private static operation GetMaxAmount(List <operation> listOfOperations)
            //assuming the first file contains the maximum value for the "Amount" field
            operation max = listOfOperations.First();

            for (int index = 1; index < listOfOperations.Count; index++)
                //if the next value from the list is greater than the default one then assign the bigger value maxAmountOperation
                if (max.Amount < listOfOperations[index].Amount)
                    max = listOfOperations[index];
        private static void Process(string type)
            //creating a list that will contain all deserialized objects
            List <operation> listOfOperations = GetListOfOperationsByType(type);

            //checking if there is at least one valid file in the folder
            if (listOfOperations.Count < 1)
                Console.WriteLine("No operations found");
            operation maxAmountOperation = GetMaxAmount(listOfOperations);

            Console.WriteLine($"Date: {maxAmountOperation.Date:yyyy-MM-dd}, Debit/Credit: {maxAmountOperation.OperationType}, Amount: {maxAmountOperation.Amount}");