Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts UTM coordinate to Signed Degree Lat/Long
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utm">utm</param>
        /// <returns>Coordinate</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// The following example creates (converts to) a signed degree lat long based on a UTM object.
        /// <code>
        /// UniversalTransverseMercator utm = new UniversalTransverseMercator("T", 32, 233434, 234234);
        /// double[] signed = UniversalTransverseMercator.ConvertUTMtoSignedDegree(utm);
        /// Coordinate c = new Coordinate(signed[0], signed[1], new EagerLoad(false));
        /// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 2º 7' 2.332" E 6º 36' 12.653"
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static double[] ConvertUTMtoSignedDegree(UniversalTransverseMercator utm)
            bool southhemi = false;

            Regex upsCheck = new Regex("[AaBbYyZz]");

            if (upsCheck.IsMatch(utm.latZone))
                Coordinate c = UPS.UPS_To_Geodetic(utm, new EagerLoad(false));
                return(new double[] { c.Latitude.ToDouble(), c.Longitude.ToDouble() });

            if (utm.latZone == "A" || utm.latZone == "B" || utm.latZone == "C" || utm.latZone == "D" || utm.latZone == "E" || utm.latZone == "F" || utm.latZone == "G" || utm.latZone == "H" || utm.latZone == "J" ||
                utm.latZone == "K" || utm.latZone == "L" || utm.latZone == "M")
                southhemi = true;

            double cmeridian;

            double x = utm.Easting - 500000.0;
            double UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996;

            x /= UTMScaleFactor;

            /* If in southern hemisphere, adjust y accordingly. */
            double y = utm.Northing;

            if (southhemi)
                y -= 10000000.0;

            y /= UTMScaleFactor;

            cmeridian = UTMCentralMeridian(utm.LongZone);

            double[] signed = UTMtoSigned(x, y, cmeridian, utm.equatorial_radius, utm.inverse_flattening);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts UTM coordinate to Lat/Long
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="utm">utm</param>
        /// <param name="eagerLoad">EagerLoad</param>
        /// <returns>Coordinate</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// The following example creates (converts to) a geodetic Coordinate object based on a UTM object.
        /// Performance is maximized by turning off EagerLoading.
        /// <code>
        /// EagerLoad el = new EagerLoad(false);
        /// UniversalTransverseMercator utm = new UniversalTransverseMercator("T", 32, 233434, 234234);
        /// Coordinate c = UniversalTransverseMercator.ConvertUTMtoLatLong(utm, el);
        /// Console.WriteLine(c); //N 2º 7' 2.332" E 6º 36' 12.653"
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static Coordinate ConvertUTMtoLatLong(UniversalTransverseMercator utm, EagerLoad eagerLoad)
            bool  southhemi = false;
            Regex upsCheck  = new Regex("[AaBbYyZz]");

            if (upsCheck.IsMatch(utm.latZone))
                return(UPS.UPS_To_Geodetic(utm, eagerLoad));

            Regex regex = new Regex("[CcDdEeFfGgHhJjKkLlMm]");

            if (regex.IsMatch(utm.latZone))
                southhemi = true;

            double cmeridian;

            double x = utm.Easting - 500000.0;
            double UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996;

            x /= UTMScaleFactor;

            /* If in southern hemisphere, adjust y accordingly. */
            double y = utm.Northing;

            if (southhemi)
                y -= 10000000.0;

            y /= UTMScaleFactor;

            cmeridian = UTMCentralMeridian(utm.LongZone);

            Coordinate c = UTMtoLatLong(x, y, cmeridian, utm.equatorial_radius, utm.inverse_flattening, eagerLoad);
