Example #1
        public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message msg)
            Form parentForm = this.FindForm();
            Form parentMdi  = (parentForm != null ? parentForm.MdiParent : null);

            // Only interested in snooping messages if....
            //    The Form we are inside is the active form                             AND
            //    If an MDI Child Form then we must be the active MDI Child Form        AND
            //    We are not in the hidden state                                        AND
            //    We have an associated auto hidden group control that is not disposed  AND
            //    We are not disposed
            if ((parentForm != null) && ((parentForm == Form.ActiveForm) || (parentMdi != null && parentMdi.ActiveMdiChild == parentForm)) &&
                parentForm.ContainsFocus && (_state != DockingAutoHiddenShowState.Hidden) && (_group != null) && !_group.IsDisposed && !IsDisposed)
                switch (msg.Msg)
                case PI.WM_KEYDOWN:
                    // Pressing escape removes the auto hidden window
                    if ((int)msg.WParam == PI.VK_ESCAPE)

                case PI.WM_MOUSELEAVE:
                    // If the mouse is leaving a control then we start the dismiss timer so that a mouse move is required
                    // to cancel the mouse move and prevent the actual dismissal occuring. The exception to this is if the
                    // slide out dockspace has the focus, in which case we do nothing.
                    if (!_dismissRunning && !DockspaceControl.ContainsFocus)
                        _dismissRunning = true;

                case PI.WM_MOUSEMOVE:
                    // Convert the mouse position into a screen location
                    Point screenPt = CommonHelper.ClientMouseMessageToScreenPt(msg);

                    // Is the mouse over ourself or over the associated auto hiiden group
                    if (RectangleToScreen(ClientRectangle).Contains(screenPt) ||
                        // We do not dismiss while the mouse is over ourself
                        if (_dismissRunning)
                            _dismissRunning = false;
                        // When mouse not over a relevant area we need to start the dismiss process
                        // unless the slide out dockspace has the focus, in which case we do nothing.
                        if (!_dismissRunning && !DockspaceControl.ContainsFocus)
                            _dismissRunning = true;

                    // If first message for this window then need to track to get the mouse leave
                    if (_mouseTrackWindow != msg.HWnd)
                        _mouseTrackWindow = msg.HWnd;

                        // This structure needs to know its own size in bytes
                        PI.TRACKMOUSEEVENTS tme = new PI.TRACKMOUSEEVENTS();
                        tme.cbSize      = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PI.TRACKMOUSEEVENTS));
                        tme.dwHoverTime = 100;
                        tme.dwFlags     = (int)(PI.TME_LEAVE);
                        tme.hWnd        = Handle;

                        // Call Win32 API to start tracking
                        PI.TrackMouseEvent(ref tme);
