private void GetCutImage()
            int tempLeft   = (int)Canvas.GetLeft(rectangle);
            int tempTop    = (int)Canvas.GetTop(rectangle);
            int tempWidth  = (int)rectangle.Width;
            int tempHeight = (int)rectangle.Height;

            System.Drawing.Image currentImage;
            System.Drawing.Image processImage;
            //currentImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"D:\公司项目\测试的代码\CutImageTest\CutImageTest\10.jpg");
            currentImage = ImageWork.ImageSourceToBitmap(sourceImg.Source);//获取原图片
            System.Drawing.Rectangle SelectedRect  = new Rectangle(tempLeft, tempTop, tempWidth, tempHeight);
            System.Drawing.Rectangle _selectedRect = MapSelectedRegion(sourceImg, SelectedRect, currentImage);
            //System.Drawing.Rectangle _selectedRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(tempLeft, tempTop, tempWidth, tempHeight);
            processImage = ImageWork.ClipImage(currentImage,
            Bitmap      bmp         = new Bitmap(processImage); // get bitmap
            BitmapImage bmpResource = ImageWork.BitmapToBitmapImage(bmp);

            targetImg.Source = bmpResource;
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算选择区域的缩放比例
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="MapPbx"></param>
        /// <param name="MapRect"></param>
        /// <param name="SourceImage"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private System.Drawing.Rectangle MapSelectedRegion(FrameworkElement MapPbx, System.Drawing.Rectangle MapRect, System.Drawing.Image SourceImage)
            #region Determine the originally used mapping offsets and dimensions

            int   targetMapOffsetX = 0;
            int   targetMapOffsetY = 0;
            int   targetMapWidth   = 0;
            int   targetMapHeight  = 0;
            float dummyMapRatio    = 0f;
            int   tempWidth        = (int)MapPbx.ActualWidth;
            int   tempHeight       = (int)MapPbx.ActualHeight;
            ImageWork.FixedSize_ResizeRatios(SourceImage.Width, SourceImage.Height, tempWidth, tempHeight, ref targetMapOffsetX, ref targetMapOffsetY, ref targetMapWidth, ref targetMapHeight, ref dummyMapRatio);


            #region Compute mapped .Left and .Width

            double dMapPbxWidth = (double)targetMapWidth;
            double xLeft        = (double)MapRect.Left;
            double xWidth       = (double)MapRect.Width;
            if (targetMapOffsetX > 0)
                double dOffsetX     = (double)targetMapOffsetX;
                double dOffsetWidth = (double)targetMapWidth;
                if (xLeft < dOffsetX)
                    xLeft = 0;
                    xLeft -= dOffsetX;
                double xRight = (double)MapRect.Right - dOffsetX;
                if (xRight > dOffsetWidth)
                    xRight = dOffsetWidth;

                xWidth = xRight - xLeft;
                if (xWidth > dMapPbxWidth)
                    xWidth = dMapPbxWidth;
            int _mappedRect_Left  = (int)((double)SourceImage.Width * (xLeft / dMapPbxWidth));
            int _mappedRect_Width = (int)((double)SourceImage.Width * (xWidth / dMapPbxWidth));

            #region Compute mapped .Top and .Height

            double dMapPbxHeight = (double)targetMapHeight;
            double yTop          = (double)MapRect.Top;
            double yHeight       = (double)MapRect.Height;
            if (targetMapOffsetY > 0)
                double dOffsetY      = (double)targetMapOffsetY;
                double dOffsetHeight = (double)targetMapHeight;
                if (yTop < dOffsetY)
                    yTop = 0;
                    yTop -= dOffsetY;
                double yBottom = (double)MapRect.Bottom - dOffsetY;
                if (yBottom > dOffsetHeight)
                    yBottom = dOffsetHeight;

                yHeight = yBottom - yTop;
                if (yHeight > dMapPbxHeight)
                    yHeight = dMapPbxHeight;
            int _mappedRect_Top    = (int)((double)SourceImage.Height * (yTop / dMapPbxHeight));
            int _mappedRect_Height = (int)((double)SourceImage.Height * (yHeight / dMapPbxHeight));

            return(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(_mappedRect_Left, _mappedRect_Top, _mappedRect_Width, _mappedRect_Height));