public void MarkNotificationsAsRead(params FacebookObjectId[] notificationIds) { Verify.IsNotNull(notificationIds, "notificationIds"); var sb = new StringBuilder(); bool isFirst = true; foreach (FacebookObjectId id in notificationIds) { if (FacebookObjectId.IsValid(id)) { if (!isFirst) { sb.Append(","); } sb.Append(id.ToString()); } } if (sb.Length == 0) { return; } var readMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "Notifications.markRead" }, { "notification_ids", sb.ToString() }, }; Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(readMap)); }
private MessageNotification _DeserializeMessageNotification(JSON_OBJECT jsonThread) { var message = new MessageNotification(_service) { Created = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonThread, "updated_time") ?? _UnixEpochTime, IsUnread = _SafeGetBoolean(jsonThread, "unread") ?? true, DescriptionText = _SafeGetString(jsonThread, "snippet"), IsHidden = false, NotificationId = _SafeGetId(jsonThread, "thread_id"), SenderId = _SafeGetId(jsonThread, "snippet_author"), Title = _SafeGetString(jsonThread, "subject"), Updated = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonThread, "updated_time") ?? DateTime.Now, }; // TODO: This is actually a list of recipients. var jsonRecipientList = jsonThread.Get <JSON_ARRAY>("recipients"); if (jsonRecipientList != null && jsonRecipientList.Count > 0) { message.RecipientId = new FacebookObjectId(jsonRecipientList[0].ToString()); } if (FacebookObjectId.IsValid(message.NotificationId)) { message.Link = new Uri(string.Format("[fb]messages&page=1&tid={0}", message.NotificationId)); } else { Assert.Fail(); message.NotificationId = SafeGetUniqueId(); message.Link = new Uri(""); } return(message); }
public ActivityPost PublishStream(FacebookObjectId targetId, string message) { var streamMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "stream.publish" }, { "message", message }, { "target_id", targetId.ToString() }, }; Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(streamMap)); // Return a proxy that looks close to what we expect the updated status to look like. // We'll replace it with the real one the next time we sync. return(new ActivityPost(_Service) { ActorUserId = _UserId, TargetUserId = targetId, Attachment = null, CanComment = false, CanLike = false, CanRemoveComments = false, CommentCount = 0, Created = DateTime.Now, HasLiked = false, LikedCount = 0, LikeUri = null, Message = message, PostId = new FacebookObjectId("-1"), RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>(), Updated = DateTime.Now, }); }
public static void DeserializeSessionInfo(string xml, out string sessionKey, out FacebookObjectId userId) { XDocument xdoc = _SafeParseObject(xml); XNamespace ns = xdoc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace(); sessionKey = _SafeGetValue(xdoc.Root, "session_key"); userId = _SafeGetId(xdoc.Root, "uid"); }
public void MarkMessageAsRead(FacebookObjectId messageId) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); _readMessages.Add(messageId); } }
public bool IsMessageRead(FacebookObjectId messageId) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); return(_readMessages.Contains(messageId)); } }
public List <FacebookPhotoAlbum> GetUserAlbums(FacebookObjectId userId) { Verify.IsTrue(FacebookObjectId.IsValid(userId), "Invalid userId"); string albumQueryResult = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendQuery(string.Format(_GetSingleUserAlbumsQueryString, userId))); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializeGetAlbumsResponse(albumQueryResult)); }
public void MarkUnfriendNotificationAsRead(FacebookObjectId userId) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); _unknownFriendRemovals.Remove(userId); } }
public bool IsFriendRequestKnown(FacebookObjectId uid) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); return(_ignoredFriendRequests.Contains(uid)); } }
public FacebookWebApi(FacebookService service, string secret) { _ApplicationKey = service.ApplicationKey; _SessionKey = service.SessionKey; _UserId = service.UserId; _Secret = secret; _Service = service; _jsonSerializer = new JsonDataSerialization(service); }
public FacebookWebApi(string applicationId, string sessionKey, FacebookObjectId userId, string secret) { _ApplicationKey = applicationId; _SessionKey = sessionKey; _UserId = userId; _Secret = secret; _Service = null; _jsonSerializer = new JsonDataSerialization(null); }
public void RemoveLike(FacebookObjectId postId) { var likeMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "stream.removeLike" }, { "post_id", postId.ToString() }, }; Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(likeMap)); }
// Light constructor for Attachment provided photos internal FacebookPhoto(FacebookService service, FacebookObjectId albumId, FacebookObjectId photoId, Uri source) { SourceService = service; AlbumId = albumId; PhotoId = photoId; Created = default(DateTime); Link = null; Image = new FacebookImage(service, source); RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>(); RawTags = new FBMergeableCollection <FacebookPhotoTag>(); }
public void DeserializeNotificationsGetResponse(string jsonString, out List <Notification> friendRequests, out int unreadMessageCount) { JSON_OBJECT jsonNotification = SafeParseObject(jsonString); var notificationList = new List <Notification>(from string id in jsonNotification.Get <JSON_ARRAY>("friend_requests") let uid = new FacebookObjectId(id) where FacebookObjectId.IsValid(uid) select new FriendRequestNotification(_service, uid)); unreadMessageCount = _SafeGetInt32(jsonNotification, "messages", "unread") ?? 0; friendRequests = notificationList; }
public void MarkFriendRequestAsRead(FacebookObjectId userId) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); if (!_ignoredFriendRequests.Contains(userId)) { _ignoredFriendRequests.Add(userId); } } }
public bool GetPhotoCanComment(FacebookObjectId photoId) { var commentMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.canComment" }, { "pid", photoId.ToString() }, }; string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(commentMap)); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializePhotoCanCommentResponse(response)); }
public List <FacebookPhotoTag> GetPhotoTags(FacebookObjectId photoId) { var tagMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.getTags" }, { "pids", photoId.ToString() }, }; string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(tagMap)); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializePhotoTagsList(response)); }
public FacebookObjectId AddPhotoComment(FacebookObjectId photoId, string comment) { var addMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.addComment" }, { "pid", photoId.ToString() }, { "body", comment }, }; string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(addMap)); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializePhotoAddCommentResponse(response)); }
internal UnfriendNotification(FacebookService service, FacebookObjectId userId) : base(service) { Created = default(DateTime); Updated = default(DateTime); IsHidden = false; IsUnread = true; NotificationId = new FacebookObjectId("Unfriended_" + userId.ToString()); RecipientId = service.UserId; SenderId = userId; Sender.PropertyChanged += _OnSenderPropertyChanged; Title = string.Format(_friendRemovalFormat, Sender.ProfileUri.ToString(), Sender.Name); TitleText = string.Format(_friendRemovalTextFormat, Sender.Name); Link = Sender.ProfileUri; }
public void RemoveComment(FacebookObjectId commentId) { if (!FacebookObjectId.IsValid(commentId)) { // If we're removing a comment that we haven't yet posted we can't remove it. return; } var commentMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "stream.removeComment" }, { "comment_id", commentId.ToString() }, }; Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(commentMap)); }
public void SetInterestLevel(FacebookObjectId userId, double value) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); Assert.IsNotDefault(userId); if (userId == _user.UserId) { _user.InterestLevel = value; return; } _friendLookup[userId].InterestLevel = value; } }
public void SetSessionInfo(string sessionKey, string sessionSecret, FacebookObjectId userId) { lock (_lock) { SessionKey = sessionKey; SessionSecret = sessionSecret; _user.UserId = userId; if (HasSessionInfo) { _GetUserInfo(); } else { _ClearUserInfo(); } } }
public List <FacebookPhotoTag> AddPhotoTag(FacebookObjectId photoId, FacebookObjectId userId, float x, float y) { Verify.IsTrue(FacebookObjectId.IsValid(userId), "Invalid userId"); Verify.IsTrue(FacebookObjectId.IsValid(photoId), "Invalid photoId"); x *= 100; y *= 100; var tagMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.addTag" }, { "pid", photoId.ToString() }, { "tag_uid", userId.ToString() }, { "x", string.Format("{0:0.##}", x) }, { "y", string.Format("{0:0.##}", y) }, }; string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(tagMap)); return(GetPhotoTags(photoId)); }
public double?GetInterestLevel(FacebookObjectId userId) { lock (_lock) { _VerifyHasUserInformation(); Assert.IsNotDefault(userId); if (userId == UserId) { return(_user.InterestLevel); } _LiteContact c; if (_friendLookup.TryGetValue(userId, out c)) { return(c.InterestLevel); } return(null); } }
public FacebookPhotoAlbum GetAlbum(FacebookObjectId albumId) { Verify.IsTrue(FacebookObjectId.IsValid(albumId), "Invalid albumId"); var albumMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.getAlbums" }, { "aids", albumId.ToString() }, }; string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(albumMap)); List <FacebookPhotoAlbum> albumsResponse = _jsonSerializer.DeserializeGetAlbumsResponse(response); Assert.IsFalse(albumsResponse.Count > 1); if (albumsResponse.Count == 0) { return(null); } return(albumsResponse[0]); }
public List <ActivityPost> GetStream(FacebookObjectId filterKey, int limit, DateTime getItemsSince) { Assert.IsTrue(limit > 0); // Facebook changed the semantics of the default feed, so we need to explicitly // request the newsfeed filter to keep things working as expected. // I think everyone should have a filter with this key, but this is unfortunately fragile. if (!FacebookObjectId.IsValid(filterKey)) { filterKey = new FacebookObjectId("nf"); } long startTime = JsonDataSerialization.GetUnixTimestampFromDateTime(getItemsSince); Assert.IsTrue(startTime >= 0); // Don't use metadata field. Facebook regressed support for it. // Getting profile data needs to be simulated at a higher level. var streamMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "stream.get" }, { "viewer_id", _UserId.ToString() }, { "start_time", startTime.ToString("G") }, { "limit", limit.ToString("G") }, { "filter_key", filterKey.ToString() }, }; string result = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendRequest(streamMap)); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializeStreamData(result)); //var userIds = new HashSet<FacebookObjectId>(); //foreach (var post in posts) //{ // userIds.Add(post.ActorUserId); // userIds.Add(post.TargetUserId); // userIds.AddRange(from comment in post.Comments select comment.FromUserId); // userIds.AddRange(from liker in post.PeopleWhoLikeThis select liker.UserId); //} }
public FacebookContact TryGetUser(FacebookObjectId userId, bool getFullData) { _Verify(); var userMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "users.GetInfo" }, { "uids", userId.ToString() }, //{ "fields", _UserColumns }, }; if (getFullData) { userMap["fields"] = _UserColumns; } else { userMap["fields"] = _UserColumnsLite; } // Facebook bogusly errors this call fairly frequently. List <FacebookContact> contactList = null; int reaskCount = 0; do { string result = Utility.FailableFunction(5, () => _SendRequest(userMap)); contactList = _jsonSerializer.DeserializeUsersList(result); } while (contactList.Count == 0 && ++reaskCount < 3); if (contactList.Count == 0) { // I'd like to do something better here. This fails too frequently. // Maybe once we move to the graph API there will be a more privacy friendly way to get this data. return(null); //throw new FacebookException("Unable to obtain information about the user.", null); } return(contactList[0]); }
public void Save() { lock (_lock) { XElement sessionXml = new XElement("sessionSettings", new XAttribute("v", 1), new XElement("sessionInfo", new XElement("sessionKey", SessionKey), new XElement("sessionSecret", SessionSecret), new XElement("userId", UserId))); sessionXml.Save(Path.Combine(_settingsRootPath, _SessionSettingsFileName)); if (FacebookObjectId.IsValid(UserId)) { XElement userXml = new XElement("userSettings", new XAttribute("v", 2), new XElement("friends", from c in _friendLookup.Values select(new XElement("contact")) .NewXAttribute("interestLevel", c.InterestLevel) .NewXAttribute("name", c.Name) .NewXAttribute("uid", c.UserId)), new XElement("knownFriendRequests", from uid in _ignoredFriendRequests select new XElement("contact", new XAttribute("uid", uid))), new XElement("unreadUnfriendings", from uid in _unknownFriendRemovals select new XElement("contact", new XAttribute("uid", uid))), new XElement("readMessages", from messageId in _readMessages select new XElement("message", new XAttribute("id", messageId)))); userXml.Save(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(_settingsRootPath, UserId.ToString()), _UserSettingsFileName)); } } }
public FacebookPhoto AddPhotoToAlbum(FacebookObjectId albumId, string caption, string imageFile) { _Verify(); var updateMap = new METHOD_MAP { { "method", "photos.upload" }, }; if (FacebookObjectId.IsValid(albumId)) { updateMap.Add("aid", albumId.ToString()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(caption)) { updateMap.Add("caption", caption); } string response = Utility.FailableFunction(() => _SendFileRequest(updateMap, imageFile)); return(_jsonSerializer.DeserializePhotoUploadResponse(response)); }
private ActivityPost _DeserializePost(JSON_OBJECT jsonPost) { var post = new ActivityPost(_service); JSON_OBJECT attachmentObject; if (jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("attachment", out attachmentObject)) { string postType = null; var jsonMediaArray = (JSON_ARRAY)_SafeGetValue(jsonPost, "attachment", "media"); if (jsonMediaArray != null && jsonMediaArray.Count > 0) { postType = _SafeGetString((JSON_OBJECT)jsonMediaArray[0], "type"); } switch (postType) { case "photo": post.Attachment = _DeserializePhotoPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject); break; case "link": post.Attachment = _DeserializeLinkPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject); break; case "video": post.Attachment = _DeserializeVideoPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject); break; // We're not currently supporting music or flash. Just treat it like a normal post... case "music": case "swf": case "": case null: if (attachmentObject.Count != 0) { // We have attachment information but no rich stream-media associated with it. ActivityPostAttachment attachment = _DeserializeGenericPostAttachmentData(post, attachmentObject); if (!attachment.IsEmpty) { attachment.Type = ActivityPostAttachmentType.Simple; post.Attachment = attachment; } } break; default: Assert.Fail("Unknown type:" + postType); break; } } post.PostId = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "post_id"); if (!FacebookObjectId.IsValid(post.PostId)) { // Massive Facebook failure. // This happens too frequently for the assert to be useful. // Assert.Fail(); post.PostId = SafeGetUniqueId(); } post.ActorUserId = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "actor_id"); post.Created = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonPost, "created_time") ?? _UnixEpochTime; post.Message = _SafeGetString(jsonPost, "message"); post.TargetUserId = _SafeGetId(jsonPost, "target_id"); post.Updated = _SafeGetDateTime(jsonPost, "updated_time") ?? _UnixEpochTime; JSON_OBJECT likesElement; if (jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("likes", out likesElement)) { post.CanLike = _SafeGetBoolean(likesElement, "can_like") ?? false; post.HasLiked = _SafeGetBoolean(likesElement, "user_likes") ?? false; post.LikedCount = _SafeGetInt32(likesElement, "count") ?? 0; post.LikeUri = _SafeGetUri(likesElement, "likes", "href"); //XElement friendsElement = likesElement.Element("friends"); //XElement sampleElement = likesElement.Element("sample"); //post.SetPeopleWhoLikeThisIds( // Enumerable.Union( // sampleElement == null // ? new FacebookObjectId[0] // : from uidElement in sampleElement.Elements("uid") select new FacebookObjectId(uidElement.Value), // friendsElement == null // ? new FacebookObjectId[0] // : from uidElement in friendsElement.Elements("uid") select new FacebookObjectId(uidElement.Value))); } JSON_OBJECT jsonComments; jsonPost.TryGetTypedValue("comments", out jsonComments); post.CanComment = _SafeGetBoolean(jsonComments, "can_post") ?? false; post.CanRemoveComments = _SafeGetBoolean(jsonComments, "can_remove") ?? false; post.CommentCount = _SafeGetInt32(jsonComments, "count") ?? 0; if (jsonComments != null && post.CommentCount != 0) { JSON_ARRAY jsonCommentList; if (jsonComments.TryGetTypedValue("comment_list", out jsonCommentList)) { var commentNodes = from JSON_OBJECT jsonComment in jsonCommentList let comment = _DeserializeComment(jsonComment) where (comment.Post = post) != null select comment; post.RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>(commentNodes); } } if (post.RawComments == null) { post.RawComments = new FBMergeableCollection <ActivityComment>(); } // post.Comments = null; return(post); }