 1].y, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp - 1].x, GeoMath.MeasureUnits.Miles ); speed = distance / (duration / 3600); // increment the running totals runningDuration += duration; runningMileDistance += distance; // check if we've reached threshold for current search miles if (runningMileDistance > currentMileSearch) { TimeSpan tsPace = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(runningDuration); RideWithGpsMileSplit mileSplit = new RideWithGpsMileSplit(); mileSplit.label = string.Format("Mile {0}", currentMileSearch); mileSplit.speed = string.Format("{0:0.00} mph", (1 / (runningDuration / 3600))); mileSplit.pace = string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tsPace.Hours, tsPace.Minutes, tsPace.Seconds); summary.mileSplits.Add(mileSplit); TimeSpan tmp_ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t); string mile_marker_tag = "Time since start of ride: " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tmp_ts.Hours, tmp_ts.Minutes, tmp_ts.Seconds ); js_mile_markers += "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'" + (currentMileSearch) + "|95E978|004400',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + (string)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y + "," + (string)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x + "),map: map,title: 'Mile " + (currentMileSearch) + "\\r\\n" + mile_marker_tag + "'});"; // reset the running duration // and increment the mile search counter for the next mile runningDuration = 0; currentMileSearch++; } } // update the max / min longitude / latitude lat = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y; lng = (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x; if (lat_min == -1) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat_max == -1) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng_min == -1) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng_max == -1) { lng_max = lng; } if (lat < lat_min) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat > lat_max) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng < lng_min) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng > lng_max) { lng_max = lng; } js_coords += "\r\nnew google.maps.LatLng(" + (string)jsonResult.track_points[tp].y + "," + (string)jsonResult.track_points[tp].x + ")"; TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - firstTimestamp); string tagCadence = ""; string tagHR = "Duration : " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds ) + "\r\nHR: " + (string)jsonResult.track_points[tp].h + " bpm"; string tagAltitude = "Duration : " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds ) + "\r\n" + string.Format("Altitude: {0:0.00} ft", (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].e * 3.2808399); if (jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("c")) { tagCadence = "Duration : " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds ) + "\r\n" + string.Format("Cadence: {0:0.00} rpm", (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].c); } string tagSpeed = "Duration : " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds ) + "\r\n" + string.Format("Speed: {0:0.00} mph", speed); if (jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("h") && jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("t")) { graphListHeart.Add( (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - firstTimestamp, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].h, tagHR ); } if (jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("e") && jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("t")) { graphListAltitude.Add( (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - firstTimestamp, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].e * 3.2808399, tagAltitude ); } if (jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("c") && jsonResult.track_points[tp].ContainsKey("t")) { graphListCadence.Add( (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - firstTimestamp, (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].c, tagCadence ); } graphListSpeed.Add( (double)jsonResult.track_points[tp].t - firstTimestamp, speed, tagSpeed ); } LineItem ln_heart_heart = zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Heart Rate", graphListHeart, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); ln_heart_heart.Line.Width = 1; ln_heart_heart.YAxisIndex = 0; LineItem ln_cadence = zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Cadence", graphListCadence, Color.Magenta, SymbolType.None); ln_cadence.Line.Width = 1; ln_cadence.YAxisIndex = 1; LineItem ln_speed = zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Speed", graphListSpeed, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None); ln_speed.Line.Width = 1; ln_speed.YAxisIndex = 2; LineItem ln_altitude = zedActivityChart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Altitude", graphListAltitude, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); ln_altitude.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.LightGreen); ln_altitude.YAxisIndex = 3; zedActivityChart.AxisChange(); if (jsonResult.track_points.Count != 0) { zedActivityChart.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = (double)jsonResult.track_points[(int)jsonResult.track_points.Count - 1].t - firstTimestamp; } zedActivityChart.GraphPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedActivityChart.GraphPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedActivityChart.AxisChange(); js_mile_markers = "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + start_lat + "," + start_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Start'});" + "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + finish_lat + "," + finish_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Finish'});" + js_mile_markers; // create a bounding box for the map - so it can auto-zoom to the best level of detail js_bounds = @" var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_min + @"," + lng_min + @")); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_max + @"," + lng_max + @")); map.fitBounds(latlngbounds); " ; // build the route html string routeHTML = @" <html> <head> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no""> <meta charset=""utf-8""> <title>Cycle Route</title> <style> #map_canvas{ width:100%; height:100%; } </style> <script src=""""></script> <script type=""text/javascript"" language=""javascript""> var map; function initialize() { var mapOptions = { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions); var cycleRouteCoords = [ " + js_coords + @" ]; var cycleRoute = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: cycleRouteCoords, strokeColor: '#FF0000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 2 }); cycleRoute.setMap(map); " + js_mile_markers + @" " + js_bounds + @" } window.onresize = pageresize; function pageresize() { google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); " + js_bounds + @" } </script> </head> <body onload=""initialize()"" > <div id=""map_canvas""></div> </body> </html> " ; try{ if (System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\rwgps_route.html")) { System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\rwgps_route.html"); } FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Application.StartupPath + "\\rwgps_route.html"); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs); writer.Write(routeHTML); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); fs.Dispose(); //tabMap.Enabled = true; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Map Update Failed. Try re-selecting the activity.", "Error loading map", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally{ //tabMap.Enabled = true; } } return(summary); }
void loadFileHistoryInformation() { string gradient_debug = ""; SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand(_db); SQLiteDataReader rdrSummary; SQLiteDataReader rdr; string sql = ""; // load the file summary sql = string.Format("select * from view_file_summary where idFile = {0}", _file); double total_ride_duration = 0; command.CommandText = sql; rdrSummary = command.ExecuteReader(); if (rdrSummary.HasRows) { rdrSummary.Read(); TimeSpan tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsDuration")) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fsDuration"])); TimeSpan tsMoving = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsMovingTime")) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fsMovingTime"])); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryName, "Text", (string)rdrSummary["fileName"]); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryDate, "Text", ((System.DateTime)rdrSummary["fileActivityDateTime"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm")); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryDuration, "Text", string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tsDuration.Hours, tsDuration.Minutes, tsDuration.Seconds)); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryDistance, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsDistance")) ? "-" : string.Format("{0:0.00} miles", Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsDistance"]))); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryCalories, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsCalories")) ? "-" : Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fsCalories"]).ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryAvgHeartRate, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsAvgHeart")) ? "-" : Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fsAvgHeart"]).ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryAvgCadence, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsAvgCadence")) ? "-" : Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fsAvgCadence"]).ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryAvgSpeed, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsAvgSpeed")) ? "-" : string.Format("{0:0.00} mph", Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsAvgSpeed"]))); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryMovingTime, "Text", string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tsMoving.Hours, tsMoving.Minutes, tsMoving.Seconds)); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryTotalAscent, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsTotalAscent")) ? "-" : string.Format("{0:0.00} ft", Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsTotalAscent"]))); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryTotalDescent, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsTotalDescent")) ? "-" : string.Format("{0:0.00} ft", Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsTotalDescent"]))); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryMaxHeartRate, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsMaxHeartRate")) ? "-" : Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsMaxHeartRate"]).ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryMaxCadence, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsMaxCadence")) ? "-" : Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsMaxCadence"]).ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(lblHistoryMaxSpeed, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fsMaxSpeed")) ? "-" : string.Format("{0:0.00} mph", Convert.ToDouble(rdrSummary["fsMaxSpeed"]))); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(txtHistoryNotes, "Text", rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileActivityNotes")) ? "" : (string)rdrSummary["fileActivityNotes"]); if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileUploadRunkeeper"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "Checked", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "Enabled", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "BackColor", Color.Gainsboro); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "Checked", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "Enabled", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "BackColor", Color.PaleGreen); SetLinkLabelUrl(linkHistoryUploadStrava, rdrSummary["fileUploadRunkeeper"].ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(linkHistoryUploadRunkeeper, "Enabled", true); } // if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileUploadStrava"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadStrava, "Checked", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadStrava, "Enabled", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadStrava, "BackColor", Color.Gainsboro); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadStrava, "Checked", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadStrava, "Enabled", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadStrava, "BackColor", Color.PaleGreen); SetLinkLabelUrl(linkHistoryUploadStrava, rdrSummary["fileUploadStrava"].ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(linkHistoryUploadStrava, "Enabled", true); } // if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileUploadGarmin"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadGarmin, "Checked", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadGarmin, "Enabled", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadGarmin, "BackColor", Color.Gainsboro); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadGarmin, "Checked", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadGarmin, "Enabled", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadGarmin, "BackColor", Color.PaleGreen); SetLinkLabelUrl(linkHistoryUploadStrava, rdrSummary["fileUploadGarmin"].ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(linkHistoryUploadGarmin, "Enabled", true); } // if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileUploadRWGPS"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "Checked", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "Enabled", false); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "BackColor", Color.Gainsboro); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "Checked", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "Enabled", true); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(pnlHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "BackColor", Color.PaleGreen); SetLinkLabelUrl(linkHistoryUploadStrava, rdrSummary["fileUploadRWGPS"].ToString()); SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(linkHistoryUploadRideWithGPS, "Enabled", true); } // display the activity "is commute" flag if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileIsCommute"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIsCommute, "Checked", false); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIsCommute, "Checked", (Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fileIsCommute"]) == 1 ? true : false)); } // display the activity "is stationary trainer" flag if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileIsStationaryTrainer"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIsStationaryTrainer, "Checked", false); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIsStationaryTrainer, "Checked", (Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fileIsStationaryTrainer"]) == 1 ? true : false)); } // display the activity "is included in stats" flag if (rdrSummary.IsDBNull(rdrSummary.GetOrdinal("fileIsIncludedInStats"))) { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIncludeInStats, "Checked", false); } else { SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(cbkSummaryIncludeInStats, "Checked", (Convert.ToInt32(rdrSummary["fileIsIncludedInStats"]) == 1 ? true : false)); } } rdrSummary.Close(); rdrSummary.Dispose(); // load and process the archived trackpoints for file sql = string.Format("select * from FileTrackpoints where idFile = {0}", _file ); command.CommandText = sql; rdr = command.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { int rowCount = 0; //double altitude_max = 0; string tag = ""; int currentMileSearch = 1; double runningMileDistance = 0; double runningDuration = 0; double runningDurationPrevious = 0; // google map strings double lat_min = -1; double lat_max = -1; double lng_min = -1; double lng_max = -1; double lat = 0; double lng = 0; double start_lat = 0; double start_lng = 0; double finish_lat = 0; double finish_lng = 0; double prev_lat = 0; double prev_lng = 0; string js_coords = ""; string js_mile_markers = ""; string js_bounds = ""; // initialise the altitude chart zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Altitude"; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Distance (miles)"; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "Feet"; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MagAuto = false; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.IsFontsScaled = false; // initialise the speed chart zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.YAxisList.Clear(); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.AddYAxis("mph"); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Altitude (ft)"); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Speed"; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Distance (miles)"; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "mph"; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MagAuto = false; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.IsFontsScaled = false; // initialise the cadence chart zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.YAxisList.Clear(); zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.AddYAxis("rpm"); zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Altitude (ft)"); zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Cadence"; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Distance (miles)"; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "rpm"; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MagAuto = false; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.IsFontsScaled = false; // initialise the heart chart zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.YAxisList.Clear(); zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("bpm"); zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.AddYAxis("Altitude (ft)"); zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.Legend.IsVisible = false; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.Title.Text = "Heart"; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Distance (miles)"; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.YAxis.Title.Text = "bpm"; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MagAuto = false; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.CurveList.Clear(); zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.GraphObjList.Clear(); zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.IsFontsScaled = false; PointPairList graphListAltitude = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListSpeed = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListCadence = new PointPairList(); PointPairList graphListHeart = new PointPairList(); double distance = 0; double p_duration = 0; double prev_altitude = 0; double prev_distance = 0; double distance_metres = 0; double gradient = 0; while (rdr.Read()) { rowCount++; if (rowCount == 1) { start_lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); start_lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); } // update the last point coordinates finish_lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); finish_lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); distance_metres = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpDistance"]); distance = (distance_metres / 1000) * 0.621371192; // convert metres to miles double duration = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpDuration"]); double altitude = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpAltitude"]); double speed = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpSpeed"]) * 2.23693629; // metres per second to mph double cadence = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpCadence"]); double heart = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpHeart"]); tag = (string)rdr["tpTime"] + "\r\nDistance = " + distance.ToString("0.00") + " miles\r\n"; if (rowCount > 1) { double cur_distance_metres = GeoMath.Distance( finish_lat, finish_lng, prev_lat, prev_lng, GeoMath.MeasureUnits.Kilometers ) * 1000; double alt_diff = altitude - prev_altitude; //double gradient = GeoMath.Gradient(distance_metres - prev_distance,altitude*0.3048, prev_altitude*0.3048); gradient = (Math.Abs((altitude * 0.3048) - (prev_altitude * 0.3048)) / (cur_distance_metres)) * 100; gradient_debug += string.Format("altitude1 = {0}m, altitude2 = {1}m, distance = {2}m, gradient = {3}", altitude * 0.3048, prev_altitude * 0.3048, cur_distance_metres, gradient ); gradient_debug += Environment.NewLine; // update the previous data for the next iteration prev_distance = cur_distance_metres; prev_altitude = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpAltitude"]); } if (distance != 0) { //graphListAltitude.Add(distance,altitude,tag + "Altitude = " + altitude.ToString("0.00") + " feet" + Environment.NewLine + "Gradient = " + gradient.ToString("0.00") + "%"); graphListAltitude.Add(distance, altitude, tag + "Altitude = " + altitude.ToString("0.00") + " feet"); graphListSpeed.Add(distance, speed, tag + "Speed = " + speed.ToString("0.00") + " mph"); graphListCadence.Add(distance, cadence, tag + "Cadence = " + cadence.ToString("0") + " rpm"); graphListHeart.Add(distance, heart, tag + "Heart-Rate = " + heart.ToString("0") + " bpm"); if (rowCount > 1) { total_ride_duration += (duration - p_duration); } } lat = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]); lng = Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]); // if row is > 1 then we have the previous point data to be able to calculate the gradient prev_lat = finish_lat; prev_lng = finish_lng; p_duration = duration; // increment the running totals runningDuration = duration; runningMileDistance = distance; // check if we've reached threshold for current search miles if (runningMileDistance > currentMileSearch) { TimeSpan tsPace = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(runningDuration - runningDurationPrevious); RideWithGpsMileSplit mileSplit = new RideWithGpsMileSplit(); mileSplit.label = string.Format("Mile {0}", currentMileSearch); mileSplit.speed = string.Format("{0:0.00} mph", (1 / ((runningDuration - runningDurationPrevious) / 3600))); mileSplit.pace = string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tsPace.Hours, tsPace.Minutes, tsPace.Seconds); AddListViewItem(lstMileSplits, new ListViewItem(new string[] { mileSplit.label, mileSplit.speed, mileSplit.pace })); TimeSpan tmp_ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpDuration"])); string mile_marker_tag = "Time since start of ride: " + string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s", tmp_ts.Hours, tmp_ts.Minutes, tmp_ts.Seconds ); js_mile_markers += "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'" + (currentMileSearch) + "|95E978|004400',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat + "," + lng + "),map: map,title: 'Mile " + (currentMileSearch) + "\\r\\n" + mile_marker_tag + "'});"; // reset the running duration // and increment the mile search counter for the next mile runningDurationPrevious = runningDuration; runningDuration = 0; runningMileDistance = 0; currentMileSearch++; } // update the max / min longitude / latitude if (lat != 0 && lng != 0 && Math.Ceiling(lat) != 180 && Math.Ceiling(lng) != 180) { if (lat_min == -1) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat_max == -1) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng_min == -1) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng_max == -1) { lng_max = lng; } if (lat < lat_min) { lat_min = lat; } if (lat > lat_max) { lat_max = lat; } if (lng < lng_min) { lng_min = lng; } if (lng > lng_max) { lng_max = lng; } if (rowCount > 1) { js_coords += ","; } js_coords += "\r\nnew google.maps.LatLng(" + Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLatitude"]).ToString() + "," + Convert.ToDouble(rdr["tpLongitude"]).ToString() + ")"; } } rdr.Close(); rdr.Dispose(); js_mile_markers = "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + start_lat + "," + start_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Start'});" + "\r\nnew google.maps.Marker({icon:'|000088|FFFFFF',position: new google.maps.LatLng(" + finish_lat + "," + finish_lng + "),map: map,title: 'Finish'});" + js_mile_markers; // create a bounding box for the map - so it can auto-zoom to the best level of detail js_bounds = @" var latlngbounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_min + @"," + lng_min + @")); latlngbounds.extend(new google.maps.LatLng(" + lat_max + @"," + lng_max + @")); map.fitBounds(latlngbounds); " ; // build the route html string routeHTML = @" <html> <head> <meta name=""viewport"" content=""initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no""> <meta charset=""utf-8""> <title>Cycle Route</title> <style> #map_canvas{ width:100%; height:100%; } </style> <script src=""""></script> <script type=""text/javascript"" language=""javascript""> var map; function initialize() { var mapOptions = { mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map_canvas'), mapOptions); var cycleRouteCoords = [ " + js_coords + @" ]; var cycleRoute = new google.maps.Polyline({ path: cycleRouteCoords, strokeColor: '#FF0000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 2 }); cycleRoute.setMap(map); " + js_mile_markers + @" " + js_bounds + @" } window.onresize = pageresize; function pageresize() { google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); " + js_bounds + @" } </script> </head> <body onload=""initialize()"" > <div id=""map_canvas""></div> </body> </html> " ; try{ if (System.IO.File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\history_route.html")) { System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\history_route.html"); } FileStream fs = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(Application.StartupPath + "\\history_route.html"); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs); writer.Write(routeHTML); writer.Close(); writer.Dispose(); fs.Dispose(); webBrowserHistoryMap.Navigate(Application.StartupPath + "\\history_route.html"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Map Update Failed. Try re-selecting the activity." + ex.Message, "Error loading map", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } finally{ //tabMap.Enabled = true; } // add the altitude curve zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.AddCurve("Altitude", graphListAltitude, Color.Green, SymbolType.None).Line.Width = 1; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = distance; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedHistoryAltitude.GraphPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedHistoryAltitude.AxisChange(); RefreshZedgraph(zedHistoryAltitude); // add the speed curve zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.AddCurve("Speed", graphListSpeed, Color.Blue, SymbolType.None).Line.Width = 1; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = distance; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; LineItem ln_altitude = zedHistorySpeed.GraphPane.AddCurve("Altitude", graphListAltitude, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); ln_altitude.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.LightGreen); ln_altitude.YAxisIndex = 1; zedHistorySpeed.AxisChange(); RefreshZedgraph(zedHistorySpeed); // add the cadence curve zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.AddCurve("Cadence", graphListCadence, Color.Magenta, SymbolType.None).Line.Width = 1; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = distance; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; ln_altitude = zedHistoryCadence.GraphPane.AddCurve("Altitude", graphListAltitude, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); ln_altitude.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.LightGreen); ln_altitude.YAxisIndex = 1; zedHistoryCadence.AxisChange(); RefreshZedgraph(zedHistoryCadence); // add the heart rate curve zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Heart-Rate", graphListHeart, Color.Red, SymbolType.None).Line.Width = 1; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = distance; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.XAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; ln_altitude = zedHistoryHeart.GraphPane.AddCurve("Altitude", graphListAltitude, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); ln_altitude.Line.Fill = new Fill(Color.LightGreen); ln_altitude.YAxisIndex = 1; zedHistoryHeart.AxisChange(); RefreshZedgraph(zedHistoryHeart); ResizeListView(lstMileSplits); } try{ sql = string.Format(@"select f.fileActivityDateTime, f.fileActivityName, hr.idZone, ifnull(hr.zoneLabel, ""no data"") as zoneLabel, SUM(hduration.duration) as `duration_seconds`, (SUM(hduration.duration) / CAST(fs.fsDuration as double)) * 100 as `pct_total`, cast(fs.fsDuration as double) as fsDuration from ( /*select 1 as idFile, 100 as tpHeart, 1 as duration*/ select ft.idFile, ft.tpHeart, IFNULL(MIN(ft2.tpDuration),0) - ft.tpDuration as duration from FileTrackpoints ft join FileTrackpoints ft2 on ft.idFile = ft2.idFile and ft.tpTime < ft2.tpTime and ft.tpSpeed != 0 where ft.idFile = {0} and ft.tpSpeed != 0 group by ft.tpTime ) hduration left join HeartRateZones hr on hduration.tpHeart > hr.zoneMin and hduration.tpHeart <= hr.zoneMax left join FileSummary fs on fs.idFile = hduration.idFile left join File f on f.idFile = hduration.idFile group by hr.idZone " , _file); SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(_db); cmd.CommandText = sql; cmd.CommandTimeout = 10; SQLiteDataReader hr_rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); ClearListView(lstHeartRateZones); if (hr_rdr.HasRows) { while (hr_rdr.Read()) { TimeSpan ts = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Convert.ToInt32(hr_rdr["duration_seconds"])); string[] row = { (string)hr_rdr["zoneLabel"], string.Format("{0:D2} h {1:D2} m {2:D2} s",ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds), string.Format("{0:0.00} %", Convert.ToDouble(hr_rdr["pct_total"])) }; AddListViewItem(lstHeartRateZones, new ListViewItem(row)); } ResizeListView(lstHeartRateZones); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } SetControlPropertyThreadSafe(txtGradientDebug, "Text", gradient_debug); }