static void Main(string[] args) { // utilisation de l'API C# (classes internes a C#) Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); // utilisation des variables int num1 = 2; int num2 = 4; int res = num1 + num2; Console.WriteLine("Result: " + res); // utilisation du enum var status = EnumStatus.EN_RUPTURE; Console.WriteLine("Enum: " + status); // if (CONDITION) // operateurs ==, !=, >=, <=, >, < // operateurs logique && AND, || OR // on detaille l'operation // status != EnumStatus.EN_STOCK => true (renvoie vrai) // num1 == num2 => false // l'operation true || false // le || ou && s'arretent des qu'il trouvent une valeur if (status != EnumStatus.EN_STOCK || num1 == num2) { Console.WriteLine("Rupture"); } bool a = !true; // !a <=> a == false if (!a) { Console.WriteLine(""); } bool b = (num1 == 2); if (b) { Console.WriteLine("It's true!"); } // appeler une methode statique VariablesAndTypes.Execute(); Arrays.Execute(); Lists.Execute(); Loops.Execute(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //----------------------------------------------------------------- //this code displays a message to the console #if (DEBUG) Console.WriteLine("Entering debug mode..."); #else Console.WriteLine("Entering release mode"); #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ //Console.WriteLine(CalculateYears(1000, 0.05, 0.18, 2000)); Loops loops = new Loops(); //loops.Exercise1(); //loops.Exercise2(); loops.Exercise3(); //Environment.CurrentDirectory = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP"); //DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo("."); //Console.WriteLine("Directory Info: " + info.FullName); //float[] grades = new float[3]; //grades[0] = 89.1f; //grades[1] = 96.3f; //grades[2] = 71.4f; //USING THREADS //bool stopped = false; //Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => // { // var c = 0; // while (!stopped) // { // Console.WriteLine("Running... {0}", c); // Thread.Sleep(2000); // c++; // } //})); //t.Start(); //Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit"); //Console.ReadKey(); //stopped = true; //t.Join(); //while (true) //{ // Console.Write("Type your name: "); // var input = Console.ReadLine(); // if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) // { // Console.WriteLine("@Echo: " + input); // continue; // } // break; //} /*GENERATING RANDOM PASSWORD*/ //var random = new Random(); //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //{ // Console.Write((char)random.Next(97, 122)); //} //Console.ReadKey(); //const int passwordLength = 10; //var buffer = new char[passwordLength]; //for (int i = 0; i < passwordLength; i++) //{ // buffer[i] = (char)('a' + random.Next(0, 26)); //} //var password = new string(buffer); //Console.WriteLine(password); //Console.ReadKey(); /*GENERATING RANDOM PASSWORD*/ //Exercise1(); //SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer(); //SetTimer(); //Console.WriteLine("\nPress the Enter key to exit the application...\n"); //Console.WriteLine("The application started at {0:HH:mm:ss.fff},", DateTime.Now); //Console.ReadLine(); //aTimer.Stop(); //aTimer.Dispose(); //Console.WriteLine("Terminating the application"); //double o = 4.0; //double p = 12.0; //Console.WriteLine("{0:.0}",o +p); //Console.WriteLine($"The number {o} plus {p} is equal to --> {o+p}.0"); //ViewMetadata(@"C:\Users\obaidka\TestFolder\hello.txt"); //Comparing Nullable<T> Instances //int? i = 42; //int? j = 42; //bool areEqual = i == j; //Console.WriteLine($"i and j are equal? {areEqual}"); PlayerCharacter[] players = new PlayerCharacter[] { new PlayerCharacter { Name = "Sarah" }, new PlayerCharacter(), //Name = null null // PlayerCharacter = null }; string p1 = players?[0]?.Name; string p2 = players?[1]?.Name; string p3 = players?[2]?.Name; Console.ReadLine(); //if (player1.DaysSinceLastLogin.HasValue) //{ // Console.WriteLine(player1.DaysSinceLastLogin.Value); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("No value for Days since last login"); //} ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //int days = player1.DaysSinceLastLogin ?? -1; //int days = player1.DaysSinceLastLogin ?? -1; //int days = player1.DaysSinceLastLogin.HasValue ? player1.DaysSinceLastLogin.Value : -1; //Console.WriteLine($"{days} days since last login"); }//Main()