}     // WriteFile()

        private void btnSignUp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Will take the M# and Name entered into the text boxes and create a
            // data file as "M#_Name.dat", this will later be used to check if the
            // login credentials are valid.

            UserClass.User userObj = new UserClass.User();
            userObj.userID   = tbMNumber.Text;
            userObj.userName = tbName.Text;
            WriteFile(userObj.userID, userObj.userName);

            if (valid == true)
                //THIS event opens another form

                // Hide "this" current form

                // Create a new object that will represent the next form.
                frmUser frm = new frmUser();

                // Displays the other form using its object instance

                frm = null;
            } // endif
        }     // btnSignUp_Click()
        private static void ReadFile(string ID, string name)
            string line = "x";
            //string[] arrayField;
            TextReader streamData = null;
            string     file       = "../../Data/" + ID + "_" + name; // will store the file name as M#_Name.dat

            UserClass.User userObj = new UserClass.User();

            if (File.Exists(file + ".dat"))
                    streamData = new StreamReader(file + ".dat");

                    while (streamData.Peek() > -1)
                        line             = streamData.ReadLine();
                        userObj.userID   = line.Trim();
                        line             = streamData.ReadLine();
                        userObj.userName = line.Trim();
                    } // while()
                }     // try

                catch (IOException err)
                    valid = false;
                } // catch

                    if (streamData != null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Login successful!");
                    valid = true;
                } // finally
            }     // endif

                MessageBox.Show("Invalid M# or Name.");
                valid = false;
            } // else
        }     // ReadFile()