Example #1
        public void GlassLevel()
            Console.Write("Podaj wysokość progu wyrobowego: ");

            int HOPW = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            int HeightOfMeltingArea  = 430;
            int HeightOfProgWyrobowy = 15;
            int WidthOfMeltingArea   = 1800;
            int WidthOfFuranceBase   = 2850;

            tFurance WWFurance = new tFurance(HeightOfMeltingArea, HOPW, WidthOfMeltingArea, WidthOfFuranceBase);

            string mg;
            string ac;
            string spacja = "-----------------------------------------------";

            Console.Write("Podaj poziom szkła: ");
            mg = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Podaj wychylenie na siłowniku: ");
            ac = Console.ReadLine();

            glassLevel = new tGlassLevel(WWFurance);

            Console.WriteLine("Poziom szkła po postawiniu na 4 łapy: {0:##0.0}mm", glassLevel.LevelOfGlass(mg, ac));
            //Console.WriteLine("Wysokość tafli szkła na przeciwległej ścianie: {0:##0.0}mm", glassLevel.EH());
            //Console.WriteLine("Kąt wychylenia podstawy wanny: {0:##0.00000}rad", glassLevel.aABC());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Table of glass lvl's. Enter only full values i.e.: 300 or 150 not 155 or 304
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowStart">first row Value of mesured glass lvl in mm</param>
        /// <param name="rowStop">last row Value mesured glass lvl in mm</param>
        /// <param name="colStart">first column value of furance base lift in mm</param>
        /// <param name="colStop">lasr column value of furance base lift in mm</param>
        public void TableOfGlassLevel(int rowStart, int rowStop, int colStart, int colStop)
            int HeightOfMeltingArea  = 430;
            int HeightOfProgWyrobowy = 15;
            int WidthOfMeltingArea   = 1800;
            int WidthOfFuranceBase   = 2850;

            tFurance WWFurance = new tFurance(HeightOfMeltingArea, HeightOfProgWyrobowy, WidthOfMeltingArea, WidthOfFuranceBase);

            glassLevel = new tGlassLevel(WWFurance);

            int rowLength = ((rowStop - rowStart) / 10) + 1;
            int colLength = ((colStop - colStart) / 10) + 1;

            List <string> lines = glassLevel.TableOfGlassLevels(rowStart, rowStop, colStart, colStop);
            string        path  = "GlassLevels.txt";

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(path) == false)
                Console.WriteLine("Utworzono plik");
                Console.WriteLine("Wiersze: {0}", rowLength);
                Console.WriteLine("Kolumny: {0}", colLength);
                Console.WriteLine("Nadpisano plik!");

            System.IO.File.AppendAllLines(path, lines.ToArray());
 public tGlassLevel(tFurance tFurance)
     _tFurance = tFurance;