static void Main(string[] args) { MyGenericClass <string> myGenericClass = new MyGenericClass <string>("DANG VAN OANH"); Console.WriteLine(myGenericClass.genericProperty); Console.Read(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); //var car = new Car(); ////car.Name = "Tets"; //INamed carName = car; //carName.PrintName(); //ISMSNotify smsNotify = car; //smsNotify.Notify(); //IEmailNotify emailNotify = car; //emailNotify.Notify(); //Console.ReadKey(); using (var cnn = new SqlConnection("data source=.; initial catalog=SampleForBulkInsert; user id=sa; password=1")) { cnn.Open(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { var command = cnn.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "insert into SampleTable values ('Hossein Ahmadi','Mohammad Nasiri',@date,10000);"; command.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("date", DateTime.UtcNow)); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } sw.Stop(); Regex regex = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z]+$"); if (!regex.IsMatch("sdfsg2323")) { } Dictionary <string, Student> students = new Dictionary <string, Student>(); students.Add("10001", new Student("10001", "Hossein", "Ahmadi", 30)); students.Add("10002", new Student("10002", "Mohammad", "Nasiri", 30)); string[] fruits = { "apple", "passionfruit", "banana", "mango", "orange", "blueberry", "grape", "strawberry" }; IEnumerable <string> query = fruits.TakeWhile((fruit, index) => fruit.Length >= index); foreach (string fruit in query) { Console.WriteLine(fruit + " " + fruit.Length); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (string fruit in fruits) { Console.WriteLine(fruit + " " + fruit.Length + " " + fruits.Select((Value, Index) => new { Value, Index }).Single(p => p.Value == fruit).Index); } Func <(int, int, int), (int, int, int)> doubleThem = ns => (2 * ns.Item1, 2 * ns.Item2, 2 * ns.Item3); var numbers = (2, 3, 4); var doubledNumbers = doubleThem(numbers); Console.WriteLine($"The set {numbers} doubled: {doubledNumbers}"); Action <int> printActionDel = delegate(int i) { Console.WriteLine(i); }; printActionDel(10); Func <int, int, int> printActionDel1 = (i, j) => i * j; var mint = printActionDel1(10, 20); Console.WriteLine(Factorial(5)); int[] numbers1 = { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 }; var firstSmallNumbers = numbers1.TakeWhile((n, index) => n >= index); Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", firstSmallNumbers)); new Schedule().Exceute(() => Console.WriteLine("Just Run!")); Action <int> example1 = x => Console.WriteLine("Write {0}", x); example1(5); Func <int, string> example2 = x => string.Format("{0:n0}", x); Console.WriteLine(example2(5000)); DisplayResult(2, 6, delegate(int n1, int n2) { return(n1 + n2); }); DisplayResult(2, 6, delegate(int n1, int n2) { return(n1 * n2); }); List <int> intList1 = new List <int>() { 10, 20, 30, 40 }; bool res = intList1.TrueForAll(el => isPositiveInt(el)); List <int> intList = new List <int>() { 10, 20, 30 }; intList.ForEach(el => Console.WriteLine(el)); MyGenericClass <int> intGenericClass = new MyGenericClass <int>(10); int val = intGenericClass.genericMethod(200); MethodPointer pointer = Sum; pointer += Substract; string str = "dgkl;ejgklsdgkl;\n"; str += "erfggwewe"; pointer(8, 3); string dummyLines = "This is first line." + Environment.NewLine + "This is second line." + Environment.NewLine + "This is third line."; //Opens DummyFile.txt and append lines. If file is not exists then create and open. File.AppendAllLines(@"C:\DummyFile.txt", dummyLines.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()).ToList <string>()); var members = new Members(new EmailManager()); members.Register("Hossein", "Ahmadi"); var members1 = new Members(new SmsManager()); members1.Register("Hossein", "Ahmadi"); var h = new ValueHolder(12); var h2 = new ValueHolder(10); int m = 17; for (double d = 1.01; d < 1.10; d += 0.01) { Console.WriteLine("Value of i: {0} {1}", d, 5); } Dictionary <int, string> dict = new Dictionary <int, string>(); dict.Add(1, "one"); dict.Add(2, "two"); dict.Add(3, "three"); Discounts saleDiscounts = new Discounts(); saleDiscounts.Cloths = 10; saleDiscounts.HomeDecor = 5; saleDiscounts.Grocery = 2; WeekDays wd; int[][,,] intJaggedArray = new int[3][, , ]; intJaggedArray[0] = new int[3, 3, 3] { { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 } }, { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 } }, { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 }, { 1, 2, 3 } } }; ArrayList myArryList = new ArrayList(); myArryList.Add(1); myArryList.Add("Two"); myArryList.Add(3); myArryList.Add(4.5f); //int[][,] intJaggedArray = new int[3][,]; //intJaggedArray[0] = new int[3, 2] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } }; //intJaggedArray[1] = new int[2, 2] { { 3, 4 }, { 5, 6 } }; //intJaggedArray[2] = new int[2, 2]; #region File //Create object of FileInfo for specified path FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(@"C:\DummyFile.txt"); //Open file for Read\Write FileStream fs = fi.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.ReadWrite); //create byte array of same size as FileStream length byte[] fileBytes = new byte[fs.Length]; //define counter to check how much bytes to read. Decrease the counter as you read each byte int numBytesToRead = (int)fileBytes.Length; //Counter to indicate number of bytes already read int numBytesRead = 0; //iterate till all the bytes read from FileStream while (numBytesToRead > 0) { int n = fs.Read(fileBytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead); if (n == 0) { break; } numBytesRead += n; numBytesToRead -= n; } //Once you read all the bytes from FileStream, you can convert it into string using UTF8 encoding string filestring = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(fileBytes); #endregion //throw new NotImplementedException(); Console.WriteLine((h + h2).Value); Console.WriteLine((h - h2).Value); Console.WriteLine((h * h2).Value); Console.WriteLine((h / h2).Value); Console.WriteLine(h < h2); Console.WriteLine(h > h2); Console.WriteLine((h++).Value); Console.WriteLine((h--).Value); Console.WriteLine((int)h); Console.WriteLine(((ValueHolder)m).Value); ValueHolderType <string> v = new ValueHolderType <string>(); MultipleGeneric <int, string, string> mm = new MultipleGeneric <int, string, string>(); mm.Value1 = 55; mm.Value2 = "ds"; mm.Value3 = "2342"; string result = mm.DoSomething <string, int, int>(12, 20); Console.ReadKey(); }