Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()

            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> {
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor("2298a348-e2f9-4438-ab23-82a3930662ab", "Temperature", "F"),

            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(serviceBusNamespace: "YOURSERVICEBUS-ns",
                eventHubName: "ehdevices",
                keyName: "D1",
                key: "YOUR_KEY",
                displayName: "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME",
                organization: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_OR_SELF",
                location: "YOUR_LOCATION",
                sensorList: sensors);

            Button_Click(null, null);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()

            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List <ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List <ConnectTheDotsSensor> {
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor("2298a348-e2f9-4438-ab23-82a3930662ab", "Temperature", "F"),

            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(serviceBusNamespace: "YOURSERVICEBUS-ns",
                                                 eventHubName: "ehdevices",
                                                 keyName: "D1",
                                                 key: "YOUR_KEY",
                                                 displayName: "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME",
                                                 organization: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_OR_SELF",
                                                 location: "YOUR_LOCATION",
                                                 sensorList: sensors);

            Button_Click(null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()

            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> {
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor("2298a348-e2f9-4438-ab23-82a3930662ab", "Temperature", "F"),

            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(serviceBusNamespace: "smarthomecloud2-ns",
                    eventHubName: "ehdevices",
                    keyName: "D1",
                    key: "hmc/OlZBDYll46ZgfXAxzTZ+oj1gmXSJaqVydFBq9Bo=",
                    displayName: "RPI",
                    organization: "FH Hagenberg",
                    location: "Hagenberg",
                    sensorList: sensors);

            timer = new DispatcherTimer();
            timer.Tick += Timer_Tick;
            timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("IoT Hub\n");
            deviceClient = DeviceClient.Create(iotHubUri, new DeviceAuthenticationWithRegistrySymmetricKey("myFirstDevice", deviceKey));

            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> {
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor("2298a348-e2f9-4438-ab23-82a3930662ab", "Temperature", "F"),

            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(serviceBusNamespace: "dubyahub-ns",
                eventHubName: "dubyahub",
                keyName: "SAS",
                key: "iqJC+Fg/9JSWQo5mzucOvfQOtshqcEGunjoXl/V78GE=",
                displayName: "minwinpc",
                organization: "Dubya",
                location: "Hello World!",
                sensorList: sensors);

            //Button_Click(null, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()


            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List<ConnectTheDotsSensor>
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor(),
            //!!!请修改这里,填上相应的值,前四个为必要的修改的值,否则无法连上Event Hub
            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(
               serviceBusNamespace: "这个是Service Bus的命名空间名称",
               eventHubName: "Event Hub的名字",
               keyName: "在Event Hub配置的规则名称(如Send)",
               key: "在Event Hub配置的相应规则的密钥",
               displayName: "SmartLift",
               organization: "Microsoft",
               location: "Beijing",
               sensorList: sensors);

            // Start Timer every 1 seconds
            ReadSensorTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            ReadSensorTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000);
            ReadSensorTimer.Tick += Timer_Tick;

            Unloaded += MainPage_Unloaded;

            //InitializeSensor(DATA_PIN, SCK_PIN);

            // Initialize and Start HTTP Server
            HttpServer WebServer = new HttpServer();

            WebServer.RecivedMeg += (meg, eve) =>
                this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                    tbmeg.Text = meg.ToString();


            var asyncAction = ThreadPool.RunAsync((w) => { WebServer.StartServer(); });
        /// <summary>
        /// Main page constructor
        /// </summary>
        public MainPage()


            // Hard coding guid for sensors. Not an issue for this particular application which is meant for testing and demos
            List<ConnectTheDotsSensor> sensors = new List<ConnectTheDotsSensor>
                new ConnectTheDotsSensor(),

            ctdHelper = new ConnectTheDotsHelper(
               serviceBusNamespace: "iotwin10msg-ns",
               eventHubName: "ioteventhub",
               keyName: "SendRule",
               key: "OxJ8Nmw3oJBmpZH/S/aXOWT2s5mE2YuRko7OJ+yziec=",
               displayName: "YOUR_DEVICE_NAME",
               organization: "YOUR_ORGANIZATION_OR_SELF",
               location: "YOUR_LOCATION",
               sensorList: sensors);

            // Start Timer every 1 seconds
            ReadSensorTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
            ReadSensorTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
            ReadSensorTimer.Tick += Timer_Tick;

            Unloaded += MainPage_Unloaded;

            InitializeSensor(DATA_PIN, SCK_PIN);

            // Initialize and Start HTTP Server
            HttpServer WebServer = new HttpServer();

            WebServer.RecivedMeg += (meg, eve) =>
                this.Dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>
                    tbmeg.Text = meg.ToString();


            var asyncAction = ThreadPool.RunAsync((w) => { WebServer.StartServer(); });