Example #1
        Widget _buildOuterPagination(
            SwiperPagination pagination, Widget swiper, SwiperPluginConfig config)
            List <Widget> list = new List <Widget> {

            if (this.widget.containerHeight != null || this.widget.containerWidth != null)
                list.Add(new Expanded(child: swiper));

            list.Add(new Align(
                         alignment: Alignment.center,
                         child: pagination.build(this.context, config)

            return(new Column(
                       children: list,
                       crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
                       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min
Example #2
 public SwiperPluginView(
     SwiperPlugin plugin,
     SwiperPluginConfig config,
     Key key = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     this.plugin = plugin;
     this.config = config;
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config)
            Color         activeColor = this.activeColor ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue;
            Color         color       = this.color ?? CColors.White;
            List <Widget> list        = new List <Widget> ();

            D.assert(() => {
                if (config.itemCount > 20)
                        "The itemCount is too big, we suggest use FractionPaginationBuilder instead of DotSwiperPaginationBuilder in this sitituation");


            int itemCount = config.itemCount;

            int activeIndex = config.activeIndex.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
                bool active = i == activeIndex;
                Size size   = active ? this.activeSize : this.size;
                list.Add(new SizedBox(
                             width: size.width,
                             height: size.height,
                             child: new Container(
                                 color: active ? activeColor : color,
                                 key: Key.key($"pagination_{i}"),
                                 margin: EdgeInsets.all(value: this.space)

            if (config.scrollDirection == Axis.vertical)
                return(new Column(
                           key: this.key,
                           mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                           children: list
            return(new Row(
                       key: this.key,
                       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                       children: list
Example #4
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context)
            Widget             swiper       = this._buildSwiper();
            List <Widget>      listForStack = null;
            SwiperPluginConfig config       = null;

            if (this.widget.control != null)
                config       = this._ensureConfig(config);
                listForStack = this._ensureListForStack(
                    swiper, listForStack, this.widget.control.build(context, config));

//            if (this.widget.plugins != null) {
//                config = this._ensureConfig(config);
//                foreach (SwiperPlugin plugin in this.widget.plugins) {
//                    listForStack = this._ensureListForStack(
//                        swiper, listForStack, plugin.build(context, config));
//                }
//            }

            if (this.widget.pagination != null)
                config = this._ensureConfig(config);
                if (this.widget.outer == true)
                                                      listForStack == null ? swiper : new Stack(children: listForStack),
                    listForStack = this._ensureListForStack(
                        swiper, listForStack, this.widget.pagination.build(context, config));

            if (listForStack != null)
                return(new Stack(
                           children: listForStack

Example #5
        SwiperPluginConfig _ensureConfig(SwiperPluginConfig config)
            if (config == null)
                config = new SwiperPluginConfig(
                    outer: this.widget.outer,
                    itemCount: this.widget.itemCount,
                    layout: this.widget.layout,
                    indicatorLayout: this.widget.indicatorLayout,
                    pageController: this._pageController,
                    activeIndex: this._activeIndex,
                    scrollDirection: this.widget.scrollDirection,
                    controller: this._controller,
                    loop: this.widget.loop);

        public override Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config)
            Color activeColor = this.activeColor ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue;
            Color color       = this.color ?? CColors.White;

            if (Axis.vertical == config.scrollDirection)
                return(new Column(
                           key: this.key,
                           mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                           children: new List <Widget> {
                    new Text(
                        $"{config.activeIndex + 1}",
                        style: new TextStyle(color: activeColor, fontSize: this.activeFontSize)
                    new Text(
                        style: new TextStyle(color: color, fontSize: this.fontSize)
                    new Text(
                        style: new TextStyle(color: color, fontSize: this.fontSize)
            return(new Row(
                       key: this.key,
                       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                       children: new List <Widget> {
                new Text(
                    $"{config.activeIndex + 1}",
                    style: new TextStyle(color: activeColor, fontSize: this.activeFontSize)
                new Text(
                    $" / {config.itemCount}",
                    style: new TextStyle(color: color, fontSize: this.fontSize)
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config)
            Alignment alignment = this.alignment ??
                                  (config.scrollDirection == Axis.horizontal
                                      ? Alignment.bottomCenter
                                      : Alignment.centerRight);

            Widget child = new Container(
                margin: this.margin,
                child: this.builder.build(context: context, config: config)

            if (config.outer != true)
                child = new Align(
                    key: this.key,
                    alignment: alignment,
                    child: child

 public override Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config)
     return(this.builder(context: context, config: config));
        public override Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config)
            D.assert(() => {
                if (config.itemCount > 20)
                        "The itemCount is too big, we suggest use FractionPaginationBuilder instead of DotSwiperPaginationBuilder in this sitituation");


            Color activeColor = this.activeColor ?? CColors.PrimaryBlue;
            Color color       = this.color ?? CColors.White;

            if (config.indicatorLayout != PageIndicatorLayout.none &&
                config.layout == SwiperLayout.normal)
                return(new PageIndicator(
                           count: config.itemCount,
                           controller: config.pageController,
                           layout: config.indicatorLayout ?? PageIndicatorLayout.slide,
                           size: this.size,
                           activeColor: activeColor,
                           color: color,
                           space: this.space

            List <Widget> list      = new List <Widget> ();
            int           itemCount = config.itemCount;

            int activeIndex = config.activeIndex.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
                bool  active = i == activeIndex;
                float size   = active ? this.activeSize : this.size;
                list.Add(new Container(
                             margin: EdgeInsets.all(value: this.space),
                             child: new Container(
                                 width: size,
                                 height: size,
                                 decoration: new BoxDecoration(
                                     active ? activeColor : color,
                                     borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(size / 2.0f)

            if (config.scrollDirection == Axis.vertical)
                return(new Column(
                           key: this.key,
                           mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                           children: list
            return(new Row(
                       key: this.key,
                       mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
                       children: list
Example #10
 public abstract Widget build(BuildContext context, SwiperPluginConfig config);