Example #1
        public static void Draw(UIStates uiStates, List <PointList2D> paths, Canvas canvas,
                                BitmapImage bitmapImage, Vector drawing_translate, Vector drawing_size, Drawing drawing, bool isCakeTask, List <double> rotationAngles,
                                List <int> gaitSequence

            //List<Point> floorPoints = new List<Point>();
            //double x = 1000.0; // floor width / 2
            //double z = 1000.0; // floor length / 2
            //floorPoints.Add(new Point(-x, z));
            //floorPoints.Add(new Point(x, z));
            //floorPoints.Add(new Point(x, -z));
            //floorPoints.Add(new Point(-x, -z));

            //finding bounding box
            double        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
            List <double> Xs = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ys = new List <double>();

            foreach (var path in paths)
                foreach (var point in path.points)
            Xs.Add(drawing_translate.X + drawing_size.X);
            Ys.Add(drawing_translate.Y + drawing_size.Y);

            if (isCakeTask)

            //foreach (var point in floorPoints)
            //    Xs.Add(point.X);
            //    Ys.Add(point.Y);
            if (Xs.Count == 0 || Ys.Count == 0)
            xmin = Xs.Min();
            xmax = Xs.Max();
            ymin = Ys.Min();
            ymax = Ys.Max();

            double bsize = 100;

            double ixmin = Math.Floor(xmin / bsize);
            double ixmax = Math.Ceiling(xmax / bsize);
            double iymin = Math.Floor(ymin / bsize);
            double iymax = Math.Ceiling(ymax / bsize);

            xmin = ixmin * bsize;
            ymin = iymin * bsize;
            xmax = ixmax * bsize;
            ymax = iymax * bsize;

            double width       = canvas.ActualWidth;
            double height      = canvas.ActualHeight;
            double marginRatio = 0.1;
            double scale       = Math.Min(width * (1 - marginRatio) / (xmax - xmin), height * (1 - marginRatio) / (ymax - ymin));
            Vector pCenter     = 0.5 * new Vector(xmax + xmin, ymax + ymin);
            Vector center      = 0.5 * new Vector(width, height);
            Vector translate   = center - pCenter;
            Matrix matrix      = Matrix.Identity;

            matrix.Translate(-pCenter.X, -pCenter.Y);
            matrix.Scale(scale, scale);
            matrix.Translate(pCenter.X, pCenter.Y);

            matrix.Translate(translate.X, translate.Y);
            //matrix.Scale(scale, scale);

            for (double i = ixmin; i < (ixmax); i = i + 1)
                for (double j = iymin; j < iymax; j = j + 1)
                    Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
                    polygon.Points.Add((new Point(i * bsize, j * bsize)) * matrix);
                    polygon.Points.Add((new Point((i + 1) * bsize, (j) * bsize)) * matrix);
                    polygon.Points.Add((new Point((i + 1) * bsize, (j + 1) * bsize)) * matrix);
                    polygon.Points.Add((new Point((i) * bsize, (j + 1) * bsize)) * matrix);
                    polygon.Stroke          = Brushes.LightGray;
                    polygon.StrokeThickness = 1;
                    polygon.Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255));

            // draw the intial shape
            //  foreach (var face in drawing.faces)
            //  {
            //      Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
            //      foreach (var point in face.points)
            //     {
            //         polygon.Points.Add(point * matrix);
            //      }
            //      polygon.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            //     canvas.Children.Add(polygon);
            // }

            if (isCakeTask)
                List <Point> positions = new List <Point>();
                positions.Add(new Point(-300 - 50, 0 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-300 - 50, 400 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-100 - 50, 200 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-500 - 50, 200 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-300 - 50, -400 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-100 - 50, -200 - 50));
                positions.Add(new Point(-500 - 50, -200 - 50));

                for (int p = 0; p < positions.Count; p++)
                    Rectangle rec = new Rectangle();
                    rec.Width  = 100 * scale;
                    rec.Height = 100 * scale;
                    rec.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (positions[p] * matrix).Y);
                    rec.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (positions[p] * matrix).X);
                    rec.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);

                List <Point> boudsLocations = new List <Point>();
                List <Point> boudsSizes     = new List <Point>();
                boudsLocations.Add(new Point(-100, 0)); boudsSizes.Add(new Point(4, 1200));
                boudsLocations.Add(new Point(-600, 400)); boudsSizes.Add(new Point(5, 400));
                boudsLocations.Add(new Point(-600, -400)); boudsSizes.Add(new Point(5, 400));
                boudsLocations.Add(new Point(-350, 600)); boudsSizes.Add(new Point(500, 5));
                boudsLocations.Add(new Point(-350, -600)); boudsSizes.Add(new Point(500, 5));
                for (int i = 0; i < boudsLocations.Count; i++)
                    Point pos = new Point();
                    pos.X = boudsLocations[i].X - 0.5 * boudsSizes[i].X;
                    pos.Y = boudsLocations[i].Y - 0.5 * boudsSizes[i].Y;
                    Rectangle line = new Rectangle();
                    line.Width  = boudsSizes[i].X * scale;
                    line.Height = boudsSizes[i].Y * scale;
                    line.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (pos * matrix).Y);
                    line.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (pos * matrix).X);
                    if (i > 0)
                        line.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                        line.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkGray);
                Point   cakepos = new Point(-600 - 100, -100);
                Ellipse cake    = new Ellipse();
                cake.Width  = 200 * scale;
                cake.Height = 200 * scale;
                cake.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (cakepos * matrix).Y);
                cake.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (cakepos * matrix).X);
                cake.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightPink);

            Image topview = new Image();

            topview.Source = bitmapImage;
            topview.Width  = bitmapImage.Width * scale;
            topview.Height = bitmapImage.Height * scale;
            Point cornerVertex = new Point(drawing_translate.X, drawing_translate.Y) * matrix;

            Canvas.SetLeft(topview, cornerVertex.X);
            Canvas.SetTop(topview, cornerVertex.Y);
            //Console.Write(" top x = " + ((drawing_translate.X * scale) + translate.X));
            //Console.Write(" drawing_translate.X = " + drawing_translate.X);
            //Console.Write("  scale= " + scale);
            //Console.Write(" translate.X = " + translate.X);
            //Console.Write(" top y = " + ((drawing_translate.Y * scale) + translate.Y));
            //Console.Write(" drawing_translate.y = " + drawing_translate.Y);
            //Console.Write("  scale= " + scale);
            //Console.Write(" translate.y = " + translate.Y);

            int count = -1;

            foreach (var path in paths)
                List <Point> transformedPoints = new List <Point>();
                foreach (var point in path.points)
                    transformedPoints.Add(point * matrix);
                if (transformedPoints.Count > 1)
                    //Polygon topViewPoly = new Polygon();
                    //foreach (var point in topView.points)
                    //   topViewPoly.Points.Add(point * matrix);
                    //topViewPoly.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 100, 100, 100));
                    for (int i = 1; i < transformedPoints.Count; i++)
                        Line line = new Line();
                        line.X1 = transformedPoints[i - 1].X;
                        line.Y1 = transformedPoints[i - 1].Y;
                        line.X2 = transformedPoints[i].X;
                        line.Y2 = transformedPoints[i].Y;
                        if (count >= 0)
                            line.Stroke = uiStates.niceColors[count];
                             * int refID = (int) Math.Floor(((double)(i-1) )/100.0 );
                             * if (refID < 0) refID = 0;
                             * int colorId = -1;
                             * if (refID < gaitSequence.Count)
                             * {
                             *  colorId = gaitSequence[refID];
                             * }
                             * Console.WriteLine("trandformed oitn = " + transformedPoints.Count );
                             * Console.WriteLine("i = " + i + " refId = " + refID + " gait = " + colorId);
                             * if (colorId >= 0 ){
                             *  line.Stroke = uiStates.niceColors[colorId];  //new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                             * }else{
                             *  line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray);
                             * }
                            line.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                        line.StrokeThickness = 5;
                        //if(count < 0){

                    if (count >= 0)
                        double  rotAngle = rotationAngles[count];
                        Polygon Arrow    = new Polygon();
                        double  wa       = 3.5 * 2;
                        double  wl       = 2.5 * 2;
                        double  hl       = 14 * 2;
                        double  ha       = 7 * 2;

                        Matrix arrowMatrix = new Matrix();
                        arrowMatrix.Rotate(rotAngle + 90);
                        Point arrowCenter = transformedPoints[transformedPoints.Count - 1];
                        arrowMatrix.Translate(arrowCenter.X, arrowCenter.Y);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(-wl, 0) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(-wl, hl) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(-(wa + wl), hl) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(0, hl + ha) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(wa + wl, hl) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(wl, hl) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Points.Add(new Point(wl, 0) * arrowMatrix);
                        Arrow.Fill = uiStates.niceColors[count];
Example #2
        public static void Draw(Action <int, bool> selectionCallback, List <int> labels, List <Point> jointLocations, Canvas mainCanvas,
                                BitmapImage bitmapImage, Vector drawing_translate, Vector drawing_size, Drawing drawing, Color color)

            //finding bounding box
            double        xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
            List <double> Xs = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ys = new List <double>();

            foreach (var point in jointLocations)
            Xs.Add(drawing_translate.X + drawing_size.X);
            Ys.Add(drawing_translate.Y + drawing_size.Y);

            if (Xs.Count == 0 || Ys.Count == 0)
            xmin = Xs.Min();
            xmax = Xs.Max();
            ymin = Ys.Min();
            ymax = Ys.Max();

            double width       = Math.Max(mainCanvas.Width - 10, 0);
            double height      = Math.Max(mainCanvas.Height - 10, 0);
            double marginRatio = 0.6;
            double scale       = Math.Min(width * (1 - marginRatio) / (xmax - xmin), height * (1 - marginRatio) / (ymax - ymin));
            //Console.WriteLine(scale + " " + width + " " + height + " " + xmin + " " + xmax + " " + ymin + " " + ymax);
            Vector pCenter   = 0.5 * new Vector(xmax + xmin, ymax + ymin);
            Vector center    = 0.5 * new Vector(width + 10, height + 10);
            Vector translate = center - pCenter;
            Matrix matrix    = Matrix.Identity;

            matrix.Translate(-pCenter.X, -pCenter.Y);
            matrix.Scale(scale, scale);
            matrix.Translate(pCenter.X, pCenter.Y);

            matrix.Translate(translate.X, translate.Y);

            //Polygon robotPolygon = new Polygon();
            //foreach (var point in jointChoices.Layout.RobotShape)
            //   robotPolygon.Points.Add(point * matrix);
            //robotPolygon.Fill = Brushes.Azure;
            //robotPolygon.Stroke = Brushes.DarkSlateGray;

            // draw the intial shape
            //   foreach (var face in drawing.faces)
            //   {
            //       Polygon polygon = new Polygon();
            //       foreach (var point in face.points)
            //       {
            //           polygon.Points.Add(point * matrix);
            //      }
            //      polygon.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
            //      mainCanvas.Children.Add(polygon);
            //  }

            Color simpleBlack = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0);
            Color darkWhite   = Color.FromRgb(210, 210, 210);

            Color hightlightColor = darkWhite;
            Image topview         = GaitSequence.getImageFromBitMap(bitmapImage, color);

            topview.Height = bitmapImage.Height * scale;
            topview.Width  = bitmapImage.Width * scale;
            Point cornerVertex = new Point(drawing_translate.X, drawing_translate.Y) * matrix;

            Canvas.SetLeft(topview, cornerVertex.X);
            Canvas.SetTop(topview, cornerVertex.Y);

            for (int i = 0; i < jointLocations.Count; i++)
                var     iCopy   = i;
                Point   joint   = jointLocations[i];
                int     label   = labels[i];
                Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse();
                int     rad     = 12;
                ellipse.Width           = 2 * rad;
                ellipse.Height          = 2 * rad;
                ellipse.Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(darkWhite);
                ellipse.Stroke          = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                ellipse.StrokeThickness = 2;
                ellipse.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (joint * matrix).Y - rad);
                ellipse.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (joint * matrix).X - rad);

                if (label != 0)
                    Polygon arrowDown = new Polygon();
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(-5 + (joint * matrix).X, 12 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(5 + (joint * matrix).X, 12 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(5 + (joint * matrix).X, 22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(10 + (joint * matrix).X, 22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(0 + (joint * matrix).X, 27 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(-10 + (joint * matrix).X, 22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Points.Add(new Point(-5 + (joint * matrix).X, 22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowDown.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(simpleBlack);

                    arrowDown.MouseDown += (sender, args) =>
                        selectionCallback(iCopy, false);
                    arrowDown.MouseEnter += (sender, args) =>
                        arrowDown.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(hightlightColor);

                    arrowDown.MouseLeave += (sender, args) =>
                        arrowDown.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(simpleBlack);
                    Polygon arrowUP = new Polygon();
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(-5 + (joint * matrix).X, -12 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(5 + (joint * matrix).X, -12 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(5 + (joint * matrix).X, -22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(10 + (joint * matrix).X, -22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(0 + (joint * matrix).X, -27 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(-10 + (joint * matrix).X, -22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Points.Add(new Point(-5 + (joint * matrix).X, -22 + (joint * matrix).Y));
                    arrowUP.Fill       = new SolidColorBrush(simpleBlack);
                    arrowUP.MouseDown += (sender, args) =>
                        selectionCallback(iCopy, true);

                    arrowUP.MouseEnter += (sender, args) =>
                        arrowUP.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(hightlightColor);

                    arrowUP.MouseLeave += (sender, args) =>
                        arrowUP.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(simpleBlack);

                    Label text = new Label();
                    text.Content = label;
                    text.HorizontalContentAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    text.VerticalContentAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    text.FontSize   = 15;
                    text.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
                    text.Width      = 20;
                    text.Height     = 20;
                    text.Padding    = new Thickness(0);
                    text.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (joint * matrix).Y - 10);
                    text.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (joint * matrix).X - 10);