/// <summary>Constructor: create Deck from key phrase.
		/// Creates a cipher with a key based on the 
		/// specified string.</summary>
		public PontifexSolitaire(string keyPhrase) {
			_keyDeck = new Deck();
			// Shuffle deck according to key phrase.
			if (keyPhrase.Length > 0) {
				char[] keyPhrasechar = keyPhrase.ToCharArray();
				Card tempCard;
				for (int i = 0; i < keyPhrase.Length; i++) {
					// The Solitaire 'spec' says "Perform the Solitaire operation, but 
					// instead of Step 5, do another count cut based on the first 
					// character of the passphrase" HOWEVER validating against the 
					// test-vectors REQUIRES that the cut is perfomed using the 
					// _current_ character and not always the first.
					int cut_size = GetCharValue(keyPhrasechar[i]); //[1]);
					if (cut_size > 0) {
						// Perform the Solitaire operation, but instead of Step 5.
						// do another count cut based on the current character
						// of the passphrase
						tempCard = _keyDeck.PeekBottom(1);    // check card on bottom
						_keyDeck.CutTop(cut_size);            // perform cut
							_keyDeck.Count() - _keyDeck.FindTop(tempCard));
						// put the card back on the bottom
					} // if (cut_size > 0)
				} // for i
		} // PontifexSolitaire(String)
		/// <summary>Constructor: specify Deck</summary>
		public PontifexSolitaire (Deck useDeck) {
			_keyDeck = useDeck;
		/// <summary>Constructor: defaults to empty, ordered Deck</summary>
		public PontifexSolitaire () {
			_keyDeck = new Deck();