public bool FastReroute(Call call, int connectionID) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received RouteTableQuery(" + connectionID + ") from CC"); Path oldPath = call.GetPath(); List <Path> paths = null; try { paths = Algorithms.AllPaths(oldPath.endPoints.Item1, oldPath.endPoints.Item2); } catch (Exception e) { GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.Message); GUIWindow.PrintLog(e.StackTrace); } if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0) { //nie istnieje żadna ścieżka -> należy przejść wyżej lub rozłączyć jeśli jesteśmy już na górze return(false); } Path newPath = paths[0]; NCC.callRegister[connectionID].path = newPath; string oldLCs = ""; foreach (Connection connection in oldPath.edges) { if (ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { oldLCs += connection.GetID() + ", "; } } oldLCs = oldLCs.Remove(oldLCs.Length - 2, 2); string newLCs = ""; foreach (Connection connection in newPath.edges) { if (ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { newLCs += connection.GetID() + ", "; } } newLCs = newLCs.Remove(newLCs.Length - 2, 2); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(" + oldLCs + ";" + newLCs + ") to CC"); //tutaj dodać do argumentów id LC tylko z tej podsieci GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received RouteTableQueryResponse(" + oldLCs + ";" + newLCs + ") from RC"); //tu też UpdateRoutingTables(oldPath, call.GetConnectionID(), false, true); UpdateRoutingTables(newPath, call.GetConnectionID(), false, false); UpdateRoutingTables(newPath, call.GetConnectionID(), true, false); foreach (Connection connection in oldPath.edges) { if (!ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < connection.slot.Length; i++) { if (connection.slot[i] == connectionID) { connection.slot[i] = 0; } } GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionDeallocation(" + connection.GetID() + ") to internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LinkConnectionDeallocation(" + connection.GetID() + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") to RC : DEALLOCATED"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") from Internal LRM : DEALLOCATED"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent LocalTopologyResponse() to Internal LRM : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LocalTopologyResponse() from RC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LinkConnectionDeallocationResponse() to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionDeallocationResponse() from Internal LRM"); } string[] range = oldPath.channelRange.Split('-'); foreach (Connection connection in newPath.edges) { if (!ConfigLoader.myConnections.Values.Contains(connection)) { continue; } for (int i = Convert.ToInt32(range[0]); i <= Convert.ToInt32(range[1]); i++) { connection.slot[i] = RC.currentConnectionID; } GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Sent LinkConnectionRequest(" + connection.GetID() + ", " + oldPath.channelRange + ") to internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LinkConnectionRequest(" + connection.GetID() + ", " + oldPath.channelRange + ") from CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") to RC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Received LocalTopology(" + connection.GetID() + ": " + String.Join("", connection.slot) + ") from Internal LRM"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent LocalTopologyResponse() to Internal LRM : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Received LocalTopologyResponse() from RC : OK"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent LinkConnectionRequestResponse() to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received LinkConnectionRequestResponse() from Internal LRM"); } GUIWindow.UpdateChannelTable(); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Internal LRM: Sent ChannelReallocationResponse() to CC"); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received ChannelReallocationResponse() from Internal LRM"); return(true); }
private void CalculateAllPaths() { Node startingNode = ConfigLoader.GetNodeByIP(cachedData["routerX"]); Node endingNode = ConfigLoader.GetNodeByIP(cachedData["routerY"]); int speed = Convert.ToInt32(cachedData["speed"]); Host startHost = null; Host endingHost = null; foreach (Host h in ConfigLoader.hosts) { if (startingNode == h.GetNeighborRouter()) { startHost = h; } if (endingNode == h.GetNeighborRouter()) { endingHost = h; } } List <Path> paths = Algorithms.AllPaths(startHost, endingHost); if (paths == null || paths.Count == 0) { //nie istnieje żadna ścieżka GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(null) to CC");"component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:null")); return; } Path chosenPath = null; foreach (Path path in paths) { int[] pathsID = path.getEdges(); int n = DetermineGapNo(speed, path.GetLength()); //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Channel count: " + n); int[,] LRMarray = GetLRMarray(pathsID); int[] indexFromTo = EvaluatePath(n, LRMarray); if (indexFromTo[0] != -1 && indexFromTo[1] != -1) { //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Test: n: " + n + " index from: " + indexFromTo[0] + " to " + indexFromTo[1]); try { cachedData.Add("channelRange", indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]); } catch (Exception) { cachedData["channelRange"] = indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]; } chosenPath = path; chosenPath.channelRange = indexFromTo[0] + "-" + indexFromTo[1]; break; } } currentPath = chosenPath; //GUIWindow.PrintLog("Path from Router" + startingNode.GetRouterID() + " to Router" + endingNode.GetRouterID() + " at " + speed + " Gb/s"); if (chosenPath == null) { GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(null) to CC");"component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:null")); return; } int nextConnectionID = currentConnectionID + 1; if (Convert.ToBoolean(cachedData["IDC"])) { nextConnectionID = Math.Max(nextConnectionID, Convert.ToInt32(cachedData["peerConnID"]) + 1); } currentConnectionID = nextConnectionID; string pathString = (chosenPath == null ? "null" : chosenPath.ToString()); GUIWindow.PrintLog("RC: Sent RouteTableQueryResponse(" + pathString + ") to CC"); GUIWindow.PrintLog("CC: Received RouteTableQueryResponse(" + pathString + ") from RC"); UpdateRoutingTables(chosenPath, currentConnectionID, false, false); UpdateRoutingTables(chosenPath, currentConnectionID, true, false); string message = "component:CC;name:RouteTableQueryResponse;path:" + pathString;; }