public Schedule(Section sec, Classroom clas, int start, int end, int day) { section = sec; classroom = clas; startHour = start; endHour = end; whichDay = day; }
public Schedule(Section sec, Classroom clas, int start, int end, int day) { section = sec; classroom = clas; startHour = start; endHour = end; whichDay = day; sec.hourList.Add(this); //need to sync across the classes. clas.scheduleList.Add(this); }
private Schedule chooseRandomSection(Section sec) { Random rndElement = new Random(); int index; if (sec.hourList.Count > 1) { index = rndElement.Next(0, sec.hourList.Count - 1); return sec.hourList[index]; } else return null; }
public Department(Form1 mainform) { ListCurriculum=new List<Curriculum>(); this.mainform = mainform; for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { List<Professor> ProfessorList = new List<Professor>(); List<Classroom> ClassroomList = new List<Classroom>(); List<Semester> SemesterList = new List<Semester>(); List<Course> CourseList = new List<Course>(); List<Section> SectionList = new List<Section>(); ListCurriculum.Add(new Curriculum(this)); for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { SemesterList.Add(new Semester(i + 1, string.Format("{0}. semester", i + 1), ListCurriculum[j])); } ListCurriculum[j].addSemester(SemesterList); foreach (var prof in Context.PROFESSOR.Select(p => new { p.PROF_ID, p.PROF_NAME }).ToList()) { ProfessorList.Add(new Professor(prof.PROF_ID, prof.PROF_NAME)); } foreach (var clsr in Context.CLASSROOM.Select(p => new { p.CLRO_ID, p.CLRO_NAME }).ToList()) { ClassroomList.Add(new Classroom(clsr.CLRO_ID, clsr.CLRO_NAME)); } foreach (var item in Context.COURSE.Select(p => new { p.COUR_ID, p.COUR_NAME, p.COUR_SEMESTER, p.COUR_HOUR }).ToList()) { Semester sem = SemesterList.Where(s => s.ID == item.COUR_SEMESTER).FirstOrDefault(); Course crs = new Course(item.COUR_ID, item.COUR_NAME, sem, item.COUR_HOUR); CourseList.Add(crs); sem.courseList.Add(crs); } foreach (var item in Context.SECTION.Select(p => new { p.SECT_ID, p.SECT_COURSEID, p.SECT_PREFDAY, p.SECT_PREFHOUR, p.SECT_PROFESSORID, p.SECT_PREFCLASSROOM,p.SECT_NAME }).ToList()) { Course crs = CourseList.Where(c => c.ID == item.SECT_COURSEID).FirstOrDefault(); Classroom clr = ClassroomList.Where(c => c.ID == item.SECT_PREFCLASSROOM).FirstOrDefault(); Professor prof = ProfessorList.Where(p => p.ID == item.SECT_PROFESSORID).FirstOrDefault(); Section sec = new Section(item.SECT_ID, item.SECT_PREFDAY, item.SECT_PREFHOUR, crs, clr, prof,item.SECT_NAME); SectionList.Add(sec); prof.SectionList.Add(sec); crs.SectionList.Add(sec); } foreach (var item in SemesterList) { foreach (var item2 in item.courseList) { foreach (var item3 in item2.SectionList) { new Schedule(item3, item3.PrefferedClassroom, (int)item3.prefferedHour, (int)(item3.prefferedHour) + (int)(item3.SectionCourse.NumberOfHours), item3.prefferedDay); } } } ListCurriculum[j].addProfessor(ProfessorList); ListCurriculum[j].addClassroom(ClassroomList); } }