Example #1
            static TypeCode Set(DocumentRef doc, TypeDeclaration rtypedecl, CSharpAstResolver resolver)
                var rawCode = GetCommentlessCode(rtypedecl);

                var typedecl = (TypeDeclaration)rtypedecl.Clone();

                var ns     = rtypedecl.Parent as NamespaceDeclaration;
                var nsName = ns == null ? "" : ns.FullName;

                var name = rtypedecl.Name;

                var usings =
                    OfType <UsingDeclaration> ().
                    Select(x => x.ToString().Trim()).

                // Find dependencies
                var deps = new List <String> ();

                foreach (var d in rtypedecl.Descendants.OfType <SimpleType> ())

                // Find watches and instrument
                var watches = new List <WatchVariable> ();

                foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType <VariableInitializer> ())
                    var endLoc = d.EndLocation;
                    var p      = d.Parent;
                    if (p == null || p.Parent == null)
                    var nc = p.GetNextSibling(x => x is Comment && x.StartLocation.Line == endLoc.Line);
                    if (nc == null || !nc.ToString().StartsWith("//="))
                    var id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var instrument = GetWatchInstrument(id, new IdentifierExpression(d.Name));
                    p.Parent.InsertChildBefore(nc, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
                    watches.Add(new WatchVariable {
                        Id                 = id,
                        Expression         = d.Name,
                        ExplicitExpression = "",
                        FilePath           = doc.FullPath,
                        FileLine           = nc.StartLocation.Line,
                        FileColumn         = nc.StartLocation.Column,
                foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType <AssignmentExpression> ())
                    var endLoc = d.EndLocation;
                    var p      = d.Parent;
                    if (p == null || p.Parent == null)
                    var nc = p.GetNextSibling(x => x is Comment && x.StartLocation.Line == endLoc.Line);
                    if (nc == null || !nc.ToString().StartsWith("//="))
                    var id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var instrument = GetWatchInstrument(id, (Expression)d.Left.Clone());
                    p.Parent.InsertChildBefore(nc, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
                    watches.Add(new WatchVariable {
                        Id                 = id,
                        Expression         = d.Left.ToString(),
                        ExplicitExpression = "",
                        FilePath           = doc.FullPath,
                        FileLine           = nc.StartLocation.Line,
                        FileColumn         = nc.StartLocation.Column,
                foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType <Comment> ().Where(x => x.CommentType == CommentType.SingleLine))
                    var m = WatchVariable.CommentContentRe.Match(d.Content);
                    if (!m.Success || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Groups [1].Value))

                    var p = d.Parent as BlockStatement;
                    if (p == null)

                    var exprText   = m.Groups [1].Value.Trim();
                    var parser     = new CSharpParser();
                    var syntaxTree = parser.Parse("class C { void F() { var __r = " + exprText + "; } }");

                    if (syntaxTree.Errors.Count > 0)
                    var t    = syntaxTree.Members.OfType <TypeDeclaration> ().First();
                    var expr = t.Descendants.OfType <VariableInitializer> ().First().Initializer;

                    var id         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var instrument = GetWatchInstrument(id, expr.Clone());
                    p.InsertChildBefore(d, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
                    watches.Add(new WatchVariable {
                        Id                 = id,
                        Expression         = exprText,
                        ExplicitExpression = m.Groups[1].Value,
                        FilePath           = doc.FullPath,
                        FileLine           = d.StartLocation.Line,
                        FileColumn         = d.StartLocation.Column,

                // All done
                var instrumentedCode = typedecl.ToString();

                return(TypeCode.Set(name, usings, rawCode, instrumentedCode, deps, nsName, watches));
			static TypeCode Set (DocumentRef doc, TypeDeclaration rtypedecl, CSharpAstResolver resolver)
				var rawCode = GetCommentlessCode (rtypedecl);

				var typedecl = (TypeDeclaration)rtypedecl.Clone ();

				var ns = rtypedecl.Parent as NamespaceDeclaration;
				var nsName = ns == null ? "" : ns.FullName;

				var name = rtypedecl.Name;

				var usings =
					OfType<UsingDeclaration> ().
					Select (x => x.ToString ().Trim ()).
					ToList ();

				// Find dependencies
				var deps = new List<String> ();
				foreach (var d in rtypedecl.Descendants.OfType<SimpleType> ()) {
					deps.Add (d.Identifier);

				// Find watches and instrument
				var watches = new List<WatchVariable> ();
				foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType<VariableInitializer> ()) {
					var endLoc = d.EndLocation;
					var p = d.Parent;
					if (p == null || p.Parent == null)
					var nc = p.GetNextSibling (x => x is Comment && x.StartLocation.Line == endLoc.Line);
					if (nc == null || !nc.ToString ().StartsWith ("//="))
					var id = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ();
					var instrument = GetWatchInstrument (id, new IdentifierExpression (d.Name));
					p.Parent.InsertChildBefore (nc, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
					watches.Add (new WatchVariable {
						Id = id,
						Expression = d.Name,
						ExplicitExpression = "",
						FilePath = doc.FullPath,
						FileLine = nc.StartLocation.Line,
						FileColumn = nc.StartLocation.Column,
				foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType<AssignmentExpression> ()) {
					var endLoc = d.EndLocation;
					var p = d.Parent;
					if (p == null || p.Parent == null)
					var nc = p.GetNextSibling (x => x is Comment && x.StartLocation.Line == endLoc.Line);
					if (nc == null || !nc.ToString ().StartsWith ("//="))
					var id = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ();
					var instrument = GetWatchInstrument (id, (Expression)d.Left.Clone ());
					p.Parent.InsertChildBefore (nc, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
					watches.Add (new WatchVariable {
						Id = id,
						Expression = d.Left.ToString (),
						ExplicitExpression = "",
						FilePath = doc.FullPath,
						FileLine = nc.StartLocation.Line,
						FileColumn = nc.StartLocation.Column,
				foreach (var d in typedecl.Descendants.OfType<Comment> ().Where (x => x.CommentType == CommentType.SingleLine)) {
					var m = WatchVariable.CommentContentRe.Match (d.Content);
					if (!m.Success || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (m.Groups [1].Value))

					var p = d.Parent as BlockStatement;
					if (p == null)
					var exprText = m.Groups [1].Value.Trim ();
					var parser = new CSharpParser();
					var syntaxTree = parser.Parse("class C { void F() { var __r = " + exprText + "; } }");

					if (syntaxTree.Errors.Count > 0)
					var t = syntaxTree.Members.OfType<TypeDeclaration> ().First ();
					var expr = t.Descendants.OfType<VariableInitializer> ().First ().Initializer;
					var id = Guid.NewGuid ().ToString ();
					var instrument = GetWatchInstrument (id, expr.Clone ());
					p.InsertChildBefore (d, instrument, BlockStatement.StatementRole);
					watches.Add (new WatchVariable {
						Id = id,
						Expression = exprText,
						ExplicitExpression = m.Groups[1].Value,
						FilePath = doc.FullPath,
						FileLine = d.StartLocation.Line,
						FileColumn = d.StartLocation.Column,

				// All done
				var instrumentedCode = typedecl.ToString ();

				return TypeCode.Set (name, usings, rawCode, instrumentedCode, deps, nsName, watches);