Example #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            string            company = FreeSearch.Text;
            CrunchBaseConnect cbc     = new CrunchBaseConnect();
            CrunchBase        cbentry = cbc.GetCrunchCompany(company);

            if (cbentry != null)
                int num_cols = 18;
                Object[,] companyrow = new Object[1, num_cols];
                //headerstring if needed

                /*  string[] cpny ={"Company Logo URL","Company Name","Homepage URL","Crunchbase URL",
                 *                       "Short Description","Category","Number of Employees","City","State",
                 *                       "Country","Year Founded","Total Funding",,"keyword tags"}; */
                companyrow[0, 0]  = cbentry.GetImageURL();
                companyrow[0, 1]  = cbentry.name;
                companyrow[0, 2]  = cbentry.homepage_url;
                companyrow[0, 3]  = cbentry.crunchbase_url;
                companyrow[0, 4]  = cbentry.description;
                companyrow[0, 5]  = cbentry.category_code;
                companyrow[0, 6]  = cbentry.number_of_employees;
                companyrow[0, 7]  = cbentry.offices[0].city;
                companyrow[0, 8]  = cbentry.offices[0].state_code;
                companyrow[0, 9]  = cbentry.offices[0].country_code;
                companyrow[0, 10] = cbentry.founded_year;
                companyrow[0, 11] = cbentry.GetAggregateFunding();
                companyrow[0, 12] = cbentry.tag_list;

                var curr       = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet;
                var startCell  = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveCell;
                var endCell    = curr.Cells[startCell.Row, startCell.Column + num_cols];
                var writeRange = curr.Range[startCell, endCell];
                writeRange.Value2 = companyrow;
            else // it's not a company
                CrunchFinancial cfc = cbc.GetCrunchFinanceOrg(company);
Example #2
        private void CompanyDetailsButton_Click_1(object sender, RibbonControlEventArgs e)
            Range             permalinkrange = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection;
            CrunchBaseConnect cbc            = new CrunchBaseConnect();

            foreach (Range c in permalinkrange.Cells)
                if (c != null)
                    CrunchBase company = cbc.GetCrunchCompany(c.Value2);
                    if (company != null)
                        object[,] detailrow = new object[1, company.aggregateheaders.Count()];
                        for (int i = 0; i < company.aggregaterow.Count(); i++)
                            detailrow[0, i] = company.aggregaterow[i];
                        Range startCell = c.Worksheet.Cells[c.Row, c.Column + 1];
                        Range details   = ThisAddIn.OutputArrayToExcel(startCell, detailrow);
Example #3
        private void AggregateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var reportsheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet;

            if (NewSheetCheck.Checked)
                reportsheet = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add();
            var startCell = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveCell;
            // normalize into entity lists companies and finance orgs; ignore others for now
            SearchResultsList financecompanies = new SearchResultsList();
            SearchResultsList nonfincompanies  = new SearchResultsList();
            SearchResultsList entitiesnotfound = new SearchResultsList();  // add companies that we can't find in crunchbase to this list

            foreach (cbSearchResults entry in EntityList)
                switch (entry.Namespace)
                case "financial-organization": {

                case "company":

            // output the finance org table
            startCell.Value2 = "Crunchbase Search on " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " Scope: " + ScopeDesc.Text;
            // move startcell one cell lower
            startCell = reportsheet.Cells[startCell.Row + 1, startCell.Column];
            if (financecompanies.Count > 0)
                // output a finance orgs table, first the headers
                CrunchFinancial cfh = new CrunchFinancial();
                object[,] excelout = new object[financecompanies.Count + 1, cfh.headersaggregate.Count()];
                // put the header in row 0
                for (int i = 0; i < cfh.headersaggregate.Count(); i++)
                    excelout[0, i] = cfh.headersaggregate[i];
                int currrow           = 1;
                CrunchBaseConnect cbc = new CrunchBaseConnect();
                foreach (cbSearchResults f in financecompanies)
                    CrunchFinancial fc = cbc.GetCrunchFinanceOrg(f.permalink);

                    if (fc != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < fc.headersaggregate.Count(); i++)
                            excelout[currrow, i] = fc.aggregateitems[i];
                    { // add to not found list
                //now output to excel
                Range financerange = ThisAddIn.OutputArrayToExcel(startCell, excelout);
                // now move startCell below the financerange
                startCell = reportsheet.Cells[startCell.Row + financerange.Rows.Count + 1, startCell.Column];

            // now do companies entity
            if (nonfincompanies.Count > 0)
                CrunchBaseConnect cbc = new CrunchBaseConnect();
                CrunchBase        cb  = new CrunchBase();
                int currow            = 1; // 0 has the header
                object[,] excelout = new object[nonfincompanies.Count + 1, cb.aggregateheaders.Count()];
                // output headers to row 0
                for (int i = 0; i < cb.aggregateheaders.Count(); i++)
                    excelout[0, i] = cb.aggregateheaders[i];
                foreach (cbSearchResults c in nonfincompanies)
                    CrunchBase cp = cbc.GetCrunchCompany(c.permalink);
                    if (cp != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < cp.aggregateheaders.Count(); i++)
                            excelout[currow, i] = cp.aggregaterow[i];
                Range companyrange = ThisAddIn.OutputArrayToExcel(startCell, excelout);
        }   //aggregate button click method