Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     DctImageProcessor's main method.
        ///     This method will run on 8x8 chunks
        ///     and process them into double arrays by channel.
        ///     Even MPEG goes through here.
        ///     Once MPEG is compressed, we send data on
        ///     The MPEG obtains this JPEG data from Manager which is is
        ///     passed by reference and appends Vector data onto the
        ///     stream.
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            lock (Manager) {
                //get data manager's ycbcr chromelist
                List <List <float> > luminanceDatalist = Manager.LumList;
                List <List <float> > crDatalist        = Manager.CrList;
                List <List <float> > cbDatalist        = Manager.CbList;
                List <double[, ]>    lumOutList        = new List <double[, ]>();
                List <double[, ]>    cbOutList         = new List <double[, ]>();
                List <double[, ]>    crOutList         = new List <double[, ]>();

                Dct dct = new Dct();

                double[,] luminance = new double[luminanceDatalist.Count, luminanceDatalist[0].Count];
                double[,] cr        = new double[crDatalist.Count, crDatalist[0].Count];
                double[,] cb        = new double[cbDatalist.Count, cbDatalist[0].Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < luminanceDatalist.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < luminanceDatalist[0].Count; j++)
                        luminance[i, j] = luminanceDatalist[i][j];

                //quantize + dct
                List <double[, ]> lumarr = luminance.ChunkMatrix(8, 8).ToList();
                foreach (double[,] d in lumarr)
                    double[,] lumdct = dct.Go(d);
                    Quantizer.QuantizeLuminance(ref lumdct);

                for (int i = 0; i < crDatalist.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < crDatalist[0].Count; j++)
                        cr[i, j] = crDatalist[i][j];
                //quantize and dct cr
                List <double[, ]> crarr = cr.ChunkMatrix(8, 8).ToList();
                foreach (double[,] d in crarr)
                    double[,] crdct = dct.Go(d);
                    Quantizer.QuantizeChrominance(ref crdct);

                for (int i = 0; i < cbDatalist.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < cbDatalist[0].Count; j++)
                        cb[i, j] = cbDatalist[i][j];
                //quantize and dct cb
                List <double[, ]> cbarr = cb.ChunkMatrix(8, 8).ToList();
                foreach (double[,] d in cbarr)
                    double[,] cbdct = dct.Go(d);
                    Quantizer.QuantizeChrominance(ref cbdct);

                luminanceDatalist = null;
                crDatalist        = null;
                cbDatalist        = null;

                List <int[]> zigzagOutputs = lumOutList.Select(ZigZag.Run).ToList();
                //List<byte[]> zaggedByteses = zigzagOutputs.Select(t => BitConverter.Convert(t.ToList())).ToList();
                List <sbyte[]> allzaggedbytes = zigzagOutputs.Select(t => t.Select(b => (sbyte)b).ToArray()).ToList();

                //encode the zigzag
                sbyte[] encoded = Rle.BetterEncode(allzaggedbytes);
                //append height and width onto output
                IEnumerable <sbyte> output = Manager.ImageHeight.Concat(encoded);
                output  = Manager.ImageWidth.Concat(output);
                encoded = output.ToArray();
                //store data for MPEG (if MPEG wants it)
                Manager.EncodedBytes = encoded;
                //write data
                File.WriteAllBytes("./output.dct", encoded.Select(s => (byte)s).ToArray());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Decompresses the MPEG file
        /// </summary>
        public void UndoRippeg()
            lock (Manager) {
                List <byte> dat    = Manager.LoadedData.Select(s => (byte)s).ToList();
                int         mvsize = System.BitConverter.ToInt16(dat.GetRange(0, 4).ToArray(), 0);

                List <byte> mvlist = dat.GetRange(4, mvsize);

                List <Tuple <Point, Point> > MVs =
                    (List <Tuple <Point, Point> >)ObjectConverter.ByteArrayToObject(mvlist.ToArray());

                Manager.MVs = MVs;

                dat.RemoveRange(0, 4 + mvsize);

                byte[] h = dat.GetRange(0, 4).ToArray();
                byte[] w = dat.GetRange(4, 8).ToArray();

                dat.RemoveRange(0, 8);
                Manager.LoadedData = dat.Select(s => (sbyte)s).ToArray();

                int height = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(h, 0);
                int width  = System.BitConverter.ToInt32(w, 0);

                Dct dct = new Dct();

                List <sbyte[]> decoded = Rle.DecodeRle(Manager.LoadedData);

                List <int[]> reverted    = decoded.Select(l => l.Select(s => (int)s).ToArray()).ToList(); //BitConverter.Revert(decoded);
                List <int[]> revertedlum = new List <int[]>();
                List <int[]> revertedcr  = new List <int[]>();
                List <int[]> revertedcb  = new List <int[]>();
                int          block       = reverted.Count / 6;
                for (int i = 0; i < reverted.Count; i++)
                    if (i < block * 4)
                    else if (i >= block * 4 && i < block * 5)
                    else if (i >= block * 5)

                Manager.LoadedData = null;
                decoded            = null;
                reverted           = null;

                List <double[, ]> lumIzig = revertedlum.Select(ZigZag.Inverse).ToList();
                List <double[, ]> crIzig  = revertedcr.Select(ZigZag.Inverse).ToList();
                List <double[, ]> cbIzig  = revertedcb.Select(ZigZag.Inverse).ToList();

                revertedlum = null;
                revertedcr  = null;
                revertedcb  = null;

                //needs work

                for (int i = 0; i < lumIzig.Count; i++)
                    double[,] doubles = lumIzig[i];
                    Quantizer.InverseQuantizeLuminance(ref doubles);
                    lumIzig[i] = doubles;

                for (int i = 0; i < crIzig.Count; i++)
                    double[,] doubles = crIzig[i];
                    Quantizer.InverseQuantizeChrominance(ref doubles);
                    crIzig[i] = doubles;

                for (int i = 0; i < cbIzig.Count; i++)
                    double[,] doubles = cbIzig[i];
                    Quantizer.InverseQuantizeChrominance(ref doubles);
                    cbIzig[i] = doubles;
                List <double[, ]> idctLum = lumIzig.Select(doubles => dct.GoBack(doubles)).ToList();
                List <double[, ]> idctCr  = crIzig.Select(doubles => dct.GoBack(doubles)).ToList();
                List <double[, ]> idctCb  = cbIzig.Select(doubles => dct.GoBack(doubles)).ToList();

                lumIzig = null;
                crIzig  = null;
                cbIzig  = null;

                //handling luminance

                int       size    = (int)Math.Sqrt(idctLum.Count);
                float[][] lumData = new float[size * 8][];
                for (int i = 0; i < size * 8; i++)
                    lumData[i] = new float[size * 8];

                int x = 0;
                int y = 0;
                foreach (double[,] doubles in idctLum)
                    if (x >= size * 8)
                        x  = 0;
                        y += 8;
                    PutDataIntoArray(ref lumData, doubles, x, y, 8, 8);
                    x += 8;
                List <float[]> lumlist = lumData.ToList();
                lumData = null;
                List <List <float> > lumout = lumlist.Select(f => f.ToList()).ToList();

                //handling cr
                size = (int)Math.Sqrt(idctCr.Count);
                float[][] crData = new float[size * 8][];
                for (int i = 0; i < size * 8; i++)
                    crData[i] = new float[size * 8];

                x = 0;
                y = 0;
                foreach (double[,] doubles in idctCr)
                    if (x >= size * 8)
                        x  = 0;
                        y += 8;
                    PutDataIntoArray(ref crData, doubles, x, y, 8, 8);
                    x += 8;
                List <float[]> crlist = crData.ToList();
                crData = null;
                List <List <float> > crout = crlist.Select(f => f.ToList()).ToList();

                //handling cb
                size = (int)Math.Sqrt(idctCb.Count);
                float[][] cbData = new float[size * 8][];
                for (int i = 0; i < size * 8; i++)
                    cbData[i] = new float[size * 8];
                x = 0;
                y = 0;
                foreach (double[,] doubles in idctCb)
                    if (x >= size * 8)
                        x  = 0;
                        y += 8;
                    PutDataIntoArray(ref cbData, doubles, x, y, 8, 8);
                    x += 8;
                List <float[]> cblist = cbData.ToList();
                cbData = null;
                List <List <float> > cbout = cblist.Select(f => f.ToList()).ToList();
                Manager.LumList = lumout;
                Manager.CrList  = crout;
                Manager.CbList  = cbout;

                Manager.ImageSize  = size * 8 * 2;
                Manager.RealHeight = height;
                Manager.RealWidth  = width;

                Manager.box.Image = Manager.LeftImageBitmap;