Example #1
 public Game()
     spawns  = new spawn_t[] {
         new spawn_t{Name = "info_player_start", Spawn = new SpawnDelegate(SP_info_player_start)},
         new spawn_t{Name = "info_ladder", Spawn = new SpawnDelegate(SP_info_ladder)}
     sv_gravity = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_gravity", "800", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
     sv_speed = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_speed", "320", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
     g_synchrounousClients = CVars.Instance.Get("g_synchrounousClients", "0", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
     g_forcerespawn = CVars.Instance.Get("g_forcerespawn", "20", CVarFlags.NONE);
     g_smoothClients = CVars.Instance.Get("g_smoothClients", "0", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
     g_gametype = CVars.Instance.Get("g_gametype", "0", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.LATCH | CVarFlags.USER_INFO);
     g_teamAutoJoin = CVars.Instance.Get("g_teamAutoJoin", "0", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE);
     g_maxGameClients = CVars.Instance.Get("g_maxGameClients", "0", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.LATCH);
     g_edgefriction = CVars.Instance.Get("g_edgefriction", "2", CVarFlags.SERVER_CREATED);
Example #2
        public static string Validate(CVar var, string value, bool warn)
            if (!var.Validate)
                return value;

            if (value.Equals("") || value == null)
                return value;

            float valuef;
            bool changed = false;
            if(float.TryParse(value, out valuef))
                if (var.Integral)
                    if (valuef != (int)valuef)
                        if (warn)
                            System.Console.Write("WARNING: cvar '{0}' must be integral", var.Name);

                        valuef = (int)valuef;
                        changed = true;
                if (warn)
                    System.Console.Write("WARNING: cvar '{0}' must be numeric", var.Name);

                valuef = float.Parse(var.ResetString);
                changed = true;

            if (valuef < var.min)
                if (warn)
                    if (changed)
                        System.Console.Write(" and is");
                        System.Console.Write("WARNING: cvar '{0}'", var.Name);

                    System.Console.Write(" out of range (min {0})", var.min);
                valuef = var.min;
                changed = true;
            else if (valuef > var.max)
                if (warn)
                    if (changed)
                        System.Console.Write(" and is");
                        System.Console.Write("WARNING: cvar '{0}'", var.Name);

                    System.Console.Write(" out of range (max {0})", var.max);
                valuef = var.max;
                changed = true;

            if (changed)
                if (warn)
                    System.Console.WriteLine(", setting to {0}", value);

                return "" + valuef;

            return value;
Example #3
 public void Unset(CVar var)
     // remove from dictionary
     if (vars.ContainsKey(var.Name))
Example #4

        Prints the value, default, and latched string of the given variable
        public void Print(CVar var)
            Common.Instance.Write("\"{0}\" is \"{1}\"^7", var.Name, var.String);
            if ((var.Flags & CVarFlags.ROM) != CVarFlags.ROM)
                if (var.String.Equals(var.ResetString))
                    Common.Instance.Write(", the default");
                    Common.Instance.Write(" default: \"{0}\"^7", var.ResetString);

            if (var.LatchedString != null)
                Common.Instance.WriteLine("latched: \"{0}\"^7", var.LatchedString);
Example #5
        // Gets a cvar. If it doesn't exist, it will be created
        public CVar Get(string name, string value, CVarFlags flags)
            if (name == null || value == null || name.Equals(""))
                System.Console.WriteLine("FATAL: CVar Get w/ null arguments");
                return null;

            if (!ValidateString(name))
                System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid cvar name string: {0}", name);
                name = "BADNAME";

            CVar nvar = FindVar(name);

            if (nvar != null)
                CVar var = nvar;
                value = Validate(var, value, false);

                // if the C code is now specifying a variable that the user already
                // set a value for, take the new value as the reset value
                if((var.Flags & CVarFlags.USER_CREATED) == CVarFlags.USER_CREATED)
                    var.Flags &= ~CVarFlags.USER_CREATED;
                    var.ResetString = value;

                    if ((flags & CVarFlags.ROM) == CVarFlags.ROM)
                        // this variable was set by the user,
                        // so force it to value given by the engine.

                        var.LatchedString = value;

                var.Flags = flags;

                // only allow one non-empty reset string without a warning
                if (var.ResetString == null || var.ResetString.Equals(""))
                    var.ResetString = value;
                else if (!value.Equals("") && value.Equals(var.ResetString))


                // if we have a latched string, take that value now
                if (var.LatchedString != null)
                    string s = var.LatchedString;
                    var.LatchedString = null;
                    Set(name, s);

                // ZOID--needs to be set so that cvars the game sets as
                // SERVERINFO get sent to clients
                modifiedFlags |= flags;

                return var;

            // allocate a new cvar

            CVar cvar = new CVar();
            cvar.Name = name;
            cvar.String = value;
            cvar.Modified = true;
            cvar.ModificationCount = 1;
            float val;
            int val2;
            if(float.TryParse(value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out val))
                cvar.Value = val;
            if (int.TryParse(value, out val2))
                cvar.Integer = val2;
                cvar.Integral = true;
            cvar.ResetString = value;
            cvar.Validate = false;
            cvar.Flags = flags;
            // note what types of cvars have been modified (userinfo, archive, serverinfo, systeminfo)
            modifiedFlags |= cvar.Flags;

            vars.Add(name, cvar);

            return cvar;
Example #6
        // Applies a (permanent until changed) range-check on a cvar.
        public void CheckRange(CVar var, float min, float max, bool integral)
            var.Validate = true;
            var.min = min;
            var.max = max;
            var.Integral = integral;

            // Force initial range check
            Set(var.Name, var.String);
Example #7
        bool GetCvars()
            bool modified = false;
            net_enabled = CVars.Instance.Get("net_enabled", "1", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.LATCH);
            modified = net_enabled.Modified;
            net_enabled.Modified = false;

            net_ip = CVars.Instance.Get("net_ip", "", CVarFlags.LATCH);
            if (net_ip.Modified)
                modified = true;
                net_ip.Modified = false;

            net_port = CVars.Instance.Get("net_port", "27960", CVarFlags.LATCH);
            if (net_port.Modified)
                modified = true;
                net_port.Modified = false;

            return modified;
Example #8
        public void Init(float levelTime, int randSeed, int restart)
            LogPrintf("----- Game Initialization -----");

            g_cheats = CVars.Instance.Get("g_cheats", "", CVarFlags.NONE);

            level.time = levelTime;
            level.startTime = levelTime;
            level.newSession = true;

            // initialize all entities for this game
            g_entities = new gentity_t[1024];
            level.sentities = new sharedEntity[1024];
            for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
                g_entities[i] = (new gentity_t());
                level.sentities[i] = g_entities[i].shEnt;
            level.gentities = g_entities;

            // initialize all clients for this game
            level.maxclients = 32;
            g_clients = new gclient_t[64];
            for (int i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++)
                g_clients[i] = (new gclient_t());
            level.clients = g_clients;

            // set client fields on player ents
            for (int i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++)
                gentity_t ent = g_entities[i];
                ent.s.number = i;
                ent.s.clientNum = i;
                ent.client = level.clients[i];

            // always leave room for the max number of clients,
            // even if they aren't all used, so numbers inside that
            // range are NEVER anything but clients
            level.num_entities = 64;

            Server.Instance.LocateGameData(level.sentities, level.num_entities, level.clients);


Example #9
        public void Init()

            sv_fps = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_fps", "100", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            sv_timeout = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_timeout", "200", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            sv_hostname = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_hostname", "noname", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.ARCHIVE);
            sv_mapname = CVars.Instance.Get("mapname", "nomap", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.ARCHIVE);
            CVars.Instance.Get("nextmap", "", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            sv_mapChecksum = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_mapChecksum", "", CVarFlags.ROM);
            sv_maxclients = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_maxclients", "32", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.LATCH);
            sv_zombietime = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_zombietime", "2", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            sv_killserver = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_killserver", "0", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            sv_reconnectlimit = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_reconnectlimit", "3", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.ARCHIVE);
            sv_minping = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_minping", "0", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
            sv_maxping = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_maxping", "0", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
            sv_minrate = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_minrate", "0", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
            sv_maxrate = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_maxrate", "0", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE | CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO);
            CVars.Instance.Get("sv_serverid", "0", CVarFlags.SERVER_INFO | CVarFlags.ROM);
Example #10
        public void Init(string commandline)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Cubehags os:{0} cpus:{1}", Environment.OSVersion, Environment.ProcessorCount);
            FileStream stream;
                stream = File.Create("log/cubehagslog.txt");
            catch (Exception ex)
                stream = File.Create("log/cubelog" + new Random().Next(99999) + ".txt");
            logWriter = new StreamWriter(stream);

            // prepare enough of the subsystems to handle
            // cvar and command buffer management

            // done early so bind command exists
            Commands.Instance.AddCommand("quit", new CommandDelegate(Quit_f));
            Commands.Instance.AddCommand("exit", new CommandDelegate(Quit_f));


            // if any archived cvars are modified after this, we will trigger a writing
            // of the config file
            CVars.Instance.modifiedFlags &= ~CVarFlags.ARCHIVE;

            // init commands and vars
            maxfps = CVars.Instance.Get("maxfps", "300", CVarFlags.ARCHIVE);
            logfile = CVars.Instance.Get("logfile", "0", CVarFlags.TEMP);
            cl_running = CVars.Instance.Get("cl_running", "0", CVarFlags.ROM);
            sv_running = CVars.Instance.Get("sv_running", "0", CVarFlags.ROM);
            timescale = CVars.Instance.Get("timescale", "1", CVarFlags.TEMP);


            // set com_frameTime so that if a map is started on the
            // command line it will still be able to count on com_frameTime
            // being random enough for a serverid
            frameTime = (int)Milliseconds();

            // add + commands from command line
            if (!AddStartupCommands())
                // if the user didn't give any commands, run default action -- nothing
Example #11

        Returns qfalse if the message should not be processed due to being
        out of order or a fragment.

        Msg must be large enough to hold MAX_MSGLEN, because if this is the
        final fragment of a multi-part message, the entire thing will be
        copied out.
        public bool NetChan_Process(netchan_t chan, Packet packet)
            // get sequence numbers
            int sequence = packet.Buffer.ReadInt32();

            // check for fragment information
            bool fragmented = false;
            if ((sequence & (1 << 31)) == (1 << 31))
                sequence &= ~(1 << 31);
                fragmented = true;

            // read the qport if we are a server
            int qport;
            if (chan.sock == NetSource.SERVER)
                qport = packet.Buffer.ReadInt16();

            // read the fragment information
            int fragStart = 0, fragEnd = 0;
            if (fragmented)
                fragStart = packet.Buffer.ReadInt16();
                fragEnd = packet.Buffer.ReadInt16();

            // discard out of order or duplicated packets
            if (sequence <= sequence - (chan.incomingSequence + 1))
                Common.Instance.WriteLine("[0}: out of order packetseq {1} at {2}", packet.Address.ToString(), sequence, chan.incomingSequence);
                return false;

            // dropped packets don't keep the message from being used
            chan.dropped = sequence - (chan.incomingSequence + 1);
            if (chan.dropped > 0)
                Common.Instance.WriteLine("{0}: dropped {1} packets at {2}", packet.Address.ToString(), chan.dropped, sequence);

            // if this is the final framgent of a reliable message,
            // bump incoming_reliable_sequence
            if (fragmented)
                Common.Instance.WriteLine("Implement fragmentation");

            // the message can now be read from the current message pointer
            chan.incomingSequence = sequence;
            return true;