Example #1
        public Matrix33(Quat q)
            var v2 = q.V + q.V;
            var xx = 1 - v2.X * q.V.X;
            var yy = v2.Y * q.V.Y;
            var xw = v2.X * q.W;

            var xy = v2.Y * q.V.X;
            var yz = v2.Z * q.V.Y;
            var yw = v2.Y * q.W;

            var xz = v2.Z * q.V.X;
            var zz = v2.Z * q.V.Z;
            var zw = v2.Z * q.W;

            M00 = 1 - yy - zz;
            M01 = xy - zw;
            M02 = xz + yw;

            M10 = xy + zw;
            M11 = xx - zz;
            M12 = yz - xw;

            M20 = xz - yw;
            M21 = yz + xw;
            M22 = xx - yy;
Example #2
 public Vec3(Quat q)
     Y = (float)Math.Asin(Math.Max(-1.0f, Math.Min(1.0f, -(q.V.X * q.V.Z - q.W * q.V.Y) * 2)));
     if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(Y) - (Math.PI * 0.5f)) < 0.01f)
         X = 0;
         Z = (float)Math.Atan2(-2 * (q.V.X * q.V.Y - q.W * q.V.Z), 1 - (q.V.X * q.V.X + q.V.Z * q.V.Z) * 2);
         X = (float)Math.Atan2((q.V.Y * q.V.Z + q.W * q.V.X) * 2, 1 - (q.V.X * q.V.X + q.V.Y * q.V.Y) * 2);
         Z = (float)Math.Atan2((q.V.X * q.V.Y + q.W * q.V.Z) * 2, 1 - (q.V.Z * q.V.Z + q.V.Y * q.V.Y) * 2);
Example #3
 public bool IsEquivalent(Quat q, float epsilon = 0.05f)
     var p = -q;
     bool t0 = (Math.Abs(V.X - q.V.X) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(V.Y - q.V.Y) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(V.Z - q.V.Z) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(W - q.W) <= epsilon);
     bool t1 = (Math.Abs(V.X - p.V.X) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(V.Y - p.V.Y) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(V.Z - p.V.Z) <= epsilon) && (Math.Abs(W - p.W) <= epsilon);
     t0 |= t1;
     return t0;
Example #4
 public void ExpSlerp(Quat start, Quat end, float amount)
     var q = end;
     if ((start | q) < 0) { q = -q; }
     this = start * MathHelpers.Exp(MathHelpers.Log(!start * q) * amount);
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Links to another entity, becoming the parent. Any change to the parent object is propagated to all child (linked) objects.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="linkName">Name of the link</param>
 /// <param name="otherEntityId">Id of the entity we wish to be linked to</param>
 /// <param name="relativeRot"></param>
 /// <param name="relativePos"></param>
 /// <returns>true if successful, otherwise false.</returns>
 public bool Link(string linkName, EntityId otherEntityId, Quat relativeRot, Vec3 relativePos)
     return NativeEntityMethods.AddEntityLink(this.GetEntityHandle(), linkName, otherEntityId, relativeRot, relativePos);
Example #6
 public QuatT(Vec3 t, Quat q)
     Q = q;
     T = t;
Example #7
 public void Set(Vec3 s, Quat q, Vec3 t = default(Vec3))
     float vxvx = q.V.X * q.V.X; float vzvz = q.V.Z * q.V.Z; float vyvy = q.V.Y * q.V.Y;
     float vxvy = q.V.X * q.V.Y; float vxvz = q.V.X * q.V.Z; float vyvz = q.V.Y * q.V.Z;
     float svx = q.W * q.V.X; float svy = q.W * q.V.Y; float svz = q.W * q.V.Z;
     M00 = (1 - (vyvy + vzvz) * 2) * s.X; M01 = (vxvy - svz) * 2 * s.Y; M02 = (vxvz + svy) * 2 * s.Z; M03 = t.X;
     M10 = (vxvy + svz) * 2 * s.X; M11 = (1 - (vxvx + vzvz) * 2) * s.Y; M12 = (vyvz - svx) * 2 * s.Z; M13 = t.Y;
     M20 = (vxvz - svy) * 2 * s.X; M21 = (vyvz + svx) * 2 * s.Y; M22 = (1 - (vxvx + vyvy) * 2) * s.Z; M23 = t.Z;
Example #8
        public void Slerp(Quat start, Quat end, float amount)
            var p = start;
            var q = end;
            var q2 = new Quat();

            var cosine = (p | q);
            if (cosine < 0.0f) { cosine = -cosine; q = -q; } // take shortest arc
            if (cosine > 0.9999f)
                Nlerp(p, q, amount);
            // from now on, a division by 0 is not possible any more
            q2.W = q.W - p.W * cosine;
            q2.V.X = q.V.X - p.V.X * cosine;
            q2.V.Y = q.V.Y - p.V.Y * cosine;
            q2.V.Z = q.V.Z - p.V.Z * cosine;
            var sine = Math.Sqrt(q2 | q2);
            double s, c;

            MathHelpers.SinCos(Math.Atan2(sine, cosine) * amount, out s, out c);
            W = (float)(p.W * c + q2.W * s / sine);
            V.X = (float)(p.V.X * c + q2.V.X * s / sine);
            V.Y = (float)(p.V.Y * c + q2.V.Y * s / sine);
            V.Z = (float)(p.V.Z * c + q2.V.Z * s / sine);
Example #9
 public static Quat CreateRotationAA(float rad, Vec3 axis)
     var q = new Quat();
     q.SetRotationAA(rad, axis);
     return q;
Example #10
 public QuatT(Matrix34 m)
     Q = new Quat(m);
     T = m.Translation;
Example #11
 public static EntityLink Create(EntityBase parent, EntityBase slave, string linkName, Vec3? relativePos = null, Quat? relativeRot = null)
     return new EntityLink(NativeEntityMethods.AddEntityLink(parent.GetIEntity(), linkName, slave.Id, relativeRot ?? Quat.Identity, relativePos ?? Vec3.Zero), parent);
Example #12
 public QuatT(Vec3 t, Quat q)
     Q = q;
     T = t;
Example #13
 public void SaveLast()
     if (ViewIDLast != 0xff)
         PositionLast = Position;
         RotationLast = Rotation;
         FOVLast = FieldOfView;
         ViewIDLast = 0xfe;
Example #14
        public void Nlerp(Quat start, Quat end, float amount)
            var q = end;
            if ((start | q) < 0) { q = -q; }

            var vDiff = q.V - start.V;

            V = start.V + (vDiff * amount);
            W = start.W + ((q.W - start.W) * amount);

Example #15
 public static Quat CreateRotationAA(float cosha, float sinha, Vec3 axis)
     var q = new Quat();
     q.SetRotationAA(cosha, sinha, axis);
     return q;
Example #16
 public void Nlerp2(Quat start, Quat end, float amount)
     var q = end;
     var cosine = (start | q);
     if (cosine < 0) q = -q;
     var k = (1 - Math.Abs(cosine)) * 0.4669269f;
     var s = 2 * k * amount * amount * amount - 3 * k * amount * amount + (1 + k) * amount;
     V.X = start.V.X * (1.0f - s) + q.V.X * s;
     V.Y = start.V.Y * (1.0f - s) + q.V.Y * s;
     V.Z = start.V.Z * (1.0f - s) + q.V.Z * s;
     W = start.W * (1.0f - s) + q.W * s;
Example #17
 public static Quat CreateRotationVDir(Vec3 vDir, float r)
     var q = new Quat();
     q.SetRotationVDir(vDir, r);
     return q;
Example #18
 public Matrix34(Vec3 s, Quat q, Vec3 t = default(Vec3))
     : this()
     Set(s, q, t);
Example #19
 public static Quat CreateRotationXYZ(Vec3 angle)
     var q = new Quat();
     return q;
Example #20
        public static Matrix34 Create(Vec3 s, Quat q, Vec3 t = default(Vec3))
            var matrix = new Matrix34();
            matrix.Set(s, q, t);

            return matrix;
Example #21
 public static Quat CreateRotationZ(float r)
     var q = new Quat();
     return q;
Example #22
 public void Invert()
     T = -T * Q;
     Q = !Q;
Example #23
 public static Quat CreateSlerp(Quat start, Quat end, float amount)
     var q = new Quat();
     q.Slerp(start, end, amount);
     return q;
Example #24
 public QuatT(Matrix34 m)
     Q = new Quat(m);
     T = m.GetTranslation();
Example #25
 public Matrix34(Vec3 s, Quat q, Vec3 t = default(Vec3))
     : this()
     Set(s, q, t);