Example #1
        public bool Compile(string path, string compileToFilePath = null)
            //using (FileStream stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            //using (
            var excelFile = new SimpleExcelFile(path);

                foreach (var kv in _config.CodeTemplates)
                    var templateStr = kv.Key;
                    var exportPath  = kv.Value;

                    // 生成代码
                    var template = Template.Parse(templateStr);
                    var topHash  = new Hash();
                    topHash["NameSpace"] = _config.NameSpace;
                    var files = new List <Hash>();
                    topHash["Files"] = files;

                    var hash = DoCompiler(path, excelFile, compileToFilePath);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath))
                        File.WriteAllText(exportPath, template.Render(topHash));

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a setting file, return a hash for template
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <param name="compileToFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="compileBaseDir"></param>
        /// <param name="doRealCompile">Real do, or just get the template var?</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TableCompileResult Compile(string path, string compileToFilePath = null, string compileBaseDir = null, bool doRealCompile = true)
            // 确保目录存在
            var compileToFileDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(compileToFilePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(compileToFileDirPath))

            var ext = Path.GetExtension(path);

            ITableSourceFile sourceFile;

            if (ext == ".tsv")
                sourceFile = new SimpleTSVFile(path);
                sourceFile = new SimpleExcelFile(path);

            var hash = DoCompilerExcelReader(path, sourceFile, compileToFilePath, compileBaseDir, doRealCompile);

Example #3
        private Hash DoCompiler(string path, SimpleExcelFile excelFile, string compileToFilePath = null)
            var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(path);

            //IExcelDataReader excelReader = null;
            //if (fileExt == ".xlsx" || fileExt == ".xml")
            //    try
            //    {
            //        //2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
            //        excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception e2)
            //    {
            //        throw new InvalidExcelException("Cannot read Excel 2007 File : " + path + e2.Message);
            //    }
            //    try
            //    {
            //        //1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
            //        excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception e2)
            //    {
            //        throw new InvalidExcelException("Cannot read Excel 2003 File : " + path + e2.Message);
            //    }

            //if (excelReader != null)
            //    using (excelReader)
            //    {

            //    }
            return(DoCompilerExcelReader(path, excelFile, compileToFilePath));
Example #4
        public bool Compile(string path, string compileToFilePath = null, string compileBaseDir = null)
            // 确保目录存在
            var compileToFileDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(compileToFilePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(compileToFileDirPath))

            var excelFile = new SimpleExcelFile(path);
            var files     = new List <Hash>();
            var hash      = DoCompiler(path, excelFile, compileToFilePath, compileBaseDir);


            if (_config.CodeTemplates != null)
                foreach (var kv in _config.CodeTemplates)
                    var templateStr = kv.Key;
                    var exportPath  = kv.Value;

                    // 生成代码
                    var template = Template.Parse(templateStr);
                    var topHash  = new Hash();
                    topHash["NameSpace"] = _config.NameSpace;
                    topHash["Files"]     = files;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath))
                        File.WriteAllText(exportPath, template.Render(topHash));

Example #5
        private Hash DoCompilerExcelReader(string path, SimpleExcelFile excelFile, string compileToFilePath = null)
            //3. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
            //DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

            //4. DataSet - Create column names from first row
            //excelFile.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;

            //DataSet result = excelFile.AsDataSet();

            //if (result.Tables.Count <= 0)
            //    throw new InvalidExcelException("No Sheet!");

            var renderVars = new RenderTemplateVars();

            renderVars.FieldsInternal = new List <RenderFieldVars>();

            //var sheet1 = result.Tables[0];

            var strBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            var ignoreColumns = new HashSet <int>();
            var ignoreRows    = new HashSet <int>();

            //// 寻找注释行,1,或2行
            //var hasStatementRow = false;
            //var statementRow = sheet1.Rows[0].ItemArray;
            var regExCheckStatement = new Regex(@"\[(.*)\]");

            //foreach (var cellVal in statementRow)
            //    if ((cellVal is string))
            //    {
            //        var matches = regExCheckStatement.Matches(cellVal.ToString());
            //        if (matches.Count > 0)
            //        {
            //            hasStatementRow = true;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    break;

            //// 获取注释行
            //var commentRow = hasStatementRow ? sheet1.Rows[1].ItemArray : sheet1.Rows[0].ItemArray;
            //var commentsOfColumns = new List<string>();
            //foreach (var cellVal in commentRow)
            //    commentsOfColumns.Add(cellVal.ToString());

            // Header Column
            foreach (var colNameStr in excelFile.ColName2Index.Keys)
                var colIndex = excelFile.ColName2Index[colNameStr];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colNameStr))
                    var isCommentColumn = CheckCommentColumn(colNameStr);
                    if (isCommentColumn)
                        if (colIndex > 0)

                        string typeName   = "string";
                        string defaultVal = "";

                        var attrs = excelFile.ColName2Statement[colNameStr].Split(',');
                        // Type
                        if (attrs.Length > 0)
                            typeName = attrs[0];
                        // Default Value
                        if (attrs.Length > 1)
                            defaultVal = attrs[1];
                        if (attrs.Length > 2)
                            if (attrs[2] == "pk")
                                renderVars.PrimaryKey = colNameStr;

                        renderVars.FieldsInternal.Add(new RenderFieldVars
                            Index        = colIndex,
                            Type         = typeName,
                            Name         = colNameStr,
                            DefaultValue = defaultVal,
                            Comment      = excelFile.ColName2Comment[colNameStr],

            // Statements rows, keeps
            foreach (var kv in excelFile.ColName2Statement)
                var colName      = kv.Key;
                var statementStr = kv.Value;
                var colIndex     = excelFile.ColName2Index[colName];

                if (ignoreColumns.Contains(colIndex)) // comment column, ignore
                if (colIndex > 0)

            // Data Rows
            //var rowIndex = 1;
            //foreach (DataRow dRow in sheet1.Rows)
            for (var startRow = 0; startRow < excelFile.GetRowsCount(); startRow++)
                var columnCount = excelFile.GetColumnCount();
                for (var loopColumn = 0; loopColumn < columnCount; loopColumn++)
                    if (ignoreColumns.Contains(loopColumn)) // comment column, ignore
                    if (loopColumn > 0)
                    var columnName = excelFile.Index2ColName[loopColumn];
                    var cellStr    = excelFile.GetString(columnName, startRow);
                    //        // 如果单元格是字符串,换行符改成\\n
                    //        if (item is string)
                    //        {
                    //            var sItme = item as string;
                    //            cloneItem = sItme.Replace("\n", "\\n");
                    //        }
                    //        strBuilder.Append(cloneItem);
                    //        colIndex++;

                    cellStr = cellStr.Replace("\n", "\\n");
            //if (hasStatementRow)
            //    // 有声明行,忽略第2行
            //    if (rowIndex == 2)
            //    {
            //            rowIndex++;
            //            continue;

            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // 无声明行,忽略第1行
            //        if (rowIndex == 1)
            //        {
            //            rowIndex++;
            //            continue;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    colIndex = 0;
            //foreach (var item in dRow.ItemArray)
            //    {
            //        if (ignoreColumns.Contains(colIndex)) // comment column, ignore
            //            continue;

            //        if (colIndex > 0)
            //            strBuilder.Append("\t");

            //        var cloneItem = item;
            //        // 如果单元格是字符串,换行符改成\\n
            //        if (item is string)
            //        {
            //            var sItme = item as string;
            //            cloneItem = sItme.Replace("\n", "\\n");
            //        }
            //        strBuilder.Append(cloneItem);
            //        colIndex++;
            //    }
            //    strBuilder.Append("\n");
            //    rowIndex++;

            var    fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            string exportPath;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compileToFilePath))
                exportPath = compileToFilePath;
                // use default
                exportPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", fileName, _config.ExportTabExt);
            File.WriteAllText(exportPath, strBuilder.ToString());

            renderVars.ClassName   = string.Join("", (from name in fileName.Split('_') select System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name)).ToArray());
            renderVars.TabFilePath = exportPath;

Example #6
        public bool Compile(string path, string compileToFilePath = null, string compileBaseDir = null)
            // 确保目录存在
            var compileToFileDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(compileToFilePath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(compileToFileDirPath))

            var excelFile = new SimpleExcelFile(path);
            var files = new List<Hash>();
            var hash = DoCompiler(path, excelFile, compileToFilePath, compileBaseDir);

            if (_config.CodeTemplates != null)
                foreach (var kv in _config.CodeTemplates)
                    var templateStr = kv.Key;
                    var exportPath = kv.Value;

                    // 生成代码
                    var template = Template.Parse(templateStr);
                    var topHash = new Hash();
                    topHash["NameSpace"] = _config.NameSpace;
                    topHash["Files"] = files;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportPath))
                        File.WriteAllText(exportPath, template.Render(topHash));

            return true;
Example #7
        private Hash DoCompilerExcelReader(string path, SimpleExcelFile excelFile, string compileToFilePath = null, string compileBaseDir = null)
            //3. DataSet - The result of each spreadsheet will be created in the result.Tables
            //DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

            //4. DataSet - Create column names from first row
            //excelFile.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;

            //DataSet result = excelFile.AsDataSet();

            //if (result.Tables.Count <= 0)
            //    throw new InvalidExcelException("No Sheet!");

            var renderVars = new RenderTemplateVars();
            renderVars.FieldsInternal = new List<RenderFieldVars>();

            //var sheet1 = result.Tables[0];

            var strBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            var ignoreColumns = new HashSet<int>();
            //var ignoreRows = new HashSet<int>();

            //// 寻找注释行,1,或2行
            //var hasStatementRow = false;
            //var statementRow = sheet1.Rows[0].ItemArray;
            //var regExCheckStatement = new Regex(@"\[(.*)\]"); // 不要[ xx ]符号了
            //foreach (var cellVal in statementRow)
            //    if ((cellVal is string))
            //    {
            //        var matches = regExCheckStatement.Matches(cellVal.ToString());
            //        if (matches.Count > 0)
            //        {
            //            hasStatementRow = true;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    break;

            //// 获取注释行
            //var commentRow = hasStatementRow ? sheet1.Rows[1].ItemArray : sheet1.Rows[0].ItemArray;
            //var commentsOfColumns = new List<string>();
            //foreach (var cellVal in commentRow)
            //    commentsOfColumns.Add(cellVal.ToString());

            // Header Column
            foreach (var colNameStr in excelFile.ColName2Index.Keys)
                var colIndex = excelFile.ColName2Index[colNameStr];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(colNameStr))
                    var isCommentColumn = CheckCommentString(colNameStr);
                    if (isCommentColumn)
                        if (colIndex > 0)

                        string typeName = "string";
                        string defaultVal = "";

                        var attrs = excelFile.ColName2Statement[colNameStr].Split(new char[] {'|', '/'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        // Type
                        if (attrs.Length > 0)
                            typeName = attrs[0];
                        // Default Value
                        if (attrs.Length > 1)
                            defaultVal = attrs[1];
                        if (attrs.Length > 2)
                            if (attrs[2] == "pk")
                                renderVars.PrimaryKey = colNameStr;

                        renderVars.FieldsInternal.Add(new RenderFieldVars
                            Index = colIndex,
                            Type = typeName,
                            Name = colNameStr,
                            DefaultValue = defaultVal,
                            Comment = excelFile.ColName2Comment[colNameStr],

            // Statements rows, keeps
            foreach (var kv in excelFile.ColName2Statement)
                var colName = kv.Key;
                var statementStr = kv.Value;
                var colIndex = excelFile.ColName2Index[colName];

                if (ignoreColumns.Contains(colIndex)) // comment column, ignore
                if (colIndex > 0)

            // Data Rows
            //var rowIndex = 1;
            //foreach (DataRow dRow in sheet1.Rows)
            for (var startRow = 0; startRow < excelFile.GetRowsCount(); startRow++)
                var columnCount = excelFile.GetColumnCount();
                for (var loopColumn = 0; loopColumn < columnCount; loopColumn++)
                    if (ignoreColumns.Contains(loopColumn)) // comment column, ignore
                    if (loopColumn > 0)
                    var columnName = excelFile.Index2ColName[loopColumn];
                    var cellStr = excelFile.GetString(columnName, startRow);

                    if (loopColumn == 0 && CheckCommentString(cellStr)) // 如果行首为#注释字符,忽略这一行

                    //        // 如果单元格是字符串,换行符改成\\n
                    //        if (item is string)
                    //        {
                    //            var sItme = item as string;
                    //            cloneItem = sItme.Replace("\n", "\\n");
                    //        }
                    //        strBuilder.Append(cloneItem);
                    //        colIndex++;

                    cellStr = cellStr.Replace("\n", "\\n");
            //if (hasStatementRow)
            //    // 有声明行,忽略第2行
            //    if (rowIndex == 2)
            //    {
            //            rowIndex++;
            //            continue;

            //        }
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // 无声明行,忽略第1行
            //        if (rowIndex == 1)
            //        {
            //            rowIndex++;
            //            continue;
            //        }
            //    }

            //    colIndex = 0;
            //foreach (var item in dRow.ItemArray)
            //    {
            //        if (ignoreColumns.Contains(colIndex)) // comment column, ignore
            //            continue;

            //        if (colIndex > 0)
            //            strBuilder.Append("\t");

            //        var cloneItem = item;
            //        // 如果单元格是字符串,换行符改成\\n
            //        if (item is string)
            //        {
            //            var sItme = item as string;
            //            cloneItem = sItme.Replace("\n", "\\n");
            //        }
            //        strBuilder.Append(cloneItem);
            //        colIndex++;
            //    }
            //    strBuilder.Append("\n");
            //    rowIndex++;

            var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);
            string exportPath;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compileToFilePath))
                exportPath = compileToFilePath;
                // use default
                exportPath = string.Format("{0}{1}", fileName, _config.ExportTabExt);

            var exportDirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(exportPath);
            if (!Directory.Exists(exportDirPath))
            File.WriteAllText(exportPath, strBuilder.ToString());

            // 基于base dir路径
            var tabFilePath = exportPath;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(compileBaseDir))
                tabFilePath = tabFilePath.Replace(compileBaseDir, ""); // 保留后戳
            if (tabFilePath.StartsWith("/"))
                tabFilePath = tabFilePath.Substring(1);

            renderVars.ClassName = string.Join("",
                (from name in fileName.Split('_')
                 select System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(name)).ToArray());
            renderVars.TabFilePath = tabFilePath;

            return Hash.FromAnonymousObject(renderVars);
Example #8
        private Hash DoCompiler(string path, SimpleExcelFile excelFile, string compileToFilePath = null, string compileBaseDir = null)
            //var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(path);
            //IExcelDataReader excelReader = null;
            //if (fileExt == ".xlsx" || fileExt == ".xml")
            //    try
            //    {
            //        //2. Reading from a OpenXml Excel file (2007 format; *.xlsx)
            //        excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateOpenXmlReader(stream);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception e2)
            //    {
            //        throw new InvalidExcelException("Cannot read Excel 2007 File : " + path + e2.Message);
            //    }
            //    try
            //    {
            //        //1. Reading from a binary Excel file ('97-2003 format; *.xls)
            //        excelReader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateBinaryReader(stream);
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception e2)
            //    {
            //        throw new InvalidExcelException("Cannot read Excel 2003 File : " + path + e2.Message);
            //    }

            //if (excelReader != null)
            //    using (excelReader)
            //    {

            //    }
            return DoCompilerExcelReader(path, excelFile, compileToFilePath, compileBaseDir);