Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FunctionsExample DmmClass = new FunctionsExample(); //Create an instance of this class so we can call functions from Main
                //For more information on getting started using VISA COM I/O operations see the app note located at:
                Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager rm = new Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager(); //Open up a new resource manager
                Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488 myDmm = new Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488(); //Open a new Formatted IO 488 session
                AGILENT_33220A = "USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44021621::0::INSTR"
                AGILENT_33522A = "USB0::0x0957::0x2307::MY50003961::0::INSTR"
                string AGILENT_33220A = "USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44021621::0::INSTR";
                string AGILENT_33522A = "USB0::0x0957::0x2307::MY50003961::0::INSTR";

                myDmm.IO = (IMessage)rm.Open(AGILENT_33220A, AccessMode.NO_LOCK, 2000, ""); //Open up a handle to the DMM with a 2 second timeout
                myDmm.IO.Timeout = 3000; //You can also set your timeout by doing this command, sets to 3 seconds

                //First start off with a reset state
                myDmm.IO.Clear(); //Send a device clear first to stop any measurements in process
                myDmm.WriteString("*RST", true); //Reset the device
                myDmm.WriteString("*IDN?", true); //Get the IDN string
                string IDN = myDmm.ReadString();
                Console.WriteLine(IDN); //report the DMM's identity
                myDmm.WriteString(":OUTP:STAT 0", true);                    // Disable Output
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:FREQ:CW 1.1512 MHZ", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL 0.1 VPP", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:PHAS 0", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:NCYC 50000", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:INT:PER 0.1 S", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:FREQ?", true);
                string FreqRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:INT:PER?", true);
                string PeriodRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL?", true);
                string AmplitudeRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:PHAS?", true);
                string PhasResult = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:NCYC?", true);
                string NumCycRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                Console.WriteLine("Current Values are:" + "Period:" + PeriodRes + "Frequency:" + FreqRes + "Amplitude" + AmplitudeRes + "Phase" + PhasResult + "Cycles" + NumCycRes);
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:STAT 1", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":OUTP:STAT 1", true);                    // Enable Output
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured: " + e.Message);
                //Close out your resources
                try { myDmm.IO.Close(); }
                try{ System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myDmm);}
                catch {}
                catch {}
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");
Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FunctionsExample DmmClass = new FunctionsExample();

            //Create an instance of this class so we can call functions from Main
            //For more information on getting started using VISA COM I/O operations see the app note located at:
            Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager rm    = new Ivi.Visa.Interop.ResourceManager(); //Open up a new resource manager
            Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488  myDmm = new Ivi.Visa.Interop.FormattedIO488();  //Open a new Formatted IO 488 session

             *  AGILENT_33220A = "USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44021621::0::INSTR"
             *  AGILENT_33522A = "USB0::0x0957::0x2307::MY50003961::0::INSTR"
                string AGILENT_33220A = "USB0::0x0957::0x0407::MY44021621::0::INSTR";
                string AGILENT_33522A = "USB0::0x0957::0x2307::MY50003961::0::INSTR";

                myDmm.IO         = (IMessage)rm.Open(AGILENT_33220A, AccessMode.NO_LOCK, 2000, ""); //Open up a handle to the DMM with a 2 second timeout
                myDmm.IO.Timeout = 500;                                                             //You can also set your timeout by doing this command, sets to 3 seconds
                //First start off with a reset state
                myDmm.IO.Clear();                                                                   //Send a device clear first to stop any measurements in process
                myDmm.WriteString("*RST", true);                                                    //Reset the device
                myDmm.WriteString("*IDN?", true);                                                   //Get the IDN string
                string IDN = myDmm.ReadString();
                Console.WriteLine(IDN);                                                             //report the DMM's identity
                myDmm.WriteString(":OUTP:STAT 0", true);                                            // Disable Output
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:FREQ:CW 1.1512 MHZ", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                                                      //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL 0.1 VPP", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                                                      //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:PHAS 0", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                                                      //Check if the DMM has any errors
                if (true)
                    myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR1:BURS:STAT 0", true);
                    DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:NCYC 50000", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:INT:PER 0.1 S", true);
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm); //Check if the DMM has any errors

                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:FREQ?", true);
                string FreqRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:INT:PER?", true);
                string PeriodRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:VOLT:LEV:IMM:AMPL?", true);
                string AmplitudeRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:PHAS?", true);
                string PhasResult = myDmm.ReadString();
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR:BURS:NCYC?", true);
                string NumCycRes = myDmm.ReadString();
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                 //Check if the DMM has any errors
                Console.WriteLine("Current Values are:" + "Period:" + PeriodRes + "Frequency:" + FreqRes + "Amplitude" + AmplitudeRes + "Phase" + PhasResult + "Cycles" + NumCycRes);
                myDmm.WriteString(":SOUR1:BURS:STAT 1", true); // Enable Output
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                 //Check if the DMM has any errors
                myDmm.WriteString(":OUTP:STAT 1", true);       // Enable Output
                DmmClass.CheckDMMError(myDmm);                 //Check if the DMM has any errors
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured: " + e.Message);
                //Close out your resources
                try { myDmm.IO.Close(); }
                catch { }
                try { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(myDmm); }
                catch { }
                catch { }
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");