public static void ConvertXmlAndStoreInDatabase(XDocument xmlFile)
            // converts downloaded xml data & add to database

            using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(DBLocation))
                conn.DropTable <NewsObject>();
                conn.CreateTable <NewsObject>();

                foreach (var item in xmlFile.Descendants("event"))
                    // get date & time values from XML (string)
                    string dateOnly = item.Element("date").Value.TrimEnd();
                    string timeOnly = item.Element("time").Value.TrimEnd();

                    // convert date & time strings to DateTime object
                    DateTime tempDateTime = Convert_Strings_DateAndTime_To_SingleDateTimeObject(dateOnly, timeOnly, cultureInfo);

                    // adjust time for GMT in xml file & add 1 hour if it is currently daylight saving
                    bool isDaylightSavingsTime = tempDateTime.IsDaylightSavingTime();
                    //Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\n It is currently daylightsavings time: "
                    //    + isDaylightSavingsTime.ToString()  +    "\n\n\n");

                    if (isDaylightSavingsTime == true)
                        // add 1 hour to every datetime to bring GMT time to correct time during daylight savings time
                        tempDateTime = tempDateTime.AddHours(1);

                        // NOTE:  tempDateTime.AddHours(1);  (doesn't work because)
                        // This method does not change the value of this DateTime.
                        // Instead, it returns a new DateTime whose value is the result of this operation. (MSDN)

                    // set alarm to go off a set amount before news alart time
                    tempDateTime = tempDateTime.AddMinutes(TimeToGoOffBeforeMarketAnnouncement);

                    // convert DateTime object to a long of ticks
                    long dateTimeInTicks = tempDateTime.Ticks;

                    // create a newsObject for every 'event' in xml file
                    NewsObject newsObject = new NewsObject
                        Title = item.Element("title").Value.TrimEnd(),
                        // .Value - removes surrounding tags
                        CountryChar  = item.Element("country").Value.TrimEnd(),
                        MarketImpact = item.Element("impact").Value.TrimEnd(),
                        DateInTicks  = dateTimeInTicks
                    // insert newsObject into database
        // method to convert newsObject to userAlert object
        public static UserAlert ConvertNewsObjectToUserAlert(NewsObject newsObject)
            UserAlert userAlert = new UserAlert
                // don't assign ID - SQLite will do this automatically when object is inserted into DB
                Title        = newsObject.Title,
                CountryChar  = newsObject.CountryChar,
                MarketImpact = newsObject.MarketImpact,
                DateAndTime  = newsObject.DateAndTime,
                DateInTicks  = newsObject.DateInTicks,

                IsPersonalAlert            = false, // because this is converting a market event
                DescriptionOfPersonalEvent = string.Empty
