Example #1
        private void taskList_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            labelTimer.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green); //unless set otherwise below

            SolidColorBrush standardBackgroundBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(215, 228, 242));
            SolidColorBrush notificationBrush1      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(129, 137, 145));
            SolidColorBrush notificationBrush2      = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(129, 137, 145));

            if (taskList.SelectedIndex == 9)
                //last ticks item before jitter demo
                gridMainForm.Background = notificationBrush1;
            else if (taskList.SelectedIndex == 17)
                //last jitter item before ISIP
                gridMainForm.Background = notificationBrush2;
                //returning to normal color after warning items
                gridMainForm.Background = standardBackgroundBrush;

            // hacky hacky hack to go to the listen-only jitter item before following through to the set list.
            if (taskList.SelectedIndex == 10)
                MessageBox.Show("(1) Advancing to the jitter items. (2) Copied the 'listen only' version. Click OK when done to proceed (copy the first jitter practice item and run the timer).");
            //then follow through to the next task in the order (either jits practice 500 or 800):

            if (taskList.SelectedIndex > -1)
                taskType selectedTask = tasks[taskList.SelectedIndex];

                string toCopy = getTaskIDCommand(selectedTask);

                labelNotify.Text = String.Concat("Copied: ", getTaskIDCommand(selectedTask), "\n  (for ", selectedTask.taskName, ")");

                //get timer stuff
                timeRemaining = selectedTask.duration + taskDurationAdjustment;
                TimeSpan t      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeRemaining);
                string   answer = string.Format("{0:D1}:{1:D2}",

Example #2
        private string getTaskIDCommand(taskType t)
            int    idOfReceivedTask = t.taskID;
            string leadingzero      = "";

            if (idOfReceivedTask < 10)
                leadingzero = "0";

            string s = "T" + leadingzero + idOfReceivedTask.ToString();

Example #3
        private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //orderedTaskSet = new List<taskType>();

            flashToggle              = true;
            taskDurationAdjustment   = 4;
            textTimerAdjustment.Text = taskDurationAdjustment.ToString();

            dispatcherTimer          = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
            dispatcherTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimer_Tick);
            dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1);

            tasks        = new List <taskType>();
            taskSetNames = new String[26];
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_PRAC_500] = "ID_TICKS_PRAC_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_PRAC_800] = "ID_TICKS_PRAC_800";
            taskSetNames[ID_T1_SMS_500]     = "ID_T1_SMS_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_T1_SMS_800]     = "ID_T1_SMS_800";

            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_ISO_T2_500]  = "ID_TICKS_ISO_T2_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_ISO_T2_800]  = "ID_TICKS_ISO_T2_800";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_LINEAR_500]  = "ID_TICKS_LINEAR_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_LINEAR_800]  = "ID_TICKS_LINEAR_800";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_PHASESH_500] = "ID_TICKS_PHASESH_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_TICKS_PHASESH_800] = "ID_TICKS_PHASESH_800";

            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_PRAC_500] = "ID_JITS_PRAC_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_PRAC_800] = "ID_JITS_PRAC_800";

            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_ISO_500]     = "ID_JITS_ISO_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_ISO_800]     = "ID_JITS_ISO_800";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_LINEAR_500]  = "ID_JITS_LINEAR_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_LINEAR_800]  = "ID_JITS_LINEAR_800";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_PHASESH_500] = "ID_JITS_PHASESH_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_JITS_PHASESH_800] = "ID_JITS_PHASESH_800";

            taskSetNames[ID_ISIP_500] = "ID_ISIP_500";
            taskSetNames[ID_ISIP_800] = "ID_ISIP_800";

            taskSetNames[ID_PATT_PRAC]     = "ID_PATT_PRAC";
            taskSetNames[ID_IMPROV_METRO]  = "ID_IMPROV_METRO";
            taskSetNames[ID_IMPROV_MELODY] = "ID_IMPROV_MELODY";

            taskSetNames[ID_REMOVED]   = "ID_REMOVED";
            taskSetNames[ID_MELODYACC] = "ID_MELODYACC";
            taskSetNames[ID_PATT_REC]  = "ID_PATT_REC";

            for (int i = 0; i < taskSetNames.Count(); i++)
                taskType t = new taskType();
                t.recordingIntervalCount = taskSetRecordingIntervalCount[i];
                t.stimulusCount          = taskSetStimulusCount[i];
                t.taskName    = taskSetNames[i];
                t.avgInterval = taskSetAvgInterval[i];
                t.duration    = taskDurations[i];
                t.usedInSet   = taskSetUsedInSet[i];
                t.taskID      = taskSetArduinoTaskID[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Count; i++)
                if (!tasks[i].usedInSet)

             * foreach (taskType t in tasks) {
             *  //orderedTaskSet.Add(t);
             *  taskList.Items.Add(t.taskName + " [" + t.taskID + "] " +
             *      t.stimulusCount + ":" + t.recordingIntervalCount);
             *  }