private async void searchUser() { if (tokens != null) { user = new List<TweetClass.UserInfo>(); try { string search_word = serchBox.Text; var result = await tokens.Users.SearchAsync(count => 100, q => search_word); //foreach (var status in await tokens.Search.TweetsAsync(q => serchBox.Text, count => 200, lang => "ja")) foreach (var status in result) { user.Add(new TweetClass.UserInfo { UserName = status.Name, UserId = status.Id, ScreenName = "@" + status.ScreenName, ProfileImageUrl = status.ProfileImageUrlHttps, FollowCount = status.FollowersCount, FavCount = status.FavouritesCount, FollowerCount = status.FriendsCount, Prof = status.Description }); } userSearchView.ItemsSource = user; } catch (Exception ex) { // viewTextBox.Text = ex.Source; } } }
public void Initialize() { this.Title = "X-NowPlaying - Loading..."; this.JacketImage = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/insert2.png", UriKind.Relative)); _objects = ApplicationData.Load(); if (_objects == null) { Environment.Exit(0); } //25個に分割 int i = 0; List<XObject> list = null; foreach (XObject obj in _objects) { if (i == 25) { _parallel.Add(list); i = 0; } if (i == 0) { list = new List<XObject>(); } list.Add(obj); i++; } //5 sec interval this._timer = new Timer(Update, null, 0, 1000 * 5); }
/// <summary> /// 指定したscreen_nameのユーザのツイートを指定個数取得する。(Retryあり) /// </summary> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <param name="user_id"></param> /// <param name="maxCount"></param> /// <param name="sleep"></param> /// <param name="report"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable<Status> GetUserTimeLines(List<Tokens> tokens, ulong user_id, int maxCount, TimeSpan sleep, Action<string> report) { var list2 = tokens.UserTimelineRetry(sleep, report, id => user_id, count => 100, exclude_replies => true, include_rts => false); int c = 0; long maxId = long.MaxValue; foreach (var item in list2) { maxId = item.Id; c++; yield return item; } while (true) { list2 = tokens.UserTimelineRetry(sleep, report, id => user_id, count => 100, max_id => (maxId - 1).ToString(), exclude_replies => true, include_rts => false); int c1 = 0; foreach (var item in list2) { maxId = item.Id; yield return item; c++; c1++; if (maxCount <= c) break; } if (c1 < 20) break; if (maxCount <= c) break; } }
internal void AnalyzeText() { _Text = _Text .Replace("&", "&") .Replace("<", "<") .Replace(">", ">"); TextElements = new List<StatusElement>(); var el = new List<EntityInfo>(); if (origin.Entities != null) { if (origin.Entities.Urls != null) el.AddRange(origin.Entities.Urls.Select(p => new EntityInfo { Indices = p.Indices, Text = p.DisplayUrl, Infomation = p.ExpandedUrl.ToString(), Type = "Url" })); if (origin.Entities.Media != null) el.AddRange(origin.Entities.Media.Select(p => new EntityInfo { Indices = p.Indices, Text = p.DisplayUrl, Infomation = p.ExpandedUrl.ToString(), Type = "Media" })); if (origin.Entities.UserMentions != null) el.AddRange(origin.Entities.UserMentions.Select(p => new EntityInfo { Indices = p.Indices, Text = "@" + p.ScreenName, Infomation = p.ScreenName, Type = "Mention" })); if (origin.Entities.HashTags != null) el.AddRange(origin.Entities.HashTags.Select(p => new EntityInfo { Indices = p.Indices, Text = "#" + p.Text, Infomation = p.Text, Type = "Hashtag" })); el.Sort((x, y) => x.Indices[0].CompareTo(y.Indices[0])); } int n = 0; string s = _Text; foreach (var i in el) { i.Indices[0] = i.Indices[0] >= s.Length ? s.Length - 1 : i.Indices[0]; var ssi = i.Indices[0] - n; ssi = (i.Indices[0] + ssi > s.Length) ? (s.Length - n) : ssi; TextElements.Add(new StatusElement { Text = s.Substring(n, ssi), Type = "None" }); TextElements.Add(new StatusElement { Text = i.Text, Infomation = i.Infomation, Type = i.Type }); n = (i.Indices[1] >= s.Length - 1) ? s.Length - 1 : i.Indices[1]; } if (n < s.Length - 1) TextElements.Add(new StatusElement { Text = s.Substring(n), Type = "None" }); }
public override IEnumerable<Kbtter4Plugin> Load(Kbtter instance, IList<string> filenames) { var files = filenames.Where(p => p.EndsWith(".py")); var ret = new List<Kbtter4IronPythonPlugin>(); engine = Python.CreateEngine(); var context = HostingHelpers.GetLanguageContext(engine) as PythonContext; var path = context.GetSearchPaths(); path.Add(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\"); engine.SetSearchPaths(path); engine.Runtime.LoadAssembly(typeof(Status).Assembly); foreach (var i in files) { try { var scope = engine.CreateScope(); scope.SetVariable("Kbtter4", new Kbtter4PluginProvider(instance)); var src = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(i); var code = src.Compile(); code.Execute(scope); var p = new Kbtter4IronPythonPlugin(scope,instance); ret.Add(p); } catch (Exception e) { instance.LogError(String.Format("プラグイン読み込み中にエラーが発生しました : {0}\n{1}", i, e.Message)); } } return ret; }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); this.BringToFront(); this.Focus(); this.KeyPreview = true; Index = 0; Pages = new List<Tuple<string, Status>>(); button1.Enabled = button2.Enabled = false; if (BearerToken.Equals("none")) try { BearerToken = OAuth2.GetToken(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret).BearerToken; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); Environment.Exit(1); } Token = OAuth2Token.Create(ConsumerKey, ConsumerSecret, BearerToken); toolStripTextBox1.Focus(); }
public Form_Talk(Tokens tokens, List<Status> talk, Form_Main parentForm) { InitializeComponent(); this.tokens = tokens; = talk; this.parentForm = parentForm; this.Text = "Talk."; }
public Form_TalkDM(Tokens tokens, List<DirectMessage> talk, Form_Main parentForm) { InitializeComponent(); this.tokens = tokens; = talk; this.parentForm = parentForm; this.Text = "Talk (Direct Message)."; }
public TwitterCheck() { var settings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; var blackWords = new List<string>(); var whiteWords = new List<string>(); for (int i = 1; i <= SettingMax; i++) { string black = settings["twitter.blackwords." + i]; if (black == null) continue; foreach (var elem in black.Split(',')) { blackWords.Add(elem); } string white = settings["twitter.whitewords." + i]; if (white == null) continue; foreach (var elem in white.Split(',')) { whiteWords.Add(elem); } } BlackWords = blackWords.AsReadOnly(); WhiteWords = whiteWords.AsReadOnly(); Log.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "{0} black words loaded", BlackWords.Count); Log.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "{0} white words loaded", WhiteWords.Count); var replaceList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>(); for (int i = 1; i <= SettingMax; i++) { string str = settings["twitter.replace." + i]; if (str == null) continue; foreach (var pair in str.Split(',')) { string[] kv = pair.Split('='); replaceList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(kv[0], kv[1])); } } ReplaceList = replaceList.AsReadOnly(); Log.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "{0} replace entries loaded", ReplaceList.Count); try { dlNetwork = DollsLib.Learning.DataManager.LoadDeepLearning( SettingManager.Settings.Twitter.DlNetTrainError); } catch (Exception) { Log.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "DlNwtwork {0} load failed", SettingManager.Settings.Twitter.DlNetTrainError); } }
public static List<Status> getOAuthAndReplies() { var tokens = SingleService.getTokens(); var home = tokens.Statuses.HomeTimeline(); var mentions = tokens.Statuses.MentionsTimeline(); List<Status> replies = new List<Status>(); foreach(var m in mentions) { replies.Add(m); } return replies; }
public MainWindow() { selectImage = ""; InitializeComponent(); pictureBoarders = new List<Rectangle>(); twhelper = new TwitterHelpper(); Properties.Settings.Default.FileRoot= Properties.Settings.Default.FileRoot == "" ? System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures) : Properties.Settings.Default.FileRoot; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); hotKey = new HotKey.HotKeyRegister(HotKey.MOD_KEY.CONTROL, Keys.Q, this); pictureList = new Mok.Util.PaginateList<string>(9); hotKey.HotKeyPressed += (k) => { counter++; try { wc.CaptureImage().Save(FilePath(), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } catch(WindowCapture.WindowNotFoundException) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("PC TV with Nasneが起動されていません。"); return; } pictureList.AddShift(FilePath()); ReconstractView(); selectImage = FilePath(); pictureBoarders.ForEach(p => p.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden); pictureBoarders[Math.Min(8, pictureList.Count - 1)].Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }; wc = new WindowCapture.WindowCapture("PC TV"); Loaded += (ss, ee) => { var picarea = PictureArea.Children; foreach (var item in picarea) { if (item.GetType().ToString() == "System.Windows.Shapes.Rectangle") { pictureBoarders.Add((Rectangle)item); ((Rectangle)item).Visibility = Visibility.Hidden; } } }; }
public static string GetPeriodicMessage() { var messages = new List<string> { "Destiny has a new Twitter!", "Robot Lady will read your message for $5 or more donations", "Remember to use Destiny's Amazon referral link!", $"Destiny updates YouTube regularly now! {Tools.LatestYoutube()}", }; if (i + 1 < messages.Count) i++; else i = 0; return messages[i]; }
public List<Result> Query(Query query) { List<Result> results = new List<Result>(); string tweetMessage = query.ToString().Remove(0, 2); results.Add(new Result() { Title = "Tweet: " + tweetMessage, IcoPath = "Image\\twitter.png", Action = context => { postTweet(tweetMessage); return true; } }); return results; }
private async void muteInfo() { if (tokens != null) { user = new List<TweetClass.UserInfo>(); try { foreach (var status in await tokens.Mutes.Users.ListAsync()) { //data.AddInfo(userPro2, status); user.Add(new TweetClass.UserInfo { UserName = status.Name, UserId = status.Id, ScreenName = "@" + status.ScreenName, ProfileImageUrl = status.ProfileImageUrlHttps, FollowCount = status.FollowersCount, FavCount = status.FavouritesCount, FollowerCount = status.FriendsCount, Prof = status.Description }); } this.muteView.ItemsSource = user; } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
public override IEnumerable<Kbtter4Plugin> Load(Kbtter instance, IList<string> filenames) { var list = new List<Kbtter4LuaPlugin>(); var files = filenames.Where(p => p.EndsWith(".lua")); foreach (var i in files) { try { Lua l = new Lua(); l.LoadCLRPackage(); l["Kbtter4"] = new Kbtter4PluginProvider(instance); l.DoFile(i); list.Add(new Kbtter4LuaPlugin(l,instance)); } catch (Exception e) { instance.LogError("Luaプラグイン読み込み中にエラーが発生しました : " + e.Message); } } return list; }
/// <summary> /// UserTimelineAPIを使う。もしAPIを使いきっているなら、スリープし、再実行する。 /// </summary> /// <param name="statuses"></param> /// <param name="sleepTime"></param> /// <param name="report"></param> /// <param name="parameters"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable<CoreTweet.Status> UserTimelineRetry(this List<Tokens> tokens, TimeSpan sleepTime, Action<string> report, params System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<string, object>>[] parameters) { CoreTweet.Status[] list2 = new List<CoreTweet.Status>().ToArray(); bool flag = false; try { list2 = tokens[token_index].Statuses.UserTimeline(parameters).ToArray(); } catch (Exception ex) { report(ex.Message); if (ex.Message == "Rate limit exceeded") { flag = true; } else if (ex.Message == "Over capacity") { flag = true; } else { throw ex; } } if (flag) { report("Sleep"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); token_index = (token_index + 1) % tokens.Count; report("Token is " + token_index.ToString()); Program.nowTokenIndex = token_index; return UserTimelineRetry(tokens, sleepTime, report, parameters); } return list2; }
private List<Status> getTalk(Status tweet) { List<Status> talk = new List<Status>(); talk.Add(tweet); while (tweet.InReplyToStatusId != null) { tweet = getTweetFromId(this.tokens, tweet.InReplyToStatusId.ToString()); talk.Add(tweet); } return talk; }
static void Main(string[] args) { //StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(@"account_csv.log"); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(args[0]); bool isCrawTrainData = true; string imagePath = "images"; string corpusPath = "corpus"; System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient(); ulong savedId = Properties.Settings.Default.Last_ID; bool isLoad = false; if (savedId != 0) isLoad = true; var tokens = TwitterAPI.getTokens(); System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex r = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"https?://[\w/:%#\$&\?\(\)~\.=\+\-]+"); //画像保存用 if (!Directory.Exists(imagePath) && isCrawTrainData) Directory.CreateDirectory(imagePath); //文書保存用 if (!Directory.Exists(corpusPath) && isCrawTrainData) Directory.CreateDirectory(corpusPath); //ループ while (sr.Peek() > -1) { string id_str = sr.ReadLine().Split(',')[0]; ulong account_id = Convert.ToUInt64(id_str); bool unMedia = true; //goto saved pointer if (isLoad && savedId != account_id) continue; if (savedId == account_id) { isLoad = false; continue; } Console.WriteLine(id_str+":"); UserResponse user=null; //UserResponce取得 userFirst: try { user = tokens[nowTokenIndex].Users.Show(id => account_id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(("user:"******"Rate limit exceeded") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)); goto userFirst; } else if (ex.Message == "Over capacity") { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)); goto userFirst; } } try { uint counter = Properties.Settings.Default.counter; List<int> RTList = new List<int>(), FavList = new List<int>(); List<string> myCorpus = new List<string>(); List<int> CorpusRT = new List<int>(); List<long> CorpusID = new List<long>(); List<string> CorpusTime = new List<string>(); //user info userInfo uf = new userInfo(user); //get tweet var lines = CoreTweetExtend.GetUserTimeLines(tokens, account_id, 3000, new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), (n) => Console.WriteLine(n)); //画像用ファイル string myImagePath = Path.Combine(imagePath, user.Id.Value.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(myImagePath) && isCrawTrainData) Directory.CreateDirectory(myImagePath); foreach (var str in lines) { RTList.Add(str.RetweetCount.Value); FavList.Add(str.FavoriteCount.Value); //Mediaのみ取得 if (str.Entities.Media != null || !isCrawTrainData) { //文章手直し string replaced = r.Replace(str.Text, ""); replaced = replaced.Replace("\r", ""); replaced = replaced.Replace("\n", ""); if (isCrawTrainData) { replaced = replaced.Replace(",", "、"); replaced = replaced.Replace(".", "。"); } if (replaced != "") { myCorpus.Add(replaced); CorpusRT.Add(str.RetweetCount.Value); CorpusID.Add(str.Id); CorpusTime.Add(str.CreatedAt.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); //メディア保存 if (isCrawTrainData) { unMedia = false; string tweetPath = Path.Combine(myImagePath, str.Id.ToString()); Directory.CreateDirectory(tweetPath); foreach(var media in str.Entities.Media) { string thisPath = Path.Combine(tweetPath, Path.GetFileName(media.MediaUrl)); wc.DownloadFile(media.MediaUrl, thisPath); Console.WriteLine(thisPath+":"+counter); } } } } } if (!unMedia) { //統計計算 uf.RTMean = RTList.Average(); uf.RTDev = Math.Sqrt(RTList.Select(t => Math.Pow(t - uf.RTMean, 2.0)).Sum() / RTList.Count()); uf.FavMean = FavList.Average(); uf.FavDev = Math.Sqrt(FavList.Select(t => Math.Pow(t - uf.FavMean, 2.0)).Sum() / FavList.Count()); //ユーザ情報書き込み if (isCrawTrainData) { using (StreamWriter sw_ui = new StreamWriter("user_info.txt", true, Encoding.UTF8)) { sw_ui.WriteLine(uf.ToString()); } } //コーパス書き込み string mycpPath = Path.Combine(corpusPath, user.Id + ".txt"); using (StreamWriter cw_cp = new StreamWriter(mycpPath, true, Encoding.UTF8)) { foreach (string cp in myCorpus.Zip(CorpusID, (first, second) => string.Format("{0},{1}", first, second)).Zip(CorpusRT, (first, second) => string.Format("{0},{1}", first, second))) { cw_cp.WriteLine(cp); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } Properties.Settings.Default.Last_ID = account_id; Console.WriteLine(Properties.Settings.Default.counter); Properties.Settings.Default.counter++; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); } }
/// <summary> /// トークンの取得 /// </summary> /// <returns>トークン</returns> public static List<Tokens> getTokens() { if (myApis == null) { myApis = loadAPIInfo(); } List<Tokens> tokens = new List<Tokens>(); foreach(var myApi in myApis) { tokens.Add(Tokens.Create(myApi.APIKey , myApi.APISecret , myApi.AccessToken , myApi.AccessTokenSecret)); } return tokens; }
private void userInfo() { if (tokens != null) { userPro = new List<TweetClass.UserInfo>(); try { // showedUser =await tokens.Users.ShowAsync(user_id => name); userPro.Add(new TweetClass.UserInfo { UserName = showedUser.Name, UserId = showedUser.Id, ScreenName = "@" + showedUser.ScreenName, ProfileImageUrl = showedUser.ProfileImageUrlHttps, FollowCount = showedUser.FollowersCount, FavCount = showedUser.FavouritesCount, FollowerCount = showedUser.FriendsCount, Prof = showedUser.Description } ); this.userInfoView.ItemsSource = userPro; //userTimeline2(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
private static List<DoubleUtf16Char> GetCodePoints(string str) { var result = new List<DoubleUtf16Char>(str.Length); for (var i = 0; i < str.Length; i++) { var c = str[i]; result.Add(char.IsHighSurrogate(c) ? new DoubleUtf16Char(c, str[++i]) : new DoubleUtf16Char(c)); } return result; }
public TitleChildSceneOptionEdit(User[] op) { opts = op; osi = new int[opts.Length]; oii = new OptionInitializationInformation[opts.Length]; sum = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "オプション装備編集", X = 230, Y = 8 }; type = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Blue) { Value = "装備タイプ", X = 160, Y = 32 + 8 }; dirc = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Green) { Value = "装備方向", X = 160, Y = 64 + 8 }; mode = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Green) { Value = "モード", X = 160, Y = 96 + 8 }; uvdesc = new List<StringSprite>() { new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Red) { Value = "装備固有オプション1", X = 160, Y = 128 + 8 }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Red) { Value = "装備固有オプション2", X = 160, Y = 160 + 8 }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Red) { Value = "装備固有オプション3", X = 160, Y = 192 + 8 }, }; seltype = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 32 + 8 }; seldirc = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 64 + 8 }; selmode = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 96 + 8 }; ipuvdesc = new List<StringSprite>() { new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 128 + 8 }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 160 + 8 }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "", X = 360, Y = 192 + 8 }, }; uvs = new List<StringSprite>(); uvs.Add(type); uvs.Add(dirc); uvs.Add(mode); uvs.AddRange(uvdesc); seluvs = new List<StringSprite>(); seluvs.Add(seltype); seluvs.Add(seldirc); seluvs.Add(selmode); seluvs.AddRange(ipuvdesc); uvsmal = new List<MenuAllocationInformation> { new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 48 }, new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 80 }, new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 112 }, new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 144 }, new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 176 }, new MenuAllocationInformation{ X = 144, Y = 208 }, }; for (int i = 0; i < uvsmal.Count; i++) { int ci = i; uvsmal[i].Upper = uvsmal[(i + uvsmal.Count - 1) % uvsmal.Count]; uvsmal[i].Lower = uvsmal[(i + 1) % uvsmal.Count]; uvsmal[i].AvailableChangingAction = (p, v) => { uvs[ci].Alpha = seluvs[ci].Alpha = v ? 1.0 : 0.5; }; if (i >= 1) uvsmal[i].IsAvailable = false; } udc = new[] { new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite(){HomeX=64,HomeY=64,ScaleX=0.8,ScaleY=0.4,Image=CommonObjects.ImageCursor128[2],X=64,Y=48}, new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite(){HomeX=64,HomeY=64,ScaleX=0.8,ScaleY=0.4,Image=CommonObjects.ImageCursor128[3],X=64,Y=208}, }; selopts = new List<MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite>(); foreach (var i in opts) { if (i == null) continue; selopts.Add(new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite() { HomeX = 48, HomeY = 48, X = 64, Y = 128, Image = BigUserImageManager.GetUserImage(i), Alpha = 0 }); } avu = selopts.Count; for (int i = 0; i < avu; i++) { osi[i] = 0; oii[i] = new OptionInitializationInformation(); } selopts.Add(new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite() { HomeX = 48, HomeY = 48, X = 64, Y = 128, Image = CommonObjects.ImageOptionEditEnd, Alpha = 0 }); selopts[usel].Alpha = 1; mc = new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite() { Image = CommonObjects.ImageCursor128[1], HomeX = 64, HomeY = 64, ScaleX = 0.25, ScaleY = 0.25 }; mc.X = uvsmal[smsel].X; mc.Y = uvsmal[smsel].Y; }
public TitleChildSceneOptionUserSelect(AccountInformation ainfo, int idx, bool back, User[] us) { b = back; ai = ainfo; uinfo = new UserInformation(ai.Users[idx]); index = idx; mvf = (ta, aid, max) => (mai, val) => { if (max > aid) ta[aid].Alpha = val ? 1.0 : 0.5; }; users = us; opod = new List<StringSprite> { new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 64 - 8, Value = "1st" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 96 - 8, Value = "2nd" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 128 - 8, Value = "3rd" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 160 - 8, Value = "4th" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 192 - 8, Value = "5th" } }; next = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Blue) { X = 64, Y = nextpos - 8, Value = "決定" }; opsn = new List<StringSprite> { new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 128, Y = 64 - 8, Value = "" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 128, Y = 96 - 8, Value = "" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 128, Y = 128 - 8, Value = "" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 128, Y = 160 - 8, Value = "" }, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 128, Y = 192 - 8, Value = "" } }; mal = new List<MenuAllocationInformation> { new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 64 }, new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 96 }, new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 128 }, new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 160 }, new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 192 }, new MenuAllocationInformation(){ X = 32, Y = 224 }, }; opop = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 64, Y = 224 - 8, Value = "編集 削除" }; opopmal = new List<MenuAllocationInformation> { new MenuAllocationInformation(){X=40,Y=224}, new MenuAllocationInformation(){X=136,Y=224}, }; okcancel = new List<StringSprite> { new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "OK", X = 528, Y = 180 , Alpha = 0}, new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { Value = "キャンセル", X = 528, Y = 204, Alpha = 0 } }; ocmal = new List<MenuAllocationInformation> { new MenuAllocationInformation(){X=512,Y=180+8,IsAvailable=false}, new MenuAllocationInformation(){X=512,Y=204+8}, }; ouip = new OptionUserInformationPanel(ai.Tokens[index], ai.Users[index]) { ChangingAction = (p) => { //タイムラグ対策 if (cs != 2) return; if (p && users.Where(q => q != null).All(q => q.Id != ouip.SourceUser.Id)) { valid.Value = "オプションOK"; valid.Color = CommonObjects.Colors.Blue; ocmal[0].IsAvailable = true; } else { valid.Value = "オプションNG"; valid.Color = CommonObjects.Colors.Red; ocmsel = 1; ocmal[0].IsAvailable = false; mc.AddSubOperation(SpritePatterns.VerticalMove(10, ocmal[ocmsel].Y, Easing.OutQuad)); } } }; for (int i = 0; i < opopmal.Count; i++) { opopmal[i].Lefter = opopmal[(i + opopmal.Count - 1) % opopmal.Count]; opopmal[i].Righter = opopmal[(i + 1) % opopmal.Count]; } for (int i = 0; i < ocmal.Count; i++) { ocmal[i].Upper = ocmal[(i + ocmal.Count - 1) % ocmal.Count]; ocmal[i].Lower = ocmal[(i + 1) % ocmal.Count]; ocmal[i].AvailableChangingAction = mvf(okcancel, i, okcancel.Count); } for (int i = 0; i < mal.Count; i++) { mal[i].Upper = mal[(i + mal.Count - 1) % mal.Count]; mal[i].Lower = mal[(i + 1) % mal.Count]; mal[i].AvailableChangingAction = mvf(opod, i, opod.Count); mal[i].IsAvailable = (i < users.Length && users[i] != null) || i == mal.Count - 1 || (users.Count(p => p != null) == i); } for (int i = 0; i < opsn.Count; i++) { if (users[i] != null) opsn[i].Value = users[i].ScreenName; } valid = new StringSprite(CommonObjects.FontSystemMedium, CommonObjects.Colors.Black) { X = 320, Y = 216, Value = "オプションOK/NG" }; mc = new MultiAdditionalCoroutineSprite() { Image = CommonObjects.ImageCursor128[1], HomeX = 64, HomeY = 64, ScaleX = 0.25, ScaleY = 0.25 }; cs = 0; ki = null; msel = 0; ocmsel = 0; }
private List<DirectMessage> getTalkDm(DirectMessage dm) { User talkingUser = dm.Sender; var dmRecieved = tokens.DirectMessages.Received(count => 200).Where(x => x.Sender.ScreenName == talkingUser.ScreenName); var dmSent = tokens.DirectMessages.Sent(count => 200).Where(x => x.Recipient.ScreenName == talkingUser.ScreenName); List<DirectMessage> dmList = new List<DirectMessage>(); dmList.AddRange(dmRecieved); dmList.AddRange(dmSent); var query = dmList.OrderByDescending(s => s.CreatedAt); List<DirectMessage> talk = query.ToList<DirectMessage>(); return talk; }
private void tweet(Tokens tokens, string context, List<string> uploadFiles) { List<MediaUploadResult> results = new List<MediaUploadResult>(); foreach (string filePath in uploadFiles) { MediaUploadResult result = tokens.Media.Upload(media: new FileInfo(filePath)); results.Add(result); } var param = new Dictionary<string, object>(); param.Add("status", context); if (0 < results.Count) { param.Add("media_ids", results.Select(x => x.MediaId)); } if (this.status != null) { param.Add("in_reply_to_status_id", this.status.Id.ToString()); } tokens.Statuses.UpdateAsync(param); resetReply(); resetAppend(); string message = string.Format("Tweeted: {0}", context); changeStatus(message, NotificationStatus.DoTweet); }
private void AnalyzeTextElements() { TextElements = new ObservableSynchronizedCollection<StatusTextElement>(); var l = new List<Tuple<int[], StatusTextElement>>(); if (Source.Entities != null) { if (Source.Entities.Urls != null) foreach (var i in Source.Entities.Urls) { //Text = Text.Replace(i.Url.ToString(), i.DisplayUrl.ToString()); var e = new StatusTextElement(); e.Original = i.Url.ToString(); e.Action = main.View.OpenInDefault; e.Type = StatusTextElementType.Uri; e.Link = i.ExpandedUrl; e.Surface = i.DisplayUrl; l.Add(new Tuple<int[], StatusTextElement>(i.Indices, e)); } /* //互換性上の理由で画像がUrlとMedia両方で送られてくるらしいので暫定的に削除 if (Source.Entities.Media != null) foreach (var i in Source.Entities.Media) { //Text = Text.Replace(i.Url.ToString(), i.DisplayUrl.ToString()); var e = new StatusTextElement(); e.Original = i.Url.ToString(); e.Action = main.View.OpenInDefault; e.Type = StatusTextElementType.Media; e.Link = i.ExpandedUrl; e.Surface = i.DisplayUrl; l.Add(new Tuple<int[], StatusTextElement>(i.Indices, e)); } */ if (Source.Entities.UserMentions != null) foreach (var i in Source.Entities.UserMentions) { var e = new StatusTextElement(); e.Action = async (p) => { var user = await Kbtter.Token.Users.ShowAsync(id => i.Id); Kbtter.AddUserToUsersList(user); main.View.Notify(user.Name + "さんの情報"); main.View.ChangeToUser(); }; e.Type = StatusTextElementType.User; e.Link = new Uri("" + i.ScreenName); e.Surface = "@" + i.ScreenName; e.Original = e.Surface; l.Add(new Tuple<int[], StatusTextElement>(i.Indices, e)); } if (Source.Entities.HashTags != null) foreach (var i in Source.Entities.HashTags) { var e = new StatusTextElement(); e.Action = (p) => { main.View.ChangeToSearch(); main.View.SearchText = "#" + i.Text; Kbtter.Search("#" + i.Text); }; e.Type = StatusTextElementType.Hashtag; e.Link = new Uri("" + i.Text); e.Surface = "#" + i.Text; e.Original = e.Surface; l.Add(new Tuple<int[], StatusTextElement>(i.Indices, e)); } l.Sort((x, y) => x.Item1[0].CompareTo(y.Item1[0])); } int le = 0; foreach (var i in l) { var el = i.Item1[1] - i.Item1[0]; var ntl = i.Item1[0] - le; if (ntl != 0) { var nt = Text.Substring(le, ntl); nt = nt .Replace("<", "<") .Replace(">", ">") .Replace("&", "&"); TextElements.Add(new StatusTextElement { Surface = nt, Type = StatusTextElementType.None }); } TextElements.Add(i.Item2); le = i.Item1[1]; } //foreach (var i in l) Text = Text.Replace(i.Item2.Original, i.Item2.Surface); if (Text.Length > le - 1) { var ls = Text.Substring(le); ls = ls .Replace("<", "<") .Replace(">", ">") .Replace("&", "&"); TextElements.Add(new StatusTextElement { Surface = ls, Type = StatusTextElementType.None }); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { "Wake up, HinayakuBot!".COut (); bool ShutDownFlag = false; List<Task> Tasks = new List<Task> (); var CommandContext = new CommandContext (); var StatusContext = new StatusContext (); var cts = new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource (); Tasks.Add(Task.Run(() => StreamObservable.StreamStart(CommandContext,StatusContext),cts.Token)); Tasks.Add(Task.Run (() => AILogic.AI (CommandContext,StatusContext),cts.Token)); Tasks.Add (Task.Run (() => UserInterface (CommandContext),cts.Token)); System.Threading.Thread.Yield (); Task.WhenAll (Tasks).ContinueWith (x => ShutDownFlag = true); CommandContext.GetCommand.Subscribe (x => { if(x.Keys.Any(y => y == Constant.Cmd)) x[Constant.Cmd].COut(); else if(x.Keys.Any(y => y == Constant.Cmd)&& x[Constant.Cmd] == Constant.CmdEnd) ShutDownFlag = true ; }); var IDs = GetIdFromXml (); var Token = TokenCreate (IDs); var stream = Token.Streaming.UserAsObservable() .Timeout (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (30)) .Retry (5) .Catch((Exception e) => { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); if(e.StackTrace != null) Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); return Observable.Never<StatusMessage>(); }) .Publish (); stream .OfType<StatusMessage>() .Where (x => !x.Status.User.ScreenName.Contains (@"hinayakuBot")) .Select (x => new TwString{Name = x.Status.User.ScreenName, Text = x.Status.Text, Id = x.Status.Id}) .Subscribe (x => Console.WriteLine(x.Text)); while(true){ if (ShutDownFlag == true){ Task.Delay (TimeSpan.FromSeconds (15)).Wait (); cts.Cancel (); break; } } "All Done".COut (); }
/// <summary> /// ツイッターAPI情報のロード /// </summary> /// <returns>API情報</returns> public static List<TwitterAPI> loadAPIInfo() { List<TwitterAPI> APIList = new List<TwitterAPI>(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TwitterAPI)); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\twitterAPI.xml", new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false)); APIList.Add((TwitterAPI)serializer.Deserialize(sr)); XmlSerializer serializer2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TwitterAPI)); StreamReader sr2 = new StreamReader( Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\twitterAPI2.xml", new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false)); APIList.Add((TwitterAPI)serializer2.Deserialize(sr2)); return APIList; }
/// <summary> /// Sends a POST request with multipart/form-data as an asynchronous operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="url">The URL.</param> /// <param name="prm">The parameters.</param> /// <param name="authorizationHeader">The OAuth header.</param> /// <param name="options">The connection options for the request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token.</param> /// <returns> /// <para>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</para> /// <para>The Result property on the task object returns the response.</para> /// </returns> internal static async Task<AsyncResponse> HttpPostWithMultipartFormDataAsync(Uri url, KeyValuePair<string, object>[] prm, string authorizationHeader, ConnectionOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress<UploadProgressInfo> progress) { if(options == null) options = ConnectionOptions.Default; var req = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url); var toDispose = new List<IDisposable>(); #if WIN_RT var content = new HttpMultipartFormDataContent(); foreach(var x in prm) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var valueStream = x.Value as Stream; var valueInputStream = x.Value as IInputStream; var valueArraySegment = x.Value as ArraySegment<byte>?; var valueBytes = x.Value as IEnumerable<byte>; var valueBuffer = x.Value as IBuffer; var valueInputStreamReference = x.Value as IInputStreamReference; var valueStorageItem = x.Value as IStorageItem; var fileName = "file"; if (valueStorageItem != null) { fileName = valueStorageItem.Name; } else if (x.Value.GetType().FullName == "System.IO.FileInfo") { var ti = x.Value.GetType().GetTypeInfo(); valueStream = (Stream)ti.GetDeclaredMethod("OpenRead").Invoke(x.Value, null); fileName = (string)ti.GetDeclaredProperty("Name").GetValue(x.Value); toDispose.Add(valueStream); } if (valueInputStreamReference != null) { valueInputStream = await valueInputStreamReference.OpenSequentialReadAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false); toDispose.Add(valueInputStream); } else if (valueStream != null) { valueInputStream = valueStream.AsInputStream(); } else if (valueArraySegment != null) { valueBuffer = valueArraySegment.Value.Array.AsBuffer(valueArraySegment.Value.Offset, valueArraySegment.Value.Count); } else if (valueBytes != null) { var valueByteArray = valueBytes as byte[] ?? valueBytes.ToArray(); valueBuffer = valueByteArray.AsBuffer(); } if(valueInputStream != null) content.Add(new HttpStreamContent(valueInputStream), x.Key, fileName); else if(valueBuffer != null) content.Add(new HttpBufferContent(valueBuffer), x.Key, fileName); else content.Add(new HttpStringContent(x.Value.ToString()), x.Key); } #else var content = new MultipartFormDataContent(); foreach (var x in prm) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); var valueStream = x.Value as Stream; if (valueStream != null) { content.Add(new StreamContent(valueStream), x.Key, "file"); continue; } var valueArraySegment = x.Value as ArraySegment<byte>?; if (valueArraySegment != null) { content.Add( new ByteArrayContent(valueArraySegment.Value.Array, valueArraySegment.Value.Offset, valueArraySegment.Value.Count), x.Key, "file"); continue; } var valueBytes = x.Value as IEnumerable<byte>; if (valueBytes != null) { content.Add(new ByteArrayContent(valueBytes as byte[] ?? valueBytes.ToArray()), x.Key, "file"); continue; } #if FILEINFO var valueFileInfo = x.Value as FileInfo; if (valueFileInfo != null) { valueStream = valueFileInfo.OpenRead(); content.Add(new StreamContent(valueStream), x.Key, valueFileInfo.Name); toDispose.Add(valueStream); continue; } #else var fileInfoType = x.Value.GetType(); if (fileInfoType.FullName == "System.IO.FileInfo") { var ti = fileInfoType.GetTypeInfo(); valueStream = (Stream)ti.GetDeclaredMethod("OpenRead").Invoke(x.Value, null); content.Add(new StreamContent(valueStream), x.Key, (string)ti.GetDeclaredProperty("Name").GetValue(x.Value)); toDispose.Add(valueStream); continue; } #endif content.Add(new StringContent(x.Value.ToString()), x.Key); } #endif cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); req.Content = content; var res = await ExecuteRequest(req, authorizationHeader, options, cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false); foreach (var x in toDispose) x.Dispose(); return res; }
private async void followerTimeline() { listView2.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; userTLView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; if (tokens != null) { //this.userTLView.Items.Clear(); userPro2 = new List<TweetClass.UserInfo>(); try { userPro2 = new List<TweetClass.UserInfo>(); // var showedUser = tokens.Favorites.List(screen_name => ScreenName, count => 200); foreach (var status in await tokens.Followers.ListAsync(user_id => UserId, count => 200)) { //data.AddInfo(userPro2, status); userPro2.Add(new TweetClass.UserInfo { UserName = status.Name, UserId = status.Id, ScreenName = "@" + status.ScreenName, ProfileImageUrl = status.ProfileImageUrlHttps, FollowCount = status.FollowersCount, FavCount = status.FavouritesCount, FollowerCount = status.FriendsCount, Prof = status.Description }); } this.userTLView.ItemsSource = userPro2; } catch (Exception ex) { } } }