public static void GetDefensiveTDs(NPGGFFLDataContext context, Games game) { var foxSeasonType = (game.SeasonWeeks.SeasonTypeId == 1 ? 3 : (game.SeasonWeeks.SeasonTypeId == 2 ? 1 : 2)); //preseason = 3, reg season = 1, postseason = 2 var foxScheduleUrl = string.Format("{0}?season={1}&seasonType={2}&week={3}", new string[] { SCHEDULE_URL, game.SeasonWeeks.SeasonYear.ToString(), foxSeasonType.ToString(), game.SeasonWeeks.WeekNum.ToString() }); var foxLeagueUrl = string.Format("{0}?season={1}", new string[] { LEAGUE_URL, game.SeasonWeeks.SeasonYear.ToString() }); var leagueJson = JObject.Parse(HelperMethods.GetJsonFromUrl(foxLeagueUrl)); var scheduleJson = JArray.Parse(HelperMethods.GetJsonFromUrl(foxScheduleUrl)); var awayTeam = GetFoxTeam(leagueJson, game.AwayTeam.FoxAbbreviation.ToUpper()); var homeTeam = GetFoxTeam(leagueJson, game.HomeTeam.FoxAbbreviation.ToUpper()); var gameUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}&type=3", HOST, GetFoxBoxscoreUrl(scheduleJson, awayTeam, homeTeam)); var html = HelperMethods.LoadHtmlFromUrl(gameUrl); var dom = new CQ(html, HtmlParsingMode.Document); var dTDs = dom["div[class*='wisfb_bsTeamStats']"].Find("tr[class*='wisfb_bstsTotal wisfb_bstsGroupTop']:contains('DEF TDs')"); if (dTDs.Length > 0) { var awayDefensiveTDs = Convert.ToInt32(dTDs.Find("td[class*='wisfb_bstsStat']")[0].Cq().Html()); var homeDefensiveTDs = Convert.ToInt32(dTDs.Find("td[class*='wisfb_bstsStat']")[1].Cq().Html()); context.PlayerStats.Where(ps => ps.GameId == game.GameId && ps.PlayerId == game.AwayTeamId).First().DefensiveTDs = awayDefensiveTDs; context.PlayerStats.Where(ps => ps.GameId == game.GameId && ps.PlayerId == game.HomeTeamId).First().DefensiveTDs = homeDefensiveTDs; context.SubmitChanges(); } }
public static string ToTomboyXml(this string html_body) { var body = html_body.Replace ("<br>", "\n"); CQ html = body; html["b"].ReplaceOuterWithTag("<bold/>"); html["i"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<i/>"); html["ul"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<list/>"); html["li"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<list-item />"); html["h1"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<size:huge/>"); html["h2"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<size:large/>"); html["small"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<size:small/>"); html["strike"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<strikethrough/>"); html["pre"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<monospace/>"); html["a[class='internal']"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<link:internal/>"); html["a[class='url']"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<link:url/>"); html["a"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<link:url/>"); html["span[class='highlight']"].ReplaceOuterWithTag ("<highlight/>"); // hack replace <div> which get inserted by the wysihtml5 html["div"].Each (domobj => { CQ e = new CQ (domobj); var all = new CQ(e.Html()); e.ReplaceWith(all); }); var render = html.Render (); // maybe bug int tomboy - </list-items> need a single \n in from of them render = Regex.Replace (render, @"(?!\n)</list-item>", "\n</list-item>", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture); return render; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the PreMailer class /// </summary> /// <param name="html">The HTML input.</param> public PreMailer(string html) { _document = CQ.CreateDocument(html); _warnings = new List<string>(); _cssParser = new CssParser(); _cssSelectorParser = new CssSelectorParser(); }
private static void RunPattern(IYateDataContext dataContext, object model, CQ domObjects, IPattern pattern) { //try/finally leaves the data context in the same state as when we started with it hopefully. try { dataContext.PushValue(model); foreach (var domObject in domObjects) { var htmlFragment = CQ.CreateFragment(pattern.HtmlFragment); foreach (var atRule in pattern.AtRules) { atRule.Render(htmlFragment, dataContext); } foreach (var ruleSet in pattern.RuleSets) { ruleSet.Render(htmlFragment, dataContext); } //append those mama jammas foreach(var frag in htmlFragment) { domObject.AppendChild(frag); } } } finally { dataContext.PopValue(); } }
public Document(FetchResult result) { _result = result; _document = CQ.CreateDocument(result.Content); _baseUri = new Lazy<Uri>(GetBaseUri); }
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext) { if (sb == null) { base.OnResultExecuted(filterContext); return; } if (filterContext.Exception != null) { filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Response.Output = output; base.OnResultExecuted(filterContext); return; } if (filterContext.HttpContext.Items.DocTransforms().Any()) { string response = sb.ToString(); //response processing var doc = new CsQuery.CQ(response); try { foreach (var transform in filterContext.HttpContext.Items.DocTransforms()) { transform(doc); } output.Write(doc.Render()); } catch (Exception ex) { output.Write(ex.ToString()); throw; } } base.OnResultExecuted(filterContext); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the PreMailer class /// </summary> /// <param name="html">The HTML input.</param> /// <param name="parsingMode">(optional) the mode.</param> public PreMailer(string html,HtmlParsingMode parsingMode) { _document = CQ.Create(html, parsingMode); _warnings = new List<string>(); _cssParser = new CssParser(); _cssSelectorParser = new CssSelectorParser(); }
public void Render(CQ dom) { foreach (var selector in _renderingParameters.Selectors) { ////todo: figure out prepend and such //if (renderingParameters.Expressions.Count() > 1) //{ // var method = renderingParameters.Expressions[1].ToLower(); // if (method == "append") // { // dom.Select(selector).Text(dom.Select(selector).Text() + renderingParameters.Expressions.FirstOrDefault()); // } // else if (method == "prepend") // { // dom.Select(selector).Text(renderingParameters.Expressions.FirstOrDefault() + dom.Select(selector).Text()); // } // else // { // dom.Select(selector).Text(renderingParameters.Expressions.FirstOrDefault()); // } //} //else //{ dom.Select(selector).Text(_renderingParameters.Expressions.FirstOrDefault()); //} } }
/// <summary> /// Selects all elements except those passed as a parameter. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="elements"> /// The elements to be excluded. /// </param> /// /// <returns> /// A new CQ object. /// </returns> /// /// <url> /// /// </url> public CQ Not(IEnumerable<IDomObject> elements) { CQ csq = new CQ(SelectionSet); csq.SelectionSet.ExceptWith(elements); csq.Selector = Selector; return csq; }
public void Render(CQ html, string selector) { foreach (var property in Properties) { property.Render(html, selector); } }
public static void ReadLargeDoc(TestContext context) { // CsQuery (version 1.3.0 and above) uses this code. Dom = CQ.Create( CsQuery.Utility.Support.GetFile("HtmlParserSharp.Tests\\Resources\\html standard.htm") ); }
public void UnquotedAttributeHandling() { CQ doc = new CQ("<div custattribute=10/23/2012 id=\"tableSample\"><span>sample text</span></div>"); IDomElement obj = doc["#tableSample"].FirstElement(); Assert.AreEqual("10/23/2012", obj["custattribute"]); }
static DateTimeOffset ParseEventDate(CQ dom, IDomObject @event) { var date = dom.Select("", @event).Text().Trim(); DateTimeOffset eventDate; DateTimeOffset.TryParse(date, out eventDate); return eventDate; }
public static DateTime GetGameDate(int gameId) { var url = string.Format("{0}{1}", BOXSCORE_URL, string.Format("?gameId={0}", gameId.ToString())); var html = HelperMethods.LoadHtmlFromUrl(url); CQ dom = new CQ(html, HtmlParsingMode.Document); var gameTime = dom["div[class*='game-status']"].Find("span[data-date]").First().Attr("data-date"); var gameDtm = DateTime.Parse(gameTime); return gameDtm; }
public void TestObtainAccessTokenWithoutAuthenticating() { var collection = new CollectionState(new Uri(SANDBOX_URI)); var response = new WebClient().DownloadString(""); var ip = new CQ(response).Select("body").Text().Split(new string[] { ": " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1].Trim(); var state = collection.UnauthenticatedAccess(ip, "WCQY-7J1Q-GKVV-7DNM-SQ5M-9Q5H-JX3H-CMJK"); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, state.Response.StatusCode); Assert.IsNotNullOrEmpty(state.CurrentAccessToken); }
internal object Result() { var s = new CQ(compareSource); var w = new CQ(compareWith); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
static string[] ParseCommandsNames(CQ dom, IDomObject @event) { var commands = dom.Select( " > span.command >, > span.command div.member-name", @event).Map(node => node.Cq().Text().Trim().Replace(Nbsp, ' ')).ToArray(); Debug.Assert(commands.Count() == 2, "Teams names have not been recognized: " + @event.InnerHTML); return commands; }
private IEnumerable<SteamGame> ParseWishlistPage(CQ dom) { foreach (var wishlistNode in dom[".wishlistRow"]) { CQ wishlistNodeDom = CQ.Create(wishlistNode); string name = wishlistNodeDom["h4.ellipsis"].Text(); string url = wishlistNodeDom[".storepage_btn_ctn a"].Attr("href"); yield return new SteamGame(name, url); } }
public virtual void Render(CQ html, IYateDataContext dataContext) { foreach (var declaration in Properties) { foreach (var selector in Selectors) { declaration.Render(html, selector, dataContext); } } }
private void InitializeDomFromTemplate() { using (Stream stream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("ApiExplorer.Core.Template.html")) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { Dom = CQ.Create(reader.ReadToEnd()); } } }
private PreMailer(string html, bool removeStyleElements = false, string ignoreElements = null) { _document = CQ.CreateDocument(html); _removeStyleElements = removeStyleElements; _ignoreElements = ignoreElements; _warnings = new List<string>(); _cssParser = new CssParser(); _cssSelectorParser = new CssSelectorParser(); }
public string Format(CQ selection) { stringInfo = CharacterData.CreateStringInfo(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (IDomObject obj in selection) { AddContents(sb,obj); } return sb.ToString(); }
static IEnumerable<ParsedEventData> ParseEvents(CQ dom, IDomObject @event) { return dom.Select("td.js-price", @event) .Map(node => { var domNode = node.Cq(); var coefficient = double.Parse(domNode.Find("span.selection-link").Text().Trim()); var specification = domNode.Children().Remove().End().Text().Trim(); return new ParsedEventData {Coefficient = coefficient, Specification = specification}; }); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CQ object from a single element. Unlike the constructor method <see cref="CsQuery.CQ"/> /// this new objet is not bound to any context from the element. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="element"> /// The element to wrap /// </param> /// /// <returns> /// A new CQ object /// </returns> public static CQ Create(IDomObject element) { CQ csq = new CQ(); if (element is IDomDocument) { csq.Document = (IDomDocument)element; csq.AddSelection(csq.Document.ChildNodes); } else { csq.CreateNewFragment(Objects.Enumerate(element)); } return csq; }
private static IEnumerable<ScheduleItem> FromTable(CQ tableElement) { var itemElements = tableElement.Find("tbody tr .event .event_container"); for (int i = 0; i < itemElements.Length; i++) { var item = itemElements.Eq(i); yield return ScheduleItem.Parse(item); } }
public bool TryGetLinkFile(string linkURL, out CQ doc) { try { doc = CQ.CreateFromUrl(linkURL, null); return true; } catch { doc = null; return false; } }
public void LoadDoc(string filepath, string docname, string orgunitid, string docid) { // Load file into parser htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.Load(filepath); dom = CQ.Create(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml); // Set variables DocName = docname; OrgUnitID = orgunitid; DocID = docid; }
public void Render(CQ html, IYateDataContext dataContext) { foreach (var atRule in AtRules) { atRule.Render(html, dataContext); } foreach (var ruleSet in RuleSets) { ruleSet.Render(html, dataContext); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of CSS sources ('style', 'link' tags etc.) based on the elements given.<para/> /// These will be returned in their order of definition. /// </summary> private IEnumerable<ICssSource> ConvertToStyleSources(CQ nodesWithStyles) { var result = new List<ICssSource>(); var nodes = nodesWithStyles; foreach (var node in nodes) { if (node.NodeName == "STYLE") result.Add(new DocumentStyleTagCssSource(node)); } return result; }
public override string ToString() { return(CQ.ToJSON(this)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CQ object wrapping a single DOM element, in the context of another CQ object. /// </summary> /// /// <remarks> /// This differs from the overload accepting a single IDomObject parameter in that it associates /// the new object with a previous object, as if it were part of a selector chain. In practice /// this will rarely make a difference, but some methods such as <see cref="CQ.End"/> use /// this information. /// </remarks> /// /// <param name="element"> /// The element to wrap. /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// The context. /// </param> public CQ(IDomObject element, CQ context) { ConfigureNewInstance(this, element, context); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CsQuery object using an existing instance and a selector. if the selector is /// null or missing, then it will contain no selection results. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="selector"> /// A valid CSS selector. /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// The context. /// </param> public CQ(string selector, CQ context) { ConfigureNewInstance(selector, context); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CsQuery object from a selector HTML, and assign CSS from a JSON string, within a context. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="selector"> /// The /// </param> /// <param name="cssJson"> /// The JSON containing CSS /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// The context /// </param> public CQ(string selector, string cssJson, CQ context) { ConfigureNewInstance(selector, context); AttrSet(cssJson); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CsQuery object from a selector or HTML, and assign CSS, within a context. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="selector"> /// The selector or HTML markup /// </param> /// <param name="css"> /// The object whose property names and values map to CSS /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// The context /// </param> public CQ(string selector, object css, CQ context) { ConfigureNewInstance(selector, context); AttrSet(css); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new CsQuery object from a set of DOM elements, assigning the 2nd parameter as a context for this object. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="elements"> /// The elements that make up the selection set in the new object /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// A CQ object that will be assigned as the context for this one. /// </param> public CQ(IEnumerable <IDomObject> elements, CQ context) { ConfigureNewInstance(this, elements, context); }
/// <summary> /// Configures a new instance for a sequence of elements and an existing context. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="dom"> /// The dom. /// </param> /// <param name="elements"> /// A sequence of elements. /// </param> /// <param name="context"> /// The context. /// </param> private void ConfigureNewInstance(CQ dom, IEnumerable <IDomObject> elements, CQ context) { dom.CsQueryParent = context; dom.AddSelection(elements); }
private void ConfigureNewInstance(CQ dom, IDomObject element, CQ context) { dom.CsQueryParent = context; dom.SetSelection(element, SelectionSetOrder.OrderAdded); }
public IEnumerable <T> Enumerate <T>() { return(CQ.Enumerate <T>(this)); }
public CrawlResult(Uri uri, CsQuery.CQ dom) { Uri = uri; DOM = dom; }
public void BuildBundleData(ContentFragmentPageControl contentFragmentPage, CQ parsedContent) { if (Configuration.OptomizeGlobalCss) { //Get the themes CSS files CQ elements = parsedContent.Select(BuildSelector); foreach (IDomObject element in elements) { string mediaType = element.GetAttribute("media") ?? "screen"; if (mediaType.IndexOf("screen", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1) { string src = element.GetAttribute("href"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(src) && mediaType.IndexOf("dynamic-style.aspx", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0 && src.EndsWith(".css")) { IBundledFile file = _bundledFileFactory.GetBundleFile("css", src, contentFragmentPage, ""); if (file != null) { HandleLayoutCssPath(file); Include(file); } } } } } }