public void TranslateRefConnections(Vector _offset)
     foreach (Polyline ncpl_in in this.node_references_out)
         // rebuild the polyline
         Point startP_old = ncpl_in.Points[0];
         Point startP_new = new Point(startP_old.X + _offset.X, startP_old.Y + _offset.Y);
         Point endP_new   = ncpl_in.Points[ncpl_in.Points.Count - 1];
         ncpl_in.Points = NodeVisualization.Create2StepPointCollection(startP_new, endP_new, this.Height, this.Height, new Vector(1, -1));
     foreach (Polyline ncpl_in in this.node_references_in)
         // rebuild the polyline
         Point startP_new = ncpl_in.Points[0];
         Point endP_old   = ncpl_in.Points[ncpl_in.Points.Count - 1];
         Point endP_new   = new Point(endP_old.X + _offset.X, endP_old.Y + _offset.Y);
         ncpl_in.Points = NodeVisualization.Create2StepPointCollection(startP_new, endP_new, this.Height, this.Height, new Vector(1, -1));
     // CONENCTIONS Calculation -> Parameter
     foreach (Polyline pl in this.node_param_calc_in)
         // rebuild the polyline
         SolidColorBrush scb       = pl.Stroke as SolidColorBrush;
         int             arrow_dir = 0;
         if (scb != null)
             arrow_dir = (scb.Color == NodeVisualization.NODE_COLOR_CALC_IN) ? 1 : -1;
         pl.Points = NodeVisualization.Adapt2StepPointCollectionWArrow(pl.Points, _offset, false, arrow_dir);
     foreach (Polyline pl in this.node_param_calc_out)
         // rebuild the polyline
         SolidColorBrush scb       = pl.Stroke as SolidColorBrush;
         int             arrow_dir = 0;
         if (scb != null)
             arrow_dir = (scb.Color == NodeVisualization.NODE_COLOR_CALC_IN) ? 1 : -1;
         pl.Points = NodeVisualization.Adapt2StepPointCollectionWArrow(pl.Points, _offset, true, arrow_dir);
     // recursion
     foreach (NodeVisualization nvis in this.node_children)
        protected Polyline Create2StepReferencePolyline(Point _startP, Point _endP, double _node_start_H, double _node_end_H, bool _direct = true)
            if (this.parent_canvas == null)

            Polyline pline = new Polyline();

            pline.Stroke          = (_direct) ? new SolidColorBrush(NodeVisualization.NODE_COLOR_YES) : new SolidColorBrush(NodeVisualization.NODE_COLOR_MAYBE);
            pline.StrokeThickness = 2;
            pline.FillRule        = FillRule.EvenOdd;

            PointCollection pointCollection = NodeVisualization.Create2StepPointCollection(_startP, _endP, _node_start_H, _node_end_H, new Vector(1, -1));

            pline.Points = pointCollection;
