public Command Use(IBeing being)
            //0.2: Next, usability in context?  Or good enough?
            var inv_usables = being.Inventory.Where(i => i.IsUsable).ToList();

            //var reach_usables = actor.ReachableItems().Where(i => i.IsUsable).ToList();
            if (inv_usables.Count == 0)
                return(CancelMultiStep("Nothing usable on me."));

            thisUsedItem ??= priorUsedItem ?? being.WieldedTool;
            if (thisUsedItem == null)
                if (!Messager.IsInputReady())
                    ShowInventory(being, i => i.IsUsable);
                return(NextStepIs(Use_Pick_Item, "Use item: ", being));

                       $"Direction to use the {Describer.Describe(thisUsedItem)}, or [a-z?] to choose item: ", being));
        public Command Use_Pick_Item(AsciiKey press, IBeing being)
            if (press.Key == Keys.Escape)

            var selectedIndex = AlphaIndexOfKeyPress(press);

            if (selectedIndex < 0 || being.Inventory.Count() <= selectedIndex)
                return(SameStep($"The key [{PressRep(press)}] does not match an inventory item.  Pick another."));

            var item = being.Inventory.ElementAt(selectedIndex);

            if (!item.IsUsable)
                return(SameStep($"The {Describer.Describe(item)} is not a usable item.  Pick another."));

            thisUsedItem = item;

                       $"Direction to use the {Describer.Describe(thisUsedItem)}, or [a-z?] to choose item: ", being));
        public Command Consume_main(AsciiKey press, IBeing being)
            if (press.Key == Keys.Escape)
            if (press.Character == '?')
                return(ShowInventory <IIngestible>(being));

            var item = ItemInInventoryLocation(press, being);

            if (item == null)
                return(SameStep($"Nothing in inventory slot {press.Character}."));
            if (!item.IsIngestible)
                return(SameStep($"I can't eat or drink {Describer.Describe(item, DescMods.Article)}."));

            return(FinishedCommand(CmdAction.Consume, CmdDirection.None, item));