Example #1
        public AutoAttackMenu(Menu rootMenu)
            var menu = new Menu("Auto attack", "autoAttack");

            var enabled = new MenuItem("autoAttackEnabled", "Enabled").SetValue(true);

            enabled.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => IsEnabled = args.GetNewValue <bool>();
            IsEnabled             = enabled.IsActive();

            var damageFromRight = new MenuItem("autoAttackRightDamage", "My damage on the right").SetValue(false);

            damageFromRight.SetTooltip("Damage will be shown on the right side of hp bar otherwise on the left");
            damageFromRight.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => ShowDamageFromRight = args.GetNewValue <bool>();
            ShowDamageFromRight           = damageFromRight.IsActive();

            var fillHpBar = new MenuItem("autoAttackMaximizeHpBar", "Fill hp bar").SetValue(false);

            fillHpBar.SetTooltip("When unit can be killed hp bar will be fully filled");
            fillHpBar.ValueChanged += (sender, args) => FillHpBar = args.GetNewValue <bool>();
            FillHpBar = fillHpBar.IsActive();

            AutoAttackColors    = new AutoAttackColors(menu);
            AutoAttackHealthBar = new AutoAttackHealthBar(menu);

Example #2
        public AutoAttackMenu(MenuFactory factory)
            var subFactory = factory.Menu("Auto attack");

            IsEnabled           = subFactory.Item("Enabled", true);
            ShowDamageFromRight = subFactory.Item("My damage on the right", false);
            ShowDamageFromRight.Item.SetTooltip("Damage will be shown on the right side of hp bar otherwise on the left");
            FillHpBar = subFactory.Item("Fill hp bar", false);
            FillHpBar.Item.SetTooltip("When unit can be killed hp bar will be fully filled");

            SplitHpBar = subFactory.Item("Split hp bar", false);
            SplitHpBar.Item.SetTooltip("Split hp bar by my damage");

            AutoAttackColors    = new AutoAttackColors(subFactory);
            AutoAttackHealthBar = new AutoAttackHealthBar(subFactory);