public static void Init()
            //       A
            //      / \
            //     /   \
            //    B --> C
            //   /  \    /\
            //  b1->D-> E-> F
            //    /        \
            //   G -------->H

            Node A  = new Node('A');
            Node B  = new Node('B');
            Node B1 = new Node('1');
            Node C  = new Node('C');
            Node D  = new Node('D');
            Node E  = new Node('E');
            Node F  = new Node('F');
            Node G  = new Node('G');
            Node H  = new Node('H');

            A.Left  = B;
            A.Right = C;

            B.Left  = B1;
            B.Right = D;
            C.Left  = E;
            C.Right = F;

            //PreOrder Traversal - Works for complete binary trees
            Console.WriteLine("Print populated Tree using PreOrder Traversal:");

            //Add leaf nodes. Now tree is not a complete binary tree.
            D.Left  = G;
            F.Right = H;

            //Using Dictionary
            Console.WriteLine("Print populated Tree using using Dictionary:");

            //Using Queue
            Console.WriteLine("Print populated Tree using Queue:");

            ///* Constructed binary tree is
            //          10
            //        /   \
            //      8      2
            //    /         \
            //  3            90
            //Node root = new Node(10);
            //root.Left = new Node(8);
            //root.Right = new Node(2);
            //root.Left.Left = new Node(3);
            //root.Right.Right = new Node(90);

            //// Populates Next pointer in all nodes
            //// Let us check the values of nextRight pointers
            //Console.WriteLine("Following are populated nextRight pointers in \n" + "the tree (-1 is printed if there is no nextRight)");
            //Console.WriteLine("Next of " + root.Data + " is " + ((root.Next != null) ? root.Next.Data : -1));
            //Console.WriteLine("Next of " + root.Left.Data + " is " + ((root.Left.Next != null) ? root.Left.Next.Data : -1));
            //Console.WriteLine("Next of " + root.Right.Data + " is " + ((root.Right.Next != null) ? root.Right.Next.Data : -1));
            //Console.WriteLine("Next of " + root.Left.Left.Data + " is " + ((root.Left.Left.Next != null) ? root.Left.Left.Next.Data : -1));
            //Console.WriteLine("Next of " + root.Right.Right.Data + " is " + ((root.Right.Right.Next != null) ? root.Right.Right.Next.Data : -1));