Example #1
        public static void CollectSettings(out IEnumerable <SettingEntryBase> results, out List <string> modsWithoutSettings, bool showDebug)
            modsWithoutSettings = new List <string>();

                results = GetBepInExCoreConfig();
            catch (Exception ex)
                results = Enumerable.Empty <SettingEntryBase>();

            foreach (var plugin in Utils.FindPlugins())
                if (plugin.Info.Metadata.GUID == "com.bepis.bepinex.configurationmanager" || plugin.enabled == false)
                    BepInExPlugin.Dbgl($"plugin: {plugin.Info.Metadata.Name} enabled {plugin.enabled}");

                var type = plugin.GetType();

                var pluginInfo = plugin.Info.Metadata;

                if (type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BrowsableAttribute), false).Cast <BrowsableAttribute>()
                    .Any(x => !x.Browsable))

                var detected = new List <SettingEntryBase>();

                detected.AddRange(GetPluginConfig(plugin).Cast <SettingEntryBase>());

                detected.RemoveAll(x => x.Browsable == false);

                if (!detected.Any())

                // Allow to enable/disable plugin if it uses any update methods ------
                if (showDebug && type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Any(x => _updateMethodNames.Contains(x.Name)))
                    // todo make a different class for it and fix access modifiers?
                    var enabledSetting = LegacySettingEntry.FromNormalProperty(plugin, type.GetProperty("enabled"), pluginInfo, plugin);
                    enabledSetting.DispName    = "!Allow plugin to run on every frame";
                    enabledSetting.Description = "Disabling this will disable some or all of the plugin's functionality.\nHooks and event-based functionality will not be disabled.\nThis setting will be lost after game restart.";
                    enabledSetting.IsAdvanced  = true;

                if (detected.Any())
                    results = results.Concat(detected);
Example #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public BepInExPlugin()
            context = this;
            Logger  = base.Logger;
            _fieldDrawer = new SettingFieldDrawer(this);

            _keybind = Config.Bind("General", "Show config manager", new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.F1),
                                   new ConfigDescription("The shortcut used to toggle the config manager window on and off.\n" +
                                                         "The key can be overridden by a game-specific plugin if necessary, in that case this setting is ignored."));
            nexusID = Config.Bind <int>("General", "NexusID", 740, "Nexus mod ID for updates");

            _showAdvanced      = Config.Bind <bool>("Filtering", "Show advanced", true);
            _showKeybinds      = Config.Bind("Filtering", "Show keybinds", true);
            _showSettings      = Config.Bind("Filtering", "Show settings", true);
            _hideSingleSection = Config.Bind("General", "Hide single sections", false, new ConfigDescription("Show section title for plugins with only one section"));
            _showMenuButton    = Config.Bind("General", "Show Menu Button", true, new ConfigDescription("Show the menu button on the start menu"));

            _windowTitle      = Config.Bind("Text", "WindowTitle", "Configuration Manager", new ConfigDescription("Window title text"));
            _normalText       = Config.Bind("Text", "NormalText", "Normal", new ConfigDescription("Normal settings toggle text"));
            _shortcutsText    = Config.Bind("Text", "ShortcutsText", "Keybinds", new ConfigDescription("Shortcut key settings toggle text"));
            _advancedText     = Config.Bind("Text", "AdvancedText", "Advanced", new ConfigDescription("Advanced settings toggle text"));
            _searchText       = Config.Bind("Text", "SearchText", "Search Settings: ", new ConfigDescription("Search label text"));
            _reloadText       = Config.Bind("Text", "ReloadText", "Reload From File", new ConfigDescription("Reload mod config from file text"));
            _resetText        = Config.Bind("Text", "ResetText", "Reset To Default", new ConfigDescription("Reset mod config to default text"));
            _resetSettingText = Config.Bind("Text", "ResetSettingText", "Reset", new ConfigDescription("Reset setting text"));
            _expandText       = Config.Bind("Text", "ExpandText", "Expand", new ConfigDescription("Expand button text"));
            _collapseText     = Config.Bind("Text", "CollapseText", "Collapse", new ConfigDescription("Collapse button text"));
            _tipText          = Config.Bind("Text", "TipText", "Tip: Click plugin names to expand. Hover over setting names to see their descriptions.", new ConfigDescription("Tip text"));
            _clearText        = Config.Bind("Text", "ClearText", "Clear", new ConfigDescription("Clear search text"));
            _openMenuText     = Config.Bind("Text", "OpenMenuText", "Open Config Menu", new ConfigDescription("Open Menu Button text"));

            _pluginConfigCollapsedDefault = Config.Bind("General", "Plugin collapsed default", true, new ConfigDescription("If set to true plugins will be collapsed when opening the configuration manager window"));
            _windowPosition        = Config.Bind("General", "WindowPosition", new Vector2(55, 35), "Window position");
            _windowSize            = Config.Bind("General", "WindowSize", DefaultWindowRect.size, "Window size");
            _textSize              = Config.Bind("General", "FontSize", 14, "Font Size");
            _windowBackgroundColor = Config.Bind("Colors", "WindowBackgroundColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 1), "Window background color");
            _entryBackgroundColor  = Config.Bind("Colors", "EntryBackgroundColor", new Color(0.557f, 0.502f, 0.502f, 0.871f), "Entry background color");
            _fontColor             = Config.Bind("Colors", "FontColor", new Color(1, 0.714f, 0.361f, 1), "Font color");
            _widgetBackgroundColor = Config.Bind("Colors", "WidgetColor", new Color(0.882f, 0.463f, 0, 0.749f), "Widget color");

            currentWindowRect = new Rect(_windowPosition.Value, _windowSize.Value);

 public SettingFieldDrawer(BepInExPlugin instance)
     _instance = instance;