static public void depthExperiment3(int nMin, int nMax, int dTarget, int seed)
            Dictionary <string, string> plots = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            plots.Add("Argon2iBGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("Argon2iBNoGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("Argon2iBRatio", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            // plots.Add("DRSampleHybrid", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            // plots.Add("Deterministic", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleNoGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleRatio", "\\addplot coordinates {");

            plots.Add("DRSampleBRGGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleBRGNoGreedy", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleBRGRatio", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            //plots.Add("DRSampleBitRev", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            for (int n = nMin; n <= nMax; n++)
                int    radius = 8;
                double ratio  = Math.Pow(2, (n - 18) / 2.0);
                int    nNodes = (int)Math.Round(4000 * ratio);//increase @0419
                List <Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> > DAGs = new List <Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> >();
                DAGs.Add(new Pair <int[], string, double, int, int>(Helpers.Argon2iBDAG(n, seed), "Argon2iB", 0.0, 0, 0));
                DAGs.Add(new Pair <int[], string, double, int, int>(Helpers.DRSampleDAG(n, seed), "DRSample", 0.0, 0, 0));
                DAGs.Add(new Pair <int[], string, double, int, int>(Helpers.BitSwapDRSample(n, seed), "DRSampleBRG", 0.0, 0, 0));

                Console.WriteLine("Built The Graphs");
                foreach (Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> P in DAGs)
                    int[] DAG = P.Item1;
                    Tuple <int, int, int, bool[]> T1 = Helpers.BestDepthReducingSetExcludeGreedy(DAG, dTarget);
                    int e1 = T1.Item2;
                    plots[P.Item2 + "NoGreedy"] += "(" + n + "," + e1 + ") ";
                    Tuple <int, int, int, bool[]> T2 = Greedy.myGreedyDRSetsApxNoSortingNew(DAG, dTarget, radius, nNodes, dTarget);
                    int e2 = T2.Item2;
                    plots[P.Item2 + "Greedy"] += "(" + n + "," + e2 + ") ";
                    double theRatio = e1 * 1.0 / (1.0 * e2);
                    plots[P.Item2 + "Ratio"] += "(" + n + "," + theRatio + ") ";
                    Console.WriteLine(P.Item2 + "Greedy: (" + n + "," + e2 + ")");
                    Console.WriteLine(P.Item2 + "NoGreedy: (" + n + "," + e1 + ")");
                    Console.WriteLine("Ratio: " + theRatio);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in plots)
                Console.WriteLine("% " + pair.Key + ", d = " + dTarget);
                Console.WriteLine(pair.Value + "};");
        static public void attackExperiment(int nMin, int nMax, int seed, double R = 3000.0)
            Dictionary <string, string> plots = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            plots.Add("Argon2iB", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSample", "\\addplot coordinates {");
            plots.Add("DRSampleBitRev", "\\addplot coordinates {");// @Lu BitSwapDRSample

            int[] ib_depth   = new int[] { 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 60313, 29824, 30835, 26316, 24930, 31201 };
            int[] dr_depth   = new int[] { 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 };
            int[] drBR_depth = new int[] { 5, 5, 5, 5, 64776, 64528, 16656, 30017, 117263, 46135, 352309 };

            for (int n = nMin; n <= nMax; n++)
                Console.WriteLine("n = " + n + ",     honestCost = " + HonestECost(n));
                /// int[] encodes the DAG
                /// string to print
                /// String the name of the DAG (e.g., Argon2iB)
                /// double the minimum energy cost to pebble the DAG
                /// int e parameter e under optimal attack
                /// int d parameter d under optimal attack

                List <Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> > DAGs = new List <Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> >();
                DAGs.Add(new Pair <int[], string, double, int, int>(Helpers.Argon2iBDAG(n, seed), "Argon2iB", double.PositiveInfinity, 0, 0));

                int    dMid   = 0;
                int    radius = 8;
                double ratio  = Math.Pow(2, (n - 18) / 2.0);
                //int nNodes = (int)Math.Round(400 * ratio);
                int nNodes = (int)Math.Round(400 * ratio);//increase @0419
                foreach (Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> P in DAGs)
                    int[]  DAG  = P.Item1;
                    string name = P.Item2;
                    if (string.Equals(name, "Argon2iB"))
                        dMid = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(ib_depth[n - 14], 2.0));
                    else if (string.Equals(name, "DRSample"))
                        dMid = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(dr_depth[n - 14], 2.0));
                    else if (string.Equals(name, "DRSampleBitRev"))
                        dMid = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(drBR_depth[n - 14], 2.0));

                    if (dMid == 0)

                    for (int dPow = dMid - 1; dPow <= dMid + 1; dPow++)
                        int dTarget = (1 << dPow);
                        Tuple <int, int, int, bool[]> T0;
                        if (dPow > 0)
                            T0 = Helpers.BestDepthReducingSetExcludeGreedy(DAG, dTarget);
                            T0 = Greedy.myGreedyDRSetsApxNoSorting(DAG, dTarget, radius, nNodes);
                        // Tuple<int, int, int, bool[]> T0 = Helpers.BestDepthReducingSetExcludeGreedy(P.Item1, dTarget);
                        int    e       = T0.Item2;
                        double minCost = P.Item3;
                        int    d       = T0.Item1;
                        int    N       = 1 << n;
                        int    gMax    = (int)Math.Min(N, 25 * Math.Max(Math.Sqrt(N * 1.0 * d), e));
                        int    gMin    = (int)Math.Max(dTarget, Math.Min(Math.Sqrt(N * 1.0 * d), e) / 5);
                        int    diff    = gMax - gMin;
                        int[]  g       = new int[201];
                        for (int i = 0; i < g.Length; i++)
                            g[i] = gMin + (int)((i * diff) / 200.0);
                        //int[] g = new int[] { gMin, gMin + diff / 20, gMin + 2 * diff / 20, gMin + 3 * diff / 20, gMin + 4 * diff / 20, gMin + 5 * diff / 20, gMin + 6 * diff / 20, gMin + 7 * diff / 20, gMin + 8 * diff / 20, gMin + 9 * diff / 20, gMin + 10 * diff / 20, gMin + 11 * diff / 20, gMin + 12 * diff / 20, gMin + 13 * diff / 20, gMin + 14 * diff / 20, gMin + 15 * diff / 20, gMin + 16 * diff / 20, gMin + 17 * diff / 20, gMin + 17 * diff / 20, gMin + 18 * diff / 20, gMin + 19 * diff / 20, gMin + diff };
                        double cost = Helpers.EAttackCostUpperBound(N, DAG, T0.Item4, e, d, g, R);
                        //cost = Math.Min(Helpers.GreedyPebblingAttack(N, DAG, R),cost);
                        //Console.WriteLine("e = " + e);
                        Console.WriteLine("Cost (log_2 dTgt =  " + dPow + "):" + cost);
                        Console.WriteLine("e = " + e);
                        Console.WriteLine("Actual Depth: " + Helpers.Depth(DAG, T0.Item4));
                        if (cost <= minCost)
                            minCost = cost;
                            P.Item3 = minCost;
                            P.Item4 = e;
                            P.Item5 = d;
                        minCost = Math.Min(cost, minCost);
                foreach (Pair <int[], string, double, int, int> P in DAGs)
                    Console.WriteLine(P.Item2 + ": (" + n + "," + HonestECost(n) / P.Item3 + ")    " + "e=" + P.Item4 + "    d=" + P.Item5);
                    plots[P.Item2] += "(" + n + "," + HonestECost(n) / P.Item3 + ") ";
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> pair in plots)
                Console.WriteLine("% " + pair.Key);
                Console.WriteLine(pair.Value + "};");