Example #1
 public bool Equals(BranchCoverageDetail other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other))
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
     return(Equals(other.BranchInfo, BranchInfo) && Equals(other.TargetLocation, TargetLocation) && Equals(other.Type, Type) && other.IsBranch.Equals(IsBranch) && other.IsCheck.Equals(IsCheck) && other.IsContinue.Equals(IsContinue) && other.IsFailedCheck.Equals(IsFailedCheck) && other.IsStartMethod.Equals(IsStartMethod) && other.IsSwitch.Equals(IsSwitch) && other.IsTarget.Equals(IsTarget));
        public void FindUncoveredBranches(IPexComponent host)
            TaggedBranchCoverageBuilder <PexGeneratedTestName> cov;
            IPexCoverageManager manager = host.Services.CoverageManager;
            StringBuilder       sb      = new StringBuilder("method coverage: \n");

                if (manager.TryGetAssemblyCoverageBuilder(out cov))
//                    var definitions = cov.Methods;
                    IEnumerable <MethodDefinition> definitions = cov.Methods;

                    host.Log.Dump("test", "test", "methods: " + definitions.Count());
                    Log.AppendLine("assembly methods: " + definitions.Count());
                    sb.AppendLine("methods: " + definitions.Count());

                    foreach (var method in definitions)
                        Log.AppendLine("method: " + method.FullName);
//                        Method m = method.Instantiate(TypeEx.NoTypes, TypeEx.NoTypes);
//                        MethodBodyEx body;
//                        if (!m.TryGetBody(out body))
//                        {
//                            //error
//                            Log.AppendLine("load method body failed");
//                        }

//                        method.Instantiate()
                        CoverageDomain domain;
                        if (!branchCoverageDetails.ContainsKey(method))
                            branchCoverageDetails.Add(method, new HashSet <BranchCoverageDetail>());
                        int[] hits;
                        if (cov.TryGetMethodHits(method, out domain, out hits))
                            Log.AppendLine("method hits: " + hits.Length + " " + hits);
                            for (int branchLabel = 0; branchLabel < hits.Length; branchLabel++)
                                CodeLocation location = method.GetBranchLabelSource(branchLabel);
                                Log.AppendLine("current location: " + location);
                                MethodDefinitionBodyInstrumentationInfo info;
                                if (method.TryGetBodyInstrumentationInfo(out info))
                                    ISymbolManager sm = host.Services.SymbolManager;
                                    SequencePoint  sp;
                                    sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, location.Offset, out sp);
                                    Log.AppendLine("info: " + info.MethodDefinition.FullName);
//                                    foreach (var index in info.BasicBlockStartOffsets)
//                                    {
//                                        Log.AppendLine("start of BB: " + index.ToString("x"));
//                                    }

//                                    var util = new BasicBlockUtil(Log, body, info.BasicBlockStartOffsets);
//                                    ReadInstructionCov(method, hits, info);

                                    foreach (
                                        var outgoingBranchLabel in
                                        CodeBranch codeBranch = new CodeBranch(location.Method,
                                        if (!codeBranch.IsBranch && !codeBranch.IsSwitch && !codeBranch.IsCheck) // is explicit branch?
                                            host.Log.Dump("coverage", "coverage",
                                                          "CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                          " is not explicit");
                                            sb.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                          " is not explicit");

                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                           " is not explicit");
                                            continue; // if not, we don't log it

                                        var fromMethod = method.FullName + "," +
                                                         sp.Document + "," +
                                                         sp.Line + ", column: " + sp.Column + " outgoing label: " +
                                        BranchInfo branchInfo = new BranchInfo(sp.Document, sp.Line, sp.Column, sp.EndColumn, method.FullName, location.Offset);
                                        Log.AppendLine("Checking CodeBranch: " + codeBranch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch location: " + fromMethod);
                                        Log.AppendLine("hits.Length: " + hits.Length);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsBranch: " + codeBranch.IsBranch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsCheck: " + codeBranch.IsCheck);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsContinue: " + codeBranch.IsContinue);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsFailedCheck: " + codeBranch.IsFailedCheck);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsStartMethod: " + codeBranch.IsStartMethod);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsSwitch: " + codeBranch.IsSwitch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsTarget: " + codeBranch.IsTarget);

                                        int branchhit = 0;
                                        if (outgoingBranchLabel < hits.Length &&
                                            hits[outgoingBranchLabel] != 0)
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is covered " + hits[outgoingBranchLabel] + " times");
                                            branchhit = hits[outgoingBranchLabel];

                                        if (outgoingBranchLabel >= hits.Length)
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is not covered " + " since outgoing label" + outgoingBranchLabel + " is larger than" + hits.Length + ".");
                                            branchhit = 0;

                                        string type = "";
                                        if (codeBranch.IsBranch)
                                            type = "Explicit";
                                        else if (codeBranch.IsCheck)
                                            type = "Implicit";

                                        BranchCoverageDetail coverageDetail = new BranchCoverageDetail(branchInfo, branchhit, null, 0, type);
                                        coverageDetail.OutgoingLabel = outgoingBranchLabel;
                                        coverageDetail.BranchLabel   = branchLabel;
                                        int targetOffset;
                                        if (info.TryGetTargetOffset(outgoingBranchLabel, out targetOffset))
                                            sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, targetOffset, out sp);
                                            var targetCovTimes =
                                                           + "\n going to: " + sp.Document + " line: " +
                                                           sp.Line + " column: " + sp.Column + " endcolumn: " +
                                                           sp.EndColumn + " target: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                            Log.AppendLine("target offset: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                            Log.AppendLine("it is covered at " + targetCovTimes + " times");
                                            Log.AppendLine("outgoing lables: " +
                                            BranchInfo targetInfo = new BranchInfo(sp.Document, sp.Line, sp.Column, sp.EndColumn, method.FullName, targetOffset);
                                            coverageDetail.TargetLocation     = targetInfo;
                                            coverageDetail.targetCoveredTimes = targetCovTimes;
                                            if (!branchCoverageDetails[method].Contains(coverageDetail))
                                                foreach (BranchCoverageDetail detail in branchCoverageDetails[method])
                                                    if (detail.Equals(coverageDetail))
                                                        if (coverageDetail.CoveredTimes > detail.CoveredTimes)
                                                            detail.CoveredTimes = coverageDetail.CoveredTimes;

                                        if (outgoingBranchLabel < hits.Length &&
                                            hits[outgoingBranchLabel] == 0 || branchhit == 0)
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is not covered" +
                                                           " current offset: " + location.Offset.ToString("x"));

//                                            if (!targetBlockCovered)
//                                            {
                                            locations.Add(new BranchLocation(location, outgoingBranchLabel));

//                                            }
                                            if (info.TryGetTargetOffset(outgoingBranchLabel, out targetOffset))
                                                sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, targetOffset, out sp);
                                                var times = info.GetInstructionCoverage(hits).Invoke(targetOffset);
                                                Log.AppendLine(fromMethod + " going to: " + sp.Document + " line: " +
                                                               sp.Line + " column: " + sp.Column + " endcolumn: " +
                                                               sp.EndColumn + " target: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                                Log.AppendLine("target offset: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                                Log.AppendLine("it is covered at " + times + " times");
                                                Log.AppendLine("outgoing lables: " +
                                                if (times == 0)
                                                    IIndexable <int> basicBlockStartOffsets = info.BasicBlockStartOffsets;
                                                    int indexOfBasicBlock;
                                                    for (indexOfBasicBlock = 0;
                                                         indexOfBasicBlock < basicBlockStartOffsets.Count;
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                        if (basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock] == targetOffset)

                                                    bool targetBlockCovered = true;
                                                    if (targetOffset + 1 >=
                                                        basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1])
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                                       basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1]);
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " reach next block");
                                                        targetBlockCovered = false;
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                                       basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1].
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " inside same block");
                                                        int coveredTimes =
                                                            info.GetInstructionCoverage(hits).Invoke(targetOffset + 1);
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " is covered at " + coveredTimes + " times.");
                                                        if (coveredTimes == 0)
                                                            targetBlockCovered = false;

                                                    if (!targetBlockCovered)
//                                                        locations.Add(location, outgoingBranchLabel);
                    sb.AppendLine("manager.TryGetAssemblyCoverageBuilder is null!");

                host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().InstructionCov        = instructionCov;
                host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().BasicBlocksOffsets    = basicBlockOffsets;
                host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().BranchCoverageDetails = branchCoverageDetails;
                DumpInfoToDebugFile(sb.ToString(), assemblyCovFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                host.Log.Dump("coverage", "cov ex", ex.Message);
                host.GetService <ProblemTrackDatabase>().ErrorLog.AppendLine("exception in FindUncoveredBranches: " + ex);
                DumpInfoToDebugFile("cov ex" + ex.Message, assemblyCovFileName);
 public bool Equals(BranchCoverageDetail other)
     if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false;
     if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true;
     return Equals(other.BranchInfo, BranchInfo) && Equals(other.TargetLocation, TargetLocation) && Equals(other.Type, Type) && other.IsBranch.Equals(IsBranch) && other.IsCheck.Equals(IsCheck) && other.IsContinue.Equals(IsContinue) && other.IsFailedCheck.Equals(IsFailedCheck) && other.IsStartMethod.Equals(IsStartMethod) && other.IsSwitch.Equals(IsSwitch) && other.IsTarget.Equals(IsTarget);
        public void FindUncoveredBranches(IPexComponent host)
            TaggedBranchCoverageBuilder<PexGeneratedTestName> cov;
            IPexCoverageManager manager = host.Services.CoverageManager;
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("method coverage: \n");

                if (manager.TryGetAssemblyCoverageBuilder(out cov))
            //                    var definitions = cov.Methods;
                    IEnumerable<MethodDefinition> definitions = cov.Methods;

                    host.Log.Dump("test", "test", "methods: " + definitions.Count());
                    Log.AppendLine("assembly methods: " + definitions.Count());
                    sb.AppendLine("methods: " + definitions.Count());

                    foreach (var method in definitions)
                        Log.AppendLine("method: " + method.FullName);
            //                        Method m = method.Instantiate(TypeEx.NoTypes, TypeEx.NoTypes);
            //                        MethodBodyEx body;
            //                        if (!m.TryGetBody(out body))
            //                        {
            //                            //error
            //                            Log.AppendLine("load method body failed");
            //                        }

            //                        method.Instantiate()
                        CoverageDomain domain;
                        if (!branchCoverageDetails.ContainsKey(method))
                            branchCoverageDetails.Add(method,new HashSet<BranchCoverageDetail>());
                        int[] hits;
                        if (cov.TryGetMethodHits(method, out domain, out hits))
                            Log.AppendLine("method hits: " + hits.Length + " " + hits);
                            for (int branchLabel = 0; branchLabel < hits.Length; branchLabel++)
                                CodeLocation location = method.GetBranchLabelSource(branchLabel);
                                Log.AppendLine("current location: " + location);
                                MethodDefinitionBodyInstrumentationInfo info;
                                if (method.TryGetBodyInstrumentationInfo(out info))
                                    ISymbolManager sm = host.Services.SymbolManager;
                                    SequencePoint sp;
                                    sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, location.Offset, out sp);
                                    Log.AppendLine("info: " + info.MethodDefinition.FullName);
            //                                    foreach (var index in info.BasicBlockStartOffsets)
            //                                    {
            //                                        Log.AppendLine("start of BB: " + index.ToString("x"));
            //                                    }

            //                                    var util = new BasicBlockUtil(Log, body, info.BasicBlockStartOffsets);
            //                                    ReadInstructionCov(method, hits, info);

                                    foreach (
                                        var outgoingBranchLabel in
                                        CodeBranch codeBranch = new CodeBranch(location.Method,
                                        if (!codeBranch.IsBranch && !codeBranch.IsSwitch && !codeBranch.IsCheck) // is explicit branch?
                                            host.Log.Dump("coverage", "coverage",
                                                          "CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                          " is not explicit");
                                            sb.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                          " is not explicit");

                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch +
                                                           " is not explicit");
                                            continue; // if not, we don't log it

                                        var fromMethod = method.FullName + "," +
                                                            sp.Document + "," +
                                                            sp.Line + ", column: " + sp.Column + " outgoing label: " +
                                        BranchInfo branchInfo = new BranchInfo(sp.Document,sp.Line,sp.Column,sp.EndColumn,method.FullName,location.Offset);
                                        Log.AppendLine("Checking CodeBranch: " + codeBranch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch location: " + fromMethod);
                                        Log.AppendLine("hits.Length: " + hits.Length);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsBranch: " + codeBranch.IsBranch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsCheck: " + codeBranch.IsCheck);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsContinue: " + codeBranch.IsContinue);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsFailedCheck: " + codeBranch.IsFailedCheck);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsStartMethod: " + codeBranch.IsStartMethod);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsSwitch: " + codeBranch.IsSwitch);
                                        Log.AppendLine("codeBranch.IsTarget: " + codeBranch.IsTarget);

                                        int branchhit = 0;
                                        if (outgoingBranchLabel < hits.Length &&
                                            hits[outgoingBranchLabel] != 0)
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is covered " + hits[outgoingBranchLabel] + " times");
                                            branchhit = hits[outgoingBranchLabel];

                                        if(outgoingBranchLabel >= hits.Length){
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is not covered " +  " since outgoing label"+ outgoingBranchLabel +" is larger than" + hits.Length + ".");
                                            branchhit = 0;


                                        string type = "";
                                        if (codeBranch.IsBranch)
                                            type = "Explicit";
                                        else if(codeBranch.IsCheck)
                                            type = "Implicit";

                                        BranchCoverageDetail coverageDetail = new BranchCoverageDetail(branchInfo,branchhit,null,0,type);
                                        coverageDetail.OutgoingLabel = outgoingBranchLabel;
                                        coverageDetail.BranchLabel = branchLabel;
                                        int targetOffset;
                                        if (info.TryGetTargetOffset(outgoingBranchLabel, out targetOffset))
                                            sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, targetOffset, out sp);
                                            var targetCovTimes =
                                                           + "\n going to: " + sp.Document + " line: " +
                                                           sp.Line + " column: " + sp.Column + " endcolumn: " +
                                                           sp.EndColumn + " target: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                            Log.AppendLine("target offset: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                            Log.AppendLine("it is covered at " + targetCovTimes + " times");
                                            Log.AppendLine("outgoing lables: " +
                                            BranchInfo targetInfo = new BranchInfo(sp.Document, sp.Line, sp.Column, sp.EndColumn, method.FullName, targetOffset);
                                            coverageDetail.TargetLocation = targetInfo;
                                            coverageDetail.targetCoveredTimes = targetCovTimes;
                                            if (!branchCoverageDetails[method].Contains(coverageDetail))
                                                foreach (BranchCoverageDetail detail in branchCoverageDetails[method])
                                                    if (detail.Equals(coverageDetail))
                                                        if (coverageDetail.CoveredTimes > detail.CoveredTimes)
                                                            detail.CoveredTimes = coverageDetail.CoveredTimes;


                                        if (outgoingBranchLabel < hits.Length &&
                                            hits[outgoingBranchLabel] == 0 || branchhit == 0)
                                            Log.AppendLine("CodeBranch: " + codeBranch + " is not covered" +
                                                           " current offset: " + location.Offset.ToString("x"));

            //                                            if (!targetBlockCovered)
            //                                            {
                                            locations.Add(new BranchLocation(location, outgoingBranchLabel));

            //                                            }
                                            if (info.TryGetTargetOffset(outgoingBranchLabel, out targetOffset))
                                                sm.TryGetSequencePoint(method, targetOffset, out sp);
                                                var times = info.GetInstructionCoverage(hits).Invoke(targetOffset);
                                                Log.AppendLine(fromMethod + " going to: " + sp.Document + " line: " +
                                                               sp.Line + " column: " + sp.Column + " endcolumn: " +
                                                               sp.EndColumn + " target: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                                Log.AppendLine("target offset: " + targetOffset.ToString("x"));
                                                Log.AppendLine("it is covered at " + times + " times");
                                                Log.AppendLine("outgoing lables: " +
                                                if (times == 0)
                                                    IIndexable<int> basicBlockStartOffsets = info.BasicBlockStartOffsets;
                                                    int indexOfBasicBlock;
                                                    for (indexOfBasicBlock = 0;
                                                         indexOfBasicBlock < basicBlockStartOffsets.Count;
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                        if (basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock] == targetOffset)

                                                    bool targetBlockCovered = true;
                                                    if (targetOffset + 1 >=
                                                        basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1])
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                                       basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1]);
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " reach next block");
                                                        targetBlockCovered = false;
                                                        Log.AppendLine("basicBlockStartOffsets: " +
                                                                       basicBlockStartOffsets[indexOfBasicBlock + 1].
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " inside same block");
                                                        int coveredTimes =
                                                            info.GetInstructionCoverage(hits).Invoke(targetOffset + 1);
                                                        Log.AppendLine("Target Offset " +
                                                                       (targetOffset + 1).ToString("x") +
                                                                       " is covered at " + coveredTimes + " times.");
                                                        if (coveredTimes == 0)
                                                            targetBlockCovered = false;

                                                    if (!targetBlockCovered)
            //                                                        locations.Add(location, outgoingBranchLabel);
                    sb.AppendLine("manager.TryGetAssemblyCoverageBuilder is null!");

                host.GetService<ProblemTrackDatabase>().InstructionCov = instructionCov;
                host.GetService<ProblemTrackDatabase>().BasicBlocksOffsets = basicBlockOffsets;
                host.GetService<ProblemTrackDatabase>().BranchCoverageDetails = branchCoverageDetails;
                DumpInfoToDebugFile(sb.ToString(), assemblyCovFileName);
            catch (Exception ex)
                host.Log.Dump("coverage", "cov ex", ex.Message);
                host.GetService<ProblemTrackDatabase>().ErrorLog.AppendLine("exception in FindUncoveredBranches: " + ex);
                DumpInfoToDebugFile("cov ex" + ex.Message, assemblyCovFileName);