Example #1
 public RunDES()
     this.kg = null;
     this.mg = null;
     this.f  = null;
     msgPart = null;
Example #2
        public RunDES(string key, string msg)
        {   // constructor that encrypts or decrypts (single)
            this.kg = new KeyGenerators(key);
            this.f  = new Functions();

            if (Helper.IsHexString(msg))    // if it is a hex string
                if (msg.Length % 2 != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("WARNING !!! odd number of hex's");

                msg          = Helper.AddPaddingToMsg(msg, 16, "0"); // padding of 16 for hex block
                this.msgPart = Helper.SplitMsgBySize(msg, 16);
            else                                                    // if not a hex string
                msg          = Helper.AddPaddingToMsg(msg, 8, "0"); // padding of 8 for character block
                this.msgPart = Helper.SplitMsgBySize(msg, 8);

            //this.mg = new MsgGenerator(msg);        // initial permutation happens in the MsgGenerator constructor
Example #3
        public string RunEncrypt(string key, string msg)
        {   // use this encryption ONLY if the string is in HEX
            // else use the Constuctor and the RunEncrypt() methods above
            string output = "";

            kg = new KeyGenerators(key);
            f  = new Functions();

            bool[] fcn;     // result for the f function
            bool[] lXORfcn; // temporary storage for the Lside and Rside swap

            msg = Helper.AddPaddingToMsg(msg, 16, "0");
            List <string> msgPart = Helper.SplitMsgBySize(msg, 16);

            for (int i = 0; i < msgPart.Count; i++)     // loop for msg
                mg = new MsgGenerator(msgPart[i]);

                for (int j = 0; j <= 15; j++)       // loop for rounds
                    Console.Write("L" + j + ": " + PrintBoolArray(mg.GetLeft()));
                    Console.WriteLine("   R" + j + ": " + PrintBoolArray(mg.GetRight()));

                    fcn = f.fFunction(mg.GetRight(), kg.GetKKeyNumber(j + 1));
                    Console.WriteLine("fcn: " + PrintBoolArray(fcn));

                    lXORfcn = mg.L_XOR_f(fcn);

                output += mg.GetMsgAsHexString();
