public Instantiator(Stream stream) { #if DEBUG_LOAD Stopwatch loadingTime = new Stopwatch(); loadingTime.Start(); #endif using (IMLReader itr = new IMLReader(stream)){ loader = itr.GetLoader(); RootType = itr.RootType; } #if DEBUG_LOAD loadingTime.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("IML Instantiator creation '{2}' : {0} ticks, {1} ms", loadingTime.ElapsedTicks, loadingTime.ElapsedMilliseconds, imlPath); #endif }
public Instantiator(string path) { imlPath = path; #if DEBUG_LOAD Stopwatch loadingTime = new Stopwatch(); loadingTime.Start(); #endif try { using (IMLReader itr = new IMLReader(path)){ loader = itr.GetLoader(); RootType = itr.RootType; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error loading <" + path + ">:\n", ex); } #if DEBUG_LOAD loadingTime.Stop(); Debug.WriteLine("IML Instantiator creation '{2}' : {0} ticks, {1} ms", loadingTime.ElapsedTicks, loadingTime.ElapsedMilliseconds, path); #endif }
public override void ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader) { //Template could be either an attribute containing path or expressed inlined //as a Template Element using (System.Xml.XmlReader subTree = reader.ReadSubtree()) { subTree.Read(); string template = reader.GetAttribute("Template"); string tmp = subTree.ReadOuterXml(); //Load template from path set as attribute in templated control if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(template)) { //seek for template tag first using (XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader(tmp, XmlNodeType.Element, null)) { //load template first if inlined xr.Read(); //read first child xr.Read(); //skip root node while (!xr.EOF) { if (!xr.IsStartElement()) { xr.Read(); continue; } if (xr.Name == "ItemTemplate") { string dataType = "default", datas = "", itemTmp; while (xr.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (xr.Name == "DataType") { dataType = xr.Value; } else if (xr.Name == "Data") { datas = xr.Value; } } xr.MoveToElement(); itemTmp = xr.ReadInnerXml(); if (ItemTemplates == null) { ItemTemplates = new Dictionary <string, ItemTemplate> (); } using (IMLReader iTmp = new IMLReader(null, itemTmp)) { ItemTemplates [dataType] = new ItemTemplate(iTmp.RootType, iTmp.GetLoader(), dataType, datas); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datas)) { ItemTemplates [dataType].CreateExpandDelegate(this); } continue; } if (xr.Name == "Template") { xr.Read(); Type t = Type.GetType("Crow." + xr.Name); if (t == null) { Assembly a = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); foreach (Type expT in a.GetExportedTypes()) { if (expT.Name == xr.Name) { t = expT; } } } GraphicObject go = (GraphicObject)Activator.CreateInstance(t); (go as IXmlSerializable).ReadXml(xr); loadTemplate(go); continue; } xr.ReadInnerXml(); } } } else { loadTemplate(CurrentInterface.Load(template)); } //if no template found, load default one if (this.child == null) { loadTemplate(); } //normal xml read using (XmlReader xr = new XmlTextReader(tmp, XmlNodeType.Element, null)) { xr.Read(); base.ReadXml(xr); } } }
void emitLoader(Type crowType) { string tmpXml = ReadOuterXml(); il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldloc_0); //save current go onto the stack if child has to be added #region Template and ItemTemplates loading if (typeof(TemplatedControl).IsAssignableFrom(crowType)) { //if its a template, first read template elements using (IMLReader reader = new IMLReader(il, tmpXml)) { string templatePath = reader.GetAttribute("Template"); //string itemTemplatePath = reader.GetAttribute ("ItemTemplate"); List <string[]> itemTemplateIds = new List <string[]> (); bool inlineTemplate = false; reader.Read(); int depth = reader.Depth + 1; while (reader.Read()) { if (!reader.IsStartElement() || reader.Depth > depth) { continue; } if (reader.Name == "Template") { inlineTemplate = true; reader.Read(); readChildren(reader, crowType, true); } else if (reader.Name == "ItemTemplate") { string dataType = "default", datas = "", path = ""; while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "DataType") { dataType = reader.Value; } else if (reader.Name == "Data") { datas = reader.Value; } else if (reader.Name == "Path") { path = reader.Value; } } reader.MoveToElement(); using (IMLReader iTmp = new IMLReader(null, reader.ReadInnerXml())) { string uid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); Interface.Instantiators [uid] = new ItemTemplate(iTmp.RootType, iTmp.GetLoader(), dataType, datas); itemTemplateIds.Add(new string[] { dataType, uid, datas }); } } } if (!inlineTemplate) {; //Load this templateControl ref if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templatePath)) {; //default template loading } else {; //load currentInterface, templatePath); //Load template path string, //call Interface.Load(path) typeof(Interface).GetMethod("Load", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)); }, //load template crowType.GetMethod("loadTemplate", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)); } foreach (string[] iTempId in itemTemplateIds) {; //load TempControl ref, //load ItemTemplates dic field typeof(TemplatedGroup).GetField("ItemTemplates"));, iTempId[0]); //load key, iTempId[1]); //load value, typeof(Interface).GetMethod("GetItemTemplate"));, typeof(Dictionary <string, ItemTemplate>).GetMethod("set_Item", new Type[] { typeof(string), typeof(ItemTemplate) })); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iTempId [2])) { //expand delegate creation; //load TempControl ref, //load ItemTemplates dic field typeof(TemplatedGroup).GetField("ItemTemplates"));, iTempId [0]); //load key, typeof(Dictionary <string, ItemTemplate>).GetMethod("get_Item", new Type[] { typeof(string) }));; //load root of treeView, typeof(ItemTemplate).GetMethod("CreateExpandDelegate")); } } } } #endregion using (IMLReader reader = new IMLReader(il, tmpXml)){ reader.Read(); #region Styling and default values loading if (reader.HasAttributes) { string style = reader.GetAttribute("Style"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(style)) { PropertyInfo pi = crowType.GetProperty("Style"); CompilerServices.EmitSetValue(, pi, style); } };, typeof(GraphicObject).GetMethod("loadDefaultValues")); #endregion #region Attributes reading if (reader.HasAttributes) { MethodInfo miAddBinding = typeof(GraphicObject).GetMethod("BindMember"); while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) { if (reader.Name == "Style") { continue; } MemberInfo mi = crowType.GetMember(reader.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (mi == null) { throw new Exception("Member '" + reader.Name + "' not found in " + crowType.Name); } if (mi.MemberType == MemberTypes.Event) { CompilerServices.emitBindingCreation(, reader.Name, reader.Value); continue; } PropertyInfo pi = mi as PropertyInfo; if (pi == null) { throw new Exception("Member '" + reader.Name + "' not found in " + crowType.Name); } if (reader.Value.StartsWith("{")) { CompilerServices.emitBindingCreation(, reader.Name, reader.Value.Substring(1, reader.Value.Length - 2)); } else { CompilerServices.EmitSetValue(, pi, reader.Value); } } reader.MoveToElement(); } #endregion if (reader.IsEmptyElement) {; //pop saved ref to current object return; } readChildren(reader, crowType); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); //pop saved ref to current object }