private static void AddData() { string input; do { Console.WriteLine("\n========================== Adding Data of the Teacher record File =========================\n"); Iteacher.AddTeacher(); Console.WriteLine("\n\nWant to add more data?(Type yes/no)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } while (input.Equals("yes")); }
private static void UpdateData() { string input; do { string id; Console.WriteLine("\n========================= Updating Data of the Teacher record File ==========================\n"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Id of the teacher: "); id = Console.ReadLine(); Iteacher.UpdateTeacher(id); Console.WriteLine("\n\nWant to update more data?(Type yes/no)"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } while (input.Equals("yes")); }
private static void ListData() { Console.WriteLine("\n========================== List Data of the Teacher record File ==========================\n"); Iteacher.GetTeacherList(); }