private void loadData() { if (popDBFile.list.Count > 0) { foreach (ActorData ad in popDBFile.list) { CitizenFactory.quantity_Production = ad.quantidade; Debug.Log("LoadXML: quantity citizens " + ad.quantidade); CitizenFactory.anchorRadius_Production = ad.anchorRadius; Debug.Log("LoadXML: anchorRadius " + ad.anchorRadius); CitizenFactory.anchors_Production = new List <GameObject>(); for (int i = 0; i < ad.anchors.Count; i++) { GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder); = "WalkerAnchor" + i; go.transform.position = new Vector3(ad.anchors[i].x, ad.anchors[i].y, ad.anchors[i].z); Renderer renderer = go.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.enabled = false; CitizenFactory.anchors_Production.Add(go); } Debug.Log("LoadXML:Carregou anchors " + CitizenFactory.anchors_Production.Count); foreach (string adult in ad.adults) { GameObject template = (GameObject)Resources.Load(adult); if (template != null) { CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Adults_Production.Add(template); } else { Debug.Log("Nao consegui encontrar a resource (GameObject) espcificada:" + adult); } } foreach (string child in ad.children) { GameObject template = (GameObject)Resources.Load(child); if (template != null) { CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Children_Production.Add(template); } else { Debug.Log("Nao consegui encontrar a resource (GameObject) espcificada:" + child); } } Debug.Log("LoadXML:Carregou templates Adult Citizens " + CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Adults_Production.Count); Debug.Log("LoadXML:Carregou templates Children " + CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Children_Production.Count); for (int i = 0; i < ad.worker.Count; i++) { TrabalhadorData worker = ad.worker[i]; ClassWorkerProducao family = new ClassWorkerProducao(); family.tipo = (Profession.ProfessionType)worker.tipo; family.count = worker.count; family.boneco = (GameObject)Resources.Load(worker.nome); GameObject go = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder); = "KeyAnchor" + i; go.transform.position = new Vector3(worker.posicao.x, worker.posicao.y, worker.posicao.z); Renderer renderer = go.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.enabled = false; CitizenFactory.keys_Production.Add(go); family.posicaoInicial = go; // string dataPath = string.Empty; //if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer) // dataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, "Resources/EasyPopulation" + worker.animacao); //else // dataPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, "Resources/EasyPopulation" + worker.animacao); AnimationClip[] anim = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <AnimationClip>(); foreach (AnimationClip ac in anim) { if ( == worker.animacao) { family.animacaoInicial = ac; } else if ( == worker.animacao2) { family.animacao2 = ac; } } //AnimationClip aclip1 = Resources.Load(path, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip; //family.animacaoInicial = aclip1; //if (!aclip1) Debug.LogError("XML Loader-1 Clip Production, failed to load " + path); // AnimationClip aclip2 = Resources.Load(path, typeof(AnimationClip)) as AnimationClip; //family.animacaoInicial = aclip2; //if (!aclip2) Debug.LogError("XML Loader-1 Clip Production, failed to load " + path); // family.animacao2 = aclip2; GameObject goDelivery = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cylinder); = "KeyAnchor" + i; goDelivery.transform.position = new Vector3(,,; renderer = goDelivery.GetComponent <Renderer>(); renderer.enabled = false; CitizenFactory.keys_Production.Add(goDelivery); family.posicaoDelivery = goDelivery; family.raioAtracao = worker.raioAtracao; family.freedom = worker.freedom; //--// CitizenFactory.listaDefinicaoWorkers.Add(family); } Debug.Log("LoadXML:Carregou workers "); } } }
private void loadDataFromCitizenFactoryData() { popDBFile = new populationDB(); if (popDBFile != null) { popDBFile.list.Clear(); ActorData ad = new ActorData(); ad.quantidade = CitizenFactory.quantity_Production; foreach (GameObject adult in CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Adults_Production) { if (adult == null) { Debug.LogError("There is no associated 3d model (citizen)!"); } else { ad.adults.Add(; } } foreach (GameObject child in CitizenFactory.listaTemplates_Children_Production) { if (child == null) { Debug.LogError("There is no associated 3d model (children)!"); } else { ad.children.Add(; } } foreach (GameObject anchor in CitizenFactory.anchors_Production) { if (anchor == null) { Debug.LogError("There is no anchors (anchor)!"); } else { ad.anchors.Add(new Vector3(anchor.transform.position.x, anchor.transform.position.y, anchor.transform.position.z)); } } ad.anchorRadius = (int)CitizenFactory.anchorRadius_Production; ad.anchorHeight = (int)CitizenFactory.anchorHeight_Production; foreach (ClassWorkerProducao worker in CitizenFactory.listaDefinicaoWorkers) { TrabalhadorData tr = new TrabalhadorData(); tr.tipo = (int)worker.tipo; tr.count = worker.count; if (worker.boneco != null) { tr.nome =; } if (worker.posicaoInicial != null) { tr.posicao = worker.posicaoInicial.transform.position; } tr.raioAtracao = worker.raioAtracao; if (worker.animacaoInicial != null) { tr.animacao =; } if (worker.posicaoDelivery != null) { = worker.posicaoDelivery.transform.position; } tr.freedom = worker.freedom; if (worker.animacao2 != null) { tr.animacao2 =; } ad.worker.Add(tr); } popDBFile.list.Add(ad); } else { Debug.LogError("XMLManager Before Serialize popPrep e null"); } }