private void On_Transaction_Handler( Blockchain_Listener.Transaction transaction )
     lock( this.transactions )
         this.transactions.Enqueue( transaction );
        protected override void Process_Transaction( Blockchain_Listener.Transaction transaction )
            Vector3 spawn_position = UnityEngine.Random.onUnitSphere * this.radius;
            spawn_position.y = 0f;
            spawn_position += this.transform.position;

            float size = Mathf.Max( this.min_size, transaction.Amount * this.size_per_btc );

            Transform spawned = GameObject.CreatePrimitive( PrimitiveType.Sphere ).transform;
            spawned.position = spawn_position;
            spawned.localScale = * size;
Example #3
        protected virtual void Start()
            if (this.blockchain_listener == null)
                this.blockchain_listener = this.GetComponent <Blockchain_Listener>();
                if (this.blockchain_listener == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("No blockchain listener found");

            this.blockchain_listener.On_Transaction += this.On_Transaction_Handler;
            this.transactions = new Queue <Blockchain_Listener.Transaction>();
        protected virtual void Start()
            if( this.blockchain_listener == null )
                this.blockchain_listener = this.GetComponent<Blockchain_Listener>();
                if( this.blockchain_listener == null )
                    Debug.LogWarning( "No blockchain listener found" );

            this.blockchain_listener.On_Transaction += this.On_Transaction_Handler;
            this.transactions = new Queue<Blockchain_Listener.Transaction>();
 protected abstract void Process_Transaction( Blockchain_Listener.Transaction transaction );
 protected override void Process_Transaction( Blockchain_Listener.Transaction transaction )
     this.StartCoroutine( this.Process_Transaction_Coroutine( transaction ) );
        private IEnumerator Process_Transaction_Coroutine( Blockchain_Listener.Transaction transaction )
            // Wait a small amount of time, helps with many transactions arriving in clusters
            yield return new WaitForSeconds( Random.value );

            // Instantiate and position particle system
            Vector3 spawn_position = new Vector3( this.min_spawn_x + ( ( this.max_spawn_x - this.min_spawn_x ) * Random.value ), this.spawn_y, this.spawn_z );
            GameObject particle_system_gameobject = Object.Instantiate( this.particle_system_prefab ) as GameObject;
            particle_system_gameobject.transform.position = spawn_position;

            // Randomly select a colour (note only activate 2 of the 3 components so we don't
            // end up with washed out pastel colours)
            Color start_colour = new Color( 0f, 0f, 0f, 1f );
            float rand_value = Random.value;
            if( rand_value < 0.33333333333333333f )
                start_colour.r = 1f;

                if( Random.value < 0.5f )
                    start_colour.g = Random.value;
                    start_colour.b = Random.value;
            else if( rand_value < 0.66666666666666667f )
                start_colour.g = 1f;

                if( Random.value < 0.5f )
                    start_colour.r = Random.value;
                    start_colour.b = Random.value;
                start_colour.b = 1f;

                if( Random.value < 0.5f )
                    start_colour.r = Random.value;
                    start_colour.g = Random.value;

            ParticleSystem[] particle_systems = particle_system_gameobject.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
            foreach( ParticleSystem particle_system in particle_systems )
                particle_system.startColor = start_colour;

            // Deal with particle system customisations
            float t = Mathf.InverseLerp( this.min_amount, this.max_amount, transaction.Amount );
            foreach( Particle_System_Customisation customisation in this.particle_system_customisations )
                ParticleSystem particle_system;

                if( customisation.path == "" )
                    particle_system = particle_system_gameobject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
                    Transform child = particle_system_gameobject.transform.Find( customisation.path );
                    if( child == null )
                        Debug.LogWarning( "Couldn't find child '" + customisation.path + "' on Transform " + particle_system_gameobject.transform );

                    particle_system = child.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();

                if( particle_system == null )
                    Debug.LogWarning( "Particle System not found for '" + customisation.path + "'" );

                if( customisation.override_emission_rate )
                    particle_system.emissionRate = this.LerpIntRounded( customisation.min_emission_rate, customisation.max_emission_rate, t );

                if( customisation.override_start_speed )
                    particle_system.startSpeed = Mathf.Lerp( customisation.min_start_speed, customisation.max_start_speed, t );

            // Audio
            AudioClip audio_clip = null;
            float pitch = 1f;
            if( this.bang_sounds != null && this.bang_sounds.Length > 0 )
                int index = 0;
                while( index < ( this.bang_sounds.Length - 1 ) &&
                       this.bang_sounds[index + 1].amount <= transaction.Amount )

                audio_clip = this.bang_sounds[index].audio_clip;
                pitch = Random.Range( this.bang_sounds[index].min_pitch_shift, this.bang_sounds[index].max_pitch_shift );

            ParticleSystem root_particle_system = particle_system_gameobject.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
            this.StartCoroutine( this.Do_Text_And_Audio( root_particle_system, transaction.Amount, Mathf.Lerp( this.min_text_size, this.max_text_size, t ), audio_clip, pitch ) );
            this.StartCoroutine( this.Destroy_Particle_System_When_Done( root_particle_system ) );