public SensorModel(SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications, NavigationMap map, Vector3 startPosition, Quaternion startOrientation)
            _sensorSpecifications = sensorSpecifications;

            Console.WriteLine("Using sensors:\n" + sensorSpecifications);

            // Instantiate sensors and populate properties and sensor list
            const bool isPerfect = false;
            _sensors = new List<ISensor>
                               (GPS = new GPS(sensorSpecifications, isPerfect, true)),
                               (IMU = new IMU(sensorSpecifications, startOrientation, isPerfect)),
                               (Magnetometer = new Magnetometer3Axis(sensorSpecifications, isPerfect)),
                               (GroundRangeFinder = new SonicRangeFinder(sensorSpecifications, isPerfect, map)),
                               (PressureGauge = new StaticPressureGauge(sensorSpecifications, isPerfect)),
        public void Reset(TimeSpan totalGameTime, HelicopterScenario scenario, NavigationMap heightmap)
            Console.WriteLine(@"Resetting helicopter.");

            _scenario = scenario;

            // TODO We would rather want to do Autopilot.Reset() than this fugly code
            Autopilot.IsAtDestination = false;
            Autopilot = Autopilot.Clone();
            Autopilot.Task = scenario.Task.Clone();
            Autopilot.Map = heightmap;

            Vector3 startPosition = scenario.StartPosition;
            Vector3 startVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 startAcceleration = Vector3.Zero;
            Quaternion startOrientation = Quaternion.Identity;

            if (Task.HoldHeightAboveGround > 0)
                startPosition.Y = Autopilot.Map.GetAltitude(VectorHelper.ToHorizontal(startPosition)) + Task.HoldHeightAboveGround;

            var startPhysicalState = new PhysicalHeliState(
                startOrientation, startPosition, startVelocity, startAcceleration);
            var initialState = new SimulationStepResults(startPhysicalState, totalGameTime);

            _physicalState = startPhysicalState;

            // Re-create the state provider when resetting because some sensors will have to re-initialize.
            _physics = new HeliPhysics(_collision, UseTerrainCollision);
            _sensors = new SensorModel(_sensorSpecifications, Autopilot.Map, startPosition, startOrientation);
            _perfectStateProvider = new PerfectState();
            _estimatedStateProvider = new SensorEstimatedState(_sensors, startPhysicalState);

            // Wait for state to become stable.
//            while (!_perfectStateProvider.Ready)
//            {
                // TODO GPS will require N seconds of startup time
//                _perfectStateProvider.Update(initialState, 0, 0, new JoystickOutput());
//                Sensors.Update(initialState, new JoystickOutput());
                //                Thread.Sleep(100);
//            }

            // When resetting, use perfect state as starting point.
            // TODO It should not be necessary to create this waypoint since it should never be used for navigation! Delete if safe.
            // Use start position and start orientation instead.
            const float defaultWaypointRadius = 5;
            var startWaypoint = new Waypoint(startPosition, 0, WaypointType.Intermediate, defaultWaypointRadius);
            _trueState = StateHelper.ToHeliState(startPhysicalState, GetHeightAboveGround(startPhysicalState.Position), startWaypoint, new JoystickOutput());
            _estimatedState = _trueState;

 public SonicRangeFinder(SensorSpecifications sensorSpecifications, bool isPerfect, NavigationMap map)
     : base(isPerfect)
     _map = map;
     _relativeRangeDirection = Vector3.Down;
        private void InitHelicopters(SunlightParameters skyParameters, NavigationMap heightmap)
            // TODO 1 or more helicopters?
            if (_scenario.HelicopterScenarios == null || _scenario.HelicopterScenarios.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("Could not find helicopter scenario.");

            HelicopterScenario heliScenario = _scenario.HelicopterScenarios[0];

            var startVelocity = new Vector3(); //new Vector3(-0.5f, 0, -1.0f)
            var startState = new PhysicalHeliState(

            _helicopter = new HelicopterBase(this, _testConfiguration, _terrainCollision, this, _basicEffect, skyParameters, heliScenario, 
                                             heliScenario.EngineSound, heliScenario.PlayerControlled, DrawText);

            // If testing then we will continue to the next waypoint as soon as the true position is within
            // the radius of the waypoint. If not testing (non-simulated scenarios), we typically want to
            // progress only if the estimated state is belived to be within the radius.
            _helicopter.Autopilot.IsTestMode = IsTestMode;
            _helicopter.Autopilot.IsTruePositionWithinRadius = false;

            _helicopter.Autopilot.MaxHVelocity = _testMaxHVelocityIter.Current;

            // Optionally a PID setup may have been provided to use with the helicopters.
            // If not a default setup is used.
            if (_initialPIDSetup.HasValue)

            //            InitFormationHelicopters(startPos, skyParameters);

            _helicopter.Autopilot.Map = heightmap;
        private NavigationMap UpdateTerrain(Scenario scenario)
            if (scenario.SceneElements.Contains("Terrain"))
                // Build terrain and derive a heightmap from it
                TerrainInfo ti = scenario.TerrainInfo;
                _terrain.BuildTerrain(ti.Width, ti.MinHeight, ti.MaxHeight);
                _heightmap = new NavigationMap(HeightmapToValues(_terrain.Mesh.Heightmap));
                // Assume flat ground if not using terrain
                _heightmap = new NavigationMap(new [,]
                                                       {0f, 0f,},
                                                       {0f, 0f,},

            return _heightmap;